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Everything posted by Lazarillo

  1. It reminds me a little of Stone with the whole "modal" thing. In practice it's probably less clunky, if maybe not quite as strong, either.
  2. In my experience, the healed amount is ~20% of the damage dealt.
  3. I checked in Praetoria and Rita Mayfair, an NPC who stands outside the tailor, shop, can do it. I assume the named tailors in Paragon (Serge, etc.), can as well. Good to know, thanks.
  4. 1. So I was able to get hold of the old Vidiotmaps map pack again, and that's lovely, but there was another "mod" that I had for the game back in the day that turned the Praetoria menu background purple instead of gold, making the enhancement screen, notably, much easier to read. It's less important, but would be nice. Does anyone know if that little utility is still floating around anywhere? 2. On another note, I remember there was one of the RMT-store origin packs that allowed body types to be changed at the tailor. I notice the option is still in the game, but grayed out and unselectable. My guess would be the Pay-2-Win vendor, but I don't recall seeing it there, either. Is there a way to unlock this? My little lady Dominator that turns into a giant hulking rock monster when Domination is active would be most grateful.
  5. This is a combo I was looking at. I guess you're a step ahead! I was thinking this would be a cool set especially if I could use the event Enhancers to minimize knockback (versus knockdown), but apparently, I can only have one of those (and I don't think there's anything else that has a similar effect, correct me if I'm wrong). I'm thinking I might use that on Explosive Blast to minimize scatter (since stuff scattered by Nova isn't long for this world anyway, and Energy Torrent usually tends to go pretty "straight").
  6. I saw "you" in-game earlier...were you able to get the name back? Hope whoever stuck on it was classy to ya.
  7. I guess the first one that comes to mind was the reassigning of animations for the Claws/ set. Overall, they actually made the set better, but less fun for me to play (especially since they didn't do anything to speed up Follow Up, which still looked way too slow and clunky for a move called "Follow Up"). I switched to Dual Blades (and then to Night Widows) after that.
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