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  1. Haven't played Regeneration since live. One of my first characters was a Kat/Regen Scrapper. We all know that the melee Regen is meh. Sentinel Regen seemed like it was better, so I decided to take a run with it. My Rad/Regen Sent just hit 37 and it has actually been pretty fun. I'll admit my other Sent secondaries are stronger, but this was a concept character. Just looking for some Regen feedback. This build is without incarnates. I was trying to get my Sm/Le Resist over 50% (which I just did) and also get my positional defenses over 25% (also a super close cut). I couldn't figure out how to export a link to the build or get my incarnate choices in (my Mids magic is very limited) but this seems solid. Currently, I'm only using basic IOs as I level and it has been fun so far. But I am trying to fashion a good build. I appreciate any feedback. Thanks! Ren
  2. I agree with Gershwin. Thermal is a jack of all trades, but master of none set. Having played all of the defender sets to 50 between HC and live, Thermal/ is on my lower end of sets. It isn't bad, but it is very spread out in what it does....between shielding, healing, buffing, and debuffing. I went Thermal/Fire for my Defender for theme. IMO the Thermal/ debuffs are lacking. But this comes from my love of playing Cold/ and Storm/ both of which have a rain -res/-def debuff that is pretty much auto-hit. I hate that Thermal's T9 can miss, because for all intents and purposes it is the same debuff as Freezing Rain/Sleet (which I believe are like T5/6 in Storm and Cold). The rain debuffs from both Storm and Cold just are so much better than Thermal's T9, that it's hard for me to play my Thermal anymore. I think that is my biggest gripe with Thermal...the T9 really needs to be adjusted to come in line with Freezing Rain/Sleet. Thermal is fun, don't get me wrong. But it is one of the busier defender sets, kind of like Empathy. YMMV, I say play it and see if it fits your style. None of the Defender primaries are terrible, Defs are my main for a reason.
  3. Thanks for the feedback Uun!
  4. So, I finally got my first Dom to 50! Now, Earthen Assassin is looking to slot the ATOs. I was looking at 6-slotting both sets, as the +recharge and +defense components look pretty good. My first instinct was to put a set in Stalagmites and the second set in Volcanic Gasses (not sure which should go where, or if it really matters). Are there better places to put the Dom ATOs? Fossilize and Stone Cages were other potentials, but I put 4 Basilisks Gaze in Fossilize and a full set of Gravitational Anchor in SC. (I also rarely if ever use purples, so those are not in my current draft build). Thanks for any insight!
  5. Wow! I think I started around i4 or i5 so I never had to deal with the bad Dark Miasma. Or I did, but was too new to MMORPGs to realize how bad it was (I think my first few mains were Scrappers). But I couldn't imagine that being an actual functional heal. That sounds miserable lol.
  6. I really do like this idea. This would solve the issue completely - straight knock-up or knock-down would vastly improve the gameplay experience. Running at +4 and trying to corral mobs that have been hand clapped all over the place is just frustrating.
  7. tl;dr but this quote below sums it up. I only read until the second response because this is what I would have said. Dark is one of my favorite sets to play and I love TG how it is. Also, because tl;dr (and it might have been said above) but TG heals as long as you get the heal off before the target dies, unlike Kin's Transfusion. Which makes it doubly more valuable. If they change that, I'd be mad. TG is unarguably the best targeted heal in the game so I do not want HC devs touching it thank you very much.
  8. The ITF is my favorite TF to run. Ever. I do it multiple times on all characters. What I hate is Imperious' Hand Clap KB in the last mission. No matter if I'm running as a Tank or a Def, that KB sucks. Can the Devs please buy him a KB --> KD IO. I'll front the influence. But all joking aside, this is a QoL enhancement that would help everyone. You'd no longer have to run him off to die in a group on the other side of the map. It sucks to see your amazing herd go....well...everywhere. If that is too difficult - alternatively let him just not be there. I've never been on a team that missed him when he was dead. I'm not trying to change a whole TF or screw with people's power sets, but the vast majority of ITFs i'm on do not want that KB.
