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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. There is a fundamental disparity in the answer to the question of "why do we play this game."  I will not explicitly state that any reason for playing a game is purely wrong, but I will say that in the context of a social game, billed as a roleplaying game, which encourages cooperative gameplay by design and community inclusivity to a degree, there will always be a profoundly sharp kick back against elements which run contrary to that.  
    City of Heroes is not a loot grind game compared to most every other MMO in existence.  Homecoming is not a loot grind server.
    Yes, we could certainly use more content, and we could use incentives to pull people away from AE.  Unlockable costume pieces is not it, though.  Not on Homecoming anyway.
    There are compromises, though.  There are other content incentives that are not costume pieces.  There are Badges with displayable titles.  There are Temp Powers and Accolades.  There was the proposal for Gold Titles for weekly (or other time interval) Leaderboard Challenges.
    If you want to stay on Homecoming, please; let's find a compromise that doesn't alienate the majority of players.

    • Like 2
  2. And spoiler warning:  Some fliers may have been passed out to trick-or-treaters yesterday advertising the existence of Homecoming.
    Not saying it /did/ happen, I can't honestly confirm that.  Just that it may have probably perhaps potentially happened . . . 


    But, actually, yes.  You CAN have nude characters.  Mods exist, at least for a certain subset of character models.  I'd personally like to see some gender equity in that department, but that's not the sort of content I imagine the Homecoming Devs plan to get anywhere near.


    Interesting segue, by the way.  Start with the Giant Monster XP thing, and then just BAM!  Nudity.  That takes balls, as they say.

  3. I still think it's crucial to make certain that any attempted Inf sinks don't end up becoming -reasons- for Inf grind/farming.  Putting anything "shiny" on offer with an excessive cost will merely give an incentive for someone to go out and grind for all that Inf, rather than removing the Inf which is already in circulation.

  4. Thunderous Blast?
    According to ParagonWiki, it should not deal Knockback.

    According to Pineapple, the Power Info says it does not deal Knockback.
    Testing it on Pineapple against level 1 enemies while level 32, I observed no Knockback.


    Do you have a spare Build available on your character which you can experiment on with no Enhancements to potentially clutter up the test results?

  5. Titles.

    Sorry.  I'm back.  I'm back and haven't read the massive explosion of posts in this thread which occurred while I away, and I'm about to leave again anyway, so I can't do anything really solid for contribution (and it feels a bit odd to me to reply to pointed comments from about 100 posts ago . . . but I will if that's what the conversation wants from me).

    But something dawned on me as a potential alternative to offer.


    Cut straight to the point.  Instead of making exclusionary content in the forms of anything creative, like costume pieces or missions or Archetypes or Temp Powers, let's offer those players who want to show off their accomplishments with titles.
    Now, I hear you:  "We already have titles.  You know, the ones attached to Badges?"  But we ALSO have the Gold Titles.  The temporary ones awarded by GMs, CRs, and Devs.
    They're awarded for things like costume contests or PvP tournaments . . . 

    What if we get ourselves a new Community Representative who's job it is to come up with weekly Leaderboard Challenges.

    The winners of the Leaderboard Challenge get a Gold Title.

    Best part:  Those players who find the whole concept distasteful . . . let's add a new GUI feature:  Hide Gold Titles.


    How does this proposal sound for all parties involved?

    • Like 1
  6. You're welcome!

     . . . well, not that I can take any credit for it, of course . . . but . . . uh, just trying to be polite?

    But, hey!  Bravo on making what may well be the very first actual Feedback Thread in the Suggestions /& Feedback/ board!


    (sorry for the irreverence.  But, yeah:  Thanks to the Devs and community for the wonderful Hallowe'en!  Appreciated!)

  7. "Pride" and "something to show for it."

    There's a LOT that could be unpacked from there.
    This server could be shut down tomorrow.  We already saw the old server got shut down with scarcely any warning.  What is there to "show" when that happens?  Who do you show it to?  What sense of pride can you feel in something that can be arbitrarily switched on or off?  Do you feel that your peers will respect you if you unlock these things?  

    Have you asked these questions of yourself?


     . . . look . . . I'll level with you, but I have to get going, so I'll give you the short version:

    You're exhibiting signs of being exactly the kind of person who I used to victimize when I used to work in the game's industry.

    Yeah.  I'm one of those.  I'm one of the bad guys.


    I was one of those disgusting assholes who intentionally exploited people just like you to make a despicable corporation more money than it could ever use.

    And I hate myself for having been there and done that.  


    So, yeah.  I am biased here.  I have a personal history that I'm bringing to the table.  I was (allegorically) the school yard drug pusher getting kids hooked on smack who had a turn of heart.


    The questions I am tossing to you are meant to do one thing:  Get you to critically analyse your own reasons for your proposal.  To REALLY get down and answer "Why" to yourself.  Why does it matter to you.  What possible good do you think it will actually do in your life?


