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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Pocket D is definitely still in the game.  You can still access it through the various secret entrances scattered throughout the three factional zone clusters. 


    Base Teleport Beacons can also be built for Pocket D.


    The Pocket D Teleport is awarded for free to anyone who spends an hour hanging out in Pocket D.  Given the queue, I think they may want to relax that requirement, but there you have it.

  2. Don't forget to log in to the Global Channels "RP" and "OOC"

    /chanjoin RP

    /chanjoin OOC


    The RP channel is for in-character conversations, representing a conference call or magic telepathy; however you feel your character may communicate long distances with others.

    The OOC channel is the out-of-character component to the RP channel.  Also good for looking to arrange Roleplay-centric Super Groups and Teams.

  3. Jim Sterling talks at length on this subject.  I recommend his Youtube series.

    The short of it, though is thus:  When investors get involved in a publicly traded corporation, "profit" is not the word of the day.  "Growth" is. 

    In other words:  They don't want the game to net a profit.  They want the game to earn more each fiscal interval than it did previously.  They'll tout all manner of "reasons" for why this "has to be the case."  Except, in practice, all it does is make the rich richer, and . . . well, you know the rest, I'm sure.


  4. My fondest memory is - . . . uh, I don't know if I'm allowed to actually share it.  Since this isn't a paid service with certain rules to adhere to other than "don't be a terrible human being," I kind of wonder where stories involving certain degrees of sexual content land in relation to The Line.

    I suppose, suffice to say, the game gave me confidence enough to pursue real world experiences that have been incredibly emotionally rewarding.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. Thank you.  A very big and heavy thanks to all those involved in everything positive that is surrounding this and coming from this.


    I tried to stay away when I first heard the news.  A little bit afraid of NCSoft, I'll admit, but mostly afraid of . . . well . . .


    There's a term in modern gaming parlance known as a "whale."  It refers to someone who sinks a tonne of money in to a game, compensating for the general lack of income flowing from some other players.  Generally, it's kind of not a label to aspire to have thrust upon you.  City of Heroes (and especially City of Villains) was a game that made a "whale" out of me.  At my peak, I had 8 active accounts and almost all of the add-ons purchased for each of them.  I even preordered two copies of City of Villains.  This game had a SERIOUS effect on me.

    And that's why I tried to stay away.  I was afraid that if I started to play this that I'd become sucked right back in and lost in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles all over again.


    But you know what?  I don't care about that.  I took my first taste, and I couldn't stay away.  This is just too great!


    So, not to sound too much like a relapsed addict with their first fix after ten years, but it feels SOOOO good to be back.  I hope I never have to be afraid of losing it again.


    Thank you.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I don't know why, exactly, but Galaxy City was nuked by Shivans in the lore, and converted in to the new Tutorial Zone in gameplay terms.  Probably to showcase features that hadn't existed back when the games first came out.  Personally, I never really felt the branching dialogue trees were being used effectively anyway, so the new tutorial was extra "meh" to me.

  7. Thanks for reminding me about Martial Arts, Erydanus!

    I remember the changes to that, and I never quite "got" why they wanted to boost its damage output in such a way.  The Stun was kind of its signature.  I always felt that the solution was instead to offer a bonus portion of damage to the Martial Artist Attack Powers when used on a target who was Stunned, kind of like Containment for Controllers (which is another thing I wasn't too plussed over).

    I'd like to see Cobra Strike returned to a 100% chance Stun with low damage, but have a couple (or all) of the other Martial Arts Attack Powers gain that bonus damage.  Kind of fits the theme of a Martial Artist more anyway, doesn't it?  Exploiting weakness in an opponent during hand-to-hand combat?

  8. So, some Global Channels have already started to form.  Should we create a nice localized list of them here in the forum, and sticky it?


    The channels which I'll note:



    -for out of character messages, related to the following RP channel



    -for in-character roleplay



    -the global channel for LGBT+ Queer and Allies

  9. It's kind of a never ending battle between load and demand.  They've apparently upgraded and added servers routinely, and that costs money, but everything still isn't enough for all the players who want to get in on things.


    Really puts the "passion" in "Passion Project."


    Short of donating money to help them add more servers, I don't know if there's anything that can be done other than waiting and hoping.

  10. Are there plans to restoring Leveling Pacts?  I always found it to be one of the best features ever implements, and I was so sad when they dropped it from Live.  I'm married now, and my spouse has expressed interest in playing the game with me from time to time.  I would really like to see Leveling Pact make a return!

    Thank you.

  11. I've been seeing all these threads for people reconnecting on one server or another, and I thought:  What about folkers like me?


    I started on Victory and stayed there for a good long while.  Made some great allies in the LGBT community there, received a lot of Influence from Costume Contests, and felt really welcomed there.

    Still, I ran out of character slots (goodness, remember the 8 character limit?  I do NOT miss that), so I went to Guardian next.  Got a Tanker to a pretty high level pretty fast there, since Ice/Ice was apparently in pretty high demand back then.  This was also around when Striga was released.

    And then City of Villains came out, and I was on the Beta Server for the whole time.  Neglected the hell out of Live.  Met some people who convinced me to move to . . .

    Pinnacle.  I spent the majority of my time there; specifically Red-Side.  So much great roleplay!  Some of the best experiences of my life up to that point, in fact.  Tried to make a few heroes there when I realized that I was spending so much time on the server, but none of them got above Level 12 or so.

    I also dabbled on Virtue from time to time.  People kept saying it was "The RP Server," but I never found it as compelling or as enjoyable as Pinnacle Red-Side.  Not that Virtue was /bad/; just didn't compare.

    I also had a few characters on Infinity, Protector, and one other whose name eludes me right now.


    I avoided the hell out of Freedom . . .

  12. Super Groups should be working fully already, davpa.  Although I haven't test Coalitions yet.


    Renaming Dominator and Controller pets shouldn't be too difficult, Nightmarer; you can rename your Veteran Reward Pet after all.  Hell, they may have already input pet renaming features and I just don't have a character high enough to test it yet.




    What I want to see is Open Archtypes; combine any Primary and any Secondary with an Inherent of your choice, even two of the same.  I would _SO_ play as a Kinetics / Dark Miasma with Vigilance!  Sure, I wouldn't be able to defeat anything on my own so well, but the potential for Teaming would be beautiful!


    Just more Control Powersets in general would be nice, too.  We already have all the powers necessary to whip together a Grenade Launcher Control Set and make SWAT Cop-type Controllers.  Web Grenade, Sleep Gas, Smoke, etc.

    But then, I could be here all week writing up custom power sets . . .

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