  9. I've played a lot of Scraps/Tanks on live and a handful here. I think the main question is: wouldn't you get a metric ton more utility out of the +def/+res or the +end/+recovery Destiny incarnate? I couldn't imagine skipping the mez resist power on any melee character (or Sentinel) solely because it is likely better than the incarnate ability in the long run. And most of the status protection powers offer something on top of status protection, for example: Electric: offers end. drain protection, end. recovery debuff protection, and some Psi. resistance; Bio: seems to offer some defense (haven't played, so this is from description only) Energy: offers recharge bonus and defense debuff resistance; Ice: offers resistance to slow and defense debuff; Regen: offers more regen; Ninjutsu: offers fear and Psi resistance plus some extra speed I can't think of a reason that skipping the mez protection in any set would be beneficial. Thats the boon of being a melee character or Sent -- you don't have to take Clarion and can do much more with one of the other Destiny sets. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Having most Defender primaries to Lv.50+ I have to say both Thermal and Pain feel lackluster. Now I will say that both my Thermal/Fire and Pain/Psi are both in their mid-40s, and not kitted out. But by that point you can feel that they slightly lack, compared to other sets -- but that is not to say that they aren't fun, and also not to say that they can't keep a team upright...both sets definitely can. I usually play characters for concept and not for "strongest ever UBER" and my Thermal and Pain have both been very fun. I just know what my limits are with them. Thermal does feel busier since you have the two shields and Forge to keep re-applying, plus the heals as needed, so I feel like I blast less with him. Whereas my Pain pops the PBAoE +Res shield when it is up and then blasts and heals as needed. I do have to say Painbringer is one of my favorite buffs. Especially when on me. Pop that on anyone and they're likely not going down. Thermal is probably better on the debuff side as you don't have to jump in the middle of the mob to debuff your enemies. If you go Pain Dom I would suggest a secondary with a PBAoE nuke so you can pop your debuff and then your nuke right after one another (which is why I chose Psi blast). With Thermal, you can pretty much choose any secondary that fits your concept. Although I will say, if I re-rolled mine, I wouldn't go /Fire because of the PBAoE nuke, since both my debuffs can be fired from range. But as a Defender you're going to rock either way. Defenders have been my primary AT since I came back to Homecoming (I loved Controllers on live but at high levels they just don't bring what a Def does these days). And you have 1000 slots, play both (hell, play ALL the Defender primaries 🙂) - I can say you'll likely enjoy them.
  11. Just hit 38 on my Elec/TA Blaster. It's been a fun ride so far (but I do miss me some heavy hitting melee powers). I'm no Blaster pro, and only have 2 or 3 at 50. When it comes to taking and slotting some of the TA powers, I'm drawing some blanks...it's different enough from my Trick Arrow defender that I figured I'd come here and get some expert advice. This character is currently working with lv.30+ basic IOs, no sets yet. 1. Glue Arrow - is this worth slotting for damage? Currently I just have the base slot with a recharge enhancement. It seems to do more damage than its description implies, so I was wondering if slotting Dam was worth it. Or do you all proc this one? 2. Ice Arrow - I skip this on all my TA Defenders. Is it worth it if you aren't proc-bombing it? I don't like Tesla Cage so I didn't take that hold or this one, so no stacking holds. 3. Flash Arrow - I just have this with the base slot, and slotted with to-hit debuff. Would you do it differently? 4. ESD Arrow - I get this is Trick Arrow's EMP Arrow rip off. I skipped because it just looks like a relatively crappy mag 2 stun. Am I missing something here? Or is this a totally skippable T8 power? 5. Oil Slick Arrow - Currently slotted for basic damage, recharge, and end. redux. Are any procs or specific sets worth it? Thanks for any help! Tactical Arrow is definitely a different breed of Blaster to me. I'm used to having a melee attack or two, so playing totally at range is a very new, albeit fun, experience.
  12. Thank you all for your feedback! I went with Dark over the others and took both Fearsome Stare and the Armor, both of which I made a nice blue color which looks like snow/frost. I did not take the T5 power in Dark cause the +HP and +End on a long timer just seemed useless. My reason for not going with the Ice mastery was that the shield gives Sm/Le defenses and I am focusing on M/R/AoE -- maybe that is not normal, but that is what I'm shooting for. Currently around 24% for all three. I guess they Ancillary powers help? Honestly, I feel like a huge nuclear bomb, and everything seems to die quickly (I'm used to Defender damage). This character has been a total blast. I love the fact that my all my damage powers can Crit. When Golden Dragonfly crits, and because it keeps the cone like a Scrapper, it feels super powerful. Count me in for some more Blasters! 🙂
  13. Hi y'all, Blasters are not my thing, going to admit that right off the bat. All of my mains are Defenders, with major dabbling in Tanks and Sents. However, I watched a movie over the weekend and had an idea for an Ice/Ninja Blaster (It wasn't Mortal Kombat, and I didn't have a Sub-Zero idea in my head :P). I just hit 41 and so far, he's a blast (no pun intended). However, since this is only the second Blaster I've ever gotten this high, I was having some trouble with the Ancillary power pools. I have to be honest; they all seem...lackluster. I generally like getting to the upper levels and looking at these pool powers (the Defender ones offer some decent options), but all of the Blaster ones seem to be bad. Is there a consensus on this? My original thought was to go with the Ice one since that is my theme, but, IMO, most of those powers were crap (lmk if I'm wrong please). Power and Dark seemed viable alternatives, so I went Dark. Fearsome Stare is one of my favorite powers in the game, so that is really the only reason I went that way (plus a good chunk of -to hit is as good as some defense). Are the resistance shields even worth it on a Blaster? I plan on building some solid defenses, but even the exotic resist shield in Dark seemed to have mediocre numbers. Do people generally skip the Ancillary pools for Blasters? I guess I just wanted to express my...apathy towards these ancillary powers. I thought I'd *definitely* lean into one, but not at all. Thanks in advance for your input! Ren
  14. I finally finished IO'ing out my Dark/Spines Tank, and I ended up with 11 points of KB protection (Steadfast +4, BotZ +4, Glad. Armor +3). It seems the bump from 8 to 11 really helped, as I have noticed a significant decrease in getting knocked around. Now this is just my perception while playing, and others' mileage may vary, but I'm currently happy with how he is performing. Granted I also have relatively high defenses, so that is also going to be a mitigating factor in avoiding the KB altogether.