    'cause from where I am sitting, with the experiences I've had and the hands I've played . . . I can tell you this:  The path you're on is exactly the one which monsters lurk upon, ready to feed.

    • Like 4
  8. So, this might come as a bit of a shock, but:  There is no "earn," by the way.  

    This is a game, constructed digitally as a means to represent entirely imaginary concepts through a lens of familiarity.  Whatever "achievements" anyone gets here are tantamount to exactly the same amount of value whether they are acknowledged by People A, B, & C, People D, E, & F, any combination thereof, or even no one at all.

    We're right back to those questions I asked you at the start of this thread:  What's the /meaning/ that you're looking for here?  What meaning possibly exists in trying to define something imaginary as "earnt" by any metric?

    And, as before, I am not asking this rhetorically.  There are answers out there, but for this discussion to be earnest, we need your honest answers.  Clearly, concisely, and approachable.   Otherwise all we can possibly see in this proposal is "take away people's access to content by gating it behind arbitrary conditions."

    • Like 3
  9. So, then, if it's "The Developers," what's the difference now?  The Devs here are just people, after all.  Why should the limits /they/ set have any more meaning than the limits that random strangers or close friends set instead?


    And, again, for clarity:  This is absolutely a serious question.  I am not mocking or deriding.  I want to know the real answers that these players might have.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Actually, let's do a loop-de-loop.
    Week 1:  Banners, normal day-night cycle ('cause apparently that upset people more than I thought possible), only at night, in two Hero zones, one Villain zone, and one Praetorian zone simultaneously.

    Week 2:  Trick or Treating, perma-night.  All normal zones.

    Week 3:  Zombies!, normal day-night cycle, every hour in two Hero zones, one Villain zone, and one Praetorian zone simultaneously.

    Week 4:  EVERYTHING, perma-night.  Just like we had for this past month.

    Haunted House available in LFG the entire 4 weeks.


    How does that sound?

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  11. Running Tequila will automatically download all relevant patches through the manifest.  Just run Tequila, and it does the rest on its own.



    (Future-proofing this post:  The Devs are hoping to replace Tequila some day.  No idea what the new launcher will be named when it finally comes out, but it /should/ work the same:  Automatically.)

  12. Well, if you really want to go /there/ . . . you likely want the burger due to the enzymes and proteins which trigger a biochemical response which results in a mental cascade of pleasure.  Not to mention that real burgers (not that fast-food crap) likely provide far more of your daily dietary needs than a bowl of cereal does.

    In other words:  That's not a very good allegory to use in this current discussion.

  13. May we unpack the subject header for this thread?
    "Can we have more things that mean something?"


    The attribution of meaning, but what /sort/ of meaning is it?  What is it about this game which gives someone a sense of accomplishment, and what meaning do they derive from it? 

    It's a social game, so naturally that complicates things (and, in all honesty, you can argue every game that you don't make yourself is a social game, since you're playing with/against the developer(s)) . . . but what attachment comes from having achieved something which is literally an artificial construct within an entirely artificial setting?

    I'm not asking these questions in a rhetorical attempt to invalidate anyone's experiences, mind you.  I am asking them genuinely, since I believe they are crucial to tackling this.  They're the exact same questions which the psychologists were paid to answer when large-scale video game publishers began to implement the various monetary "skinner boxes" which plague the game industry right now.  

    This is the sort of thing which plays a significant impact in to the future of Homecoming:  How we, as a community, decide to answer these questions.

    • Like 1
  14. There have been costume contests where there aren't "tangible" rewards.  They may have lower attendance, but they do still offer the satisfaction of winning.

    If anything, from an anthropological standpoint, the costume contests were a product OF the copious amounts of Inf people had to throw away.  It then developed in to a social trend, and now the socially expected norm for these contests are Inf rewards.  However, there are also temporary titles when they're run by GMs, or Merits or Enhancements.  But none of that is necessary, and we see proof of that any time a contest without prizes is run.


    The Powers upon level-up is a hold over from when the game was designed, but we see now that there are other avenues to gain Powers.  Some of which are entirely free.  Sands of Mu, Ghost Slaying Axe, etc.  Day Job Powers are a borderline example as well, which "challenge" players to log off in specific locations.

    The question of "Why" is a fantastic one, and I encourage everyone to ask it.  But it feels a little disingenuous to me to try to use "why" as turnabout to a legitimate question.  Still worth answering, of course, but disingenuous all the same.



    Variety is definitely a great thing.  Gating content is not variety, though.  Offering options to access content is variety.  

    I believe these three statements are the crux of the discussion here.  If its possible to offer content through multiple means of access, instead of simply gating it behind what someone deems as "challenge" or "grind," then I doubt there would be much in the way of objection or concern.

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