  15. Just wanted to share my planned build. Currently have everything minus the Avalanche set in Quills. This is one of the most fun Tanks I've ever played. With incarnates my numbers are: Defenses (Soft cap = 45%) 49.7 Melee 46.3 AoE 34.7 Ranged Resists (Cap at 90%) 110.1% Psi 101.5% Sm/Le 99.5% Neg 91.2% Fire/Cold 68% Energy 62% Tox This is an expensive, but worth it build. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I hope this Mids code works: MxDjahgAAB+LCAAAAAAAAAq9WW1v2zYQ/iuDPwfC6qTdmm+2ZSfp4i6L3RboUAi0dLaIUKRBUU7dYv99R4nyG0m9AMO+OeJzJO/tuTvm54APbgcfxfdfpgokJ2xwNYjxy4SRPI+WhL+AxE8CP83Jhsb4mw1ub95fDbaD279/Dta4UKGiENbAcwhCIl+ikcyErH5Os5UkMaDkqhRBwcFEkrWCJBrBhubRqN71nyvX8rh5edK8HDYvTw/L3zTgRJ85MIBgsaUc8uCx4Bu3CktRxGkk1qg/UWmty7V13AXO3LoVFx5wl/dz2HteyJd9NGGiSCqxN64bf+IrCeSFrBhEdwWRSTTz2ciGen1lQ71+s6FHL7RCve62oUfXH2z3JAQLHoGgVzfBRGQroqIPRab/NIZ2WewPmmeg6lsOraMfi/hFu0yleDTJ8AbyxKYdHPfnKqcJJTxapBSYcd5b11UWCkiyJrmKnqRQECsqeG0T+2JO9NiH/r+8HfYOjG7hX2XMIpWH+P/NacKYShHHArkB5I7mh6S1L2RDvWraUG9Q21BvUNvQsBthLUnBVQV97zLCE8g1xkP0FSMfZb0WuMD1iury5zNsgIMkOvQMKTlZaZnCWukkmuY58Bjqo+wwtZDevLSQ3tC3kOEB6eaOR8E3JXMYnZy8MWaQ54iuueErbNO99Hvbgx91c/kz3W7Laq3vc0YeiwIXqMCdlCq4Dqv6w5xuUlUfZza1YqGfuJUh/cQt4/QTt7iln7iVs/3Ee6UH1mlSlg39DR2YG9e5SassDNEXwlgDXZ2AvDX9FOSnqBPQ0aFWKiQg85RuA6OdUcBJOM9AsPzsMLMqbEPbZ0O9rGtDvcXFhnq1t6Gzbik4Liha7ZMhhaGT6O5IgUlOeB4t9jzGYsXpD/w8oxImgispGhzcQdZrqg6yXmLqIOs1ZgdZr886yHb1DJGraPFKtyZIh9f/YTMf9m76zzNppqlEV5Wx+H7oRIfO/m8UxwWOU/tuWv+F8cgMrwzPeMXitdGOMII2hg78f8S28+UR287sR2x7ETliu3ZEGD6vUfVHXdy7FUmMQq4YaPPPKPbSPQrkpWiP4ngp2qMwXor2KIqXolYZ6S7qGK3Pox2zY5OalHBTJSM4FSkh86pkNpDMJdJb/iykn2wvkWGbQl+A7Ay/XN+4FGoeFDtMld7LusBeWnWBp+1VfqmrYmyS59rZpkx5gvRUNtA0j8VhBjnddrqlcfCU4zxA42iOwynIfdlAjWWhIJgDDtsSed5I/upshwjbidoawxurfSmX627fs1xPzTedr3ZPMA7KJcrNhHnjrCN6ahIyKw2BrRR+c/aGLcfVK0uBL3OJMPLvGklrJsUPwBkf3++6ENUZvJ3Mz+DtXHYGb+evM3jYHo+fAWdSbWMD/b1/yh32fuApSOAqOPyo6Wzgh4wleWUN64utpJgBfsAz5CZB3ligGVV6KAiwaVlrkKOlLniDIrX8fSET5n67PM6vzTsAYSp17jCn2Izga83M1wF9LDLKCb7SCo4FG85G+8ZDF4poSbfiEIsd5koXN4ai0M9Jp6P6ERwTzCzMtBHbpiQYbSijah89a95n0RORZFM/WlRhey51v19JmgRllxHdARcZRO/88A9FsoFM3+mzoLo3VHjIREh9ObPiF37gSA5rfEfHmDHDSbWBuay2L6bF4ZHFtccjnoWNMMdnJM1RhGNO4Hsg6qmqLfAqD9lWom2xv2LsaF9rqxADl/I9mgyVx/8UnO/BdyI+efApHfQvPV6lWWoYAAA=
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