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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. Oh, yeah!  Excellent point, Rathulfr.  Being able to select colours in the same way that we do for Global Channels could both save space in the costume creator UI, and provide players with that depth of colour to really offer a lot of personalization!

    • Like 2
  2. I haven't read this whole thread in detail, but . . . has https://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/sciencecommunication/2012/10/07/the-flesh-eating-pineapple/ been mentioned yet?   The author of this particular article has clearly been negatively impacted by ingestion of pineapple, as they advocate eating it by the end of the article.  MADNESS!
    I work in a kitchen.  The only time I feel my life is truly at risk, despite the blades and flames, is when I'm asked to prepare pineapple.


    Pineapple:  Not Even Once.

    • Haha 1
  3. I'd rather not get Beam Rifle in to the mix of Mercenaries.  They should be reserved for their own Mastermind Primary Set.  Something like Alien Invaders . . . although that's probably too niche.  Regardless, I think it merits its own thread so it doesn't pollute the discussion of how to help save Mercs.


    Another idea which just dawned on me is the possibility of Soldiers getting a gimmick in the form of the Medic getting a Henchman-specific Revive.  That way, even with the Soldiers' squishiness, the Medic can compensate, and save the Mastermind the pain and effort of resummoning and re-equpiting the Mercs.

  4. Thanks for the clarity and the update, GM Widower.  I hope it helps a few people find a healthier medium.

    Related to this latest update/revelation . . . is there a GM or CR on your Team that has the express role of maintaining a development roadmap (goodness, I hate that term, but I've been airheading on the less corporate-loaded term for it . . . )?  If not, would the Team be willing to bring a volunteer with industry experience for that sort of work in to the mix who /does not/ use discord?

  5. Sounds like an agreeable set of proposals, Shaz, though I'd personally make a few small tweaks based on my own preferences.

    I'm all about gimmicks, generally.  I like solutions to be outside of the box, and as far from a DPS "meta" as possible (unless we're talking about Fire sets, at which point the gimmick /is/ DPS, with ticks).  To that end, I'd suggest offering up some more minor Debuff and Control aspects.  


    The generic Soldiers already get some decently hefty -Defense Debuffs, but they don't stack as much as I think they should.  The problem I face is trying to find something thematically appropriate to add in.  Perhaps give them Beanbag or that new Disorienting Shot at the second upgrade level, so they can really lay down the Stun along side the Spec Ops.

    They could also benefit from a very minor -Max HP Debuff, perhaps, to simulate the overwhelming nature of loading your opponents down with lead.  And I'm talking minor enough that you'd need a couple of Merc Masterminds working together with level 18+ Soldiers to get to the point of seriously terrifying impact.  If not -Max HP, then . . . something.

    Your suggestions for the Medic are pretty solid, and I'd replace the Frag Grenade with a Smoke Grenade.  Provide the Medic with a Placate in an AoE, so he stops dying first all the time, while also debuffing enemy Perception and To-Hit.  Lard-knows that the minor and unpredictable Knockback of the Frag 'nade isn't helpful.


    Another potential gimmicky solution is for the Soldiers or the Medic to be given a deployable cover:  https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeployableCover

    Longish cooldown, but when they drop it, it grants a positional Defense to Ranged attacks in a small area immediately around it.  This bonus Defense could be for the Henchpets exclusively.  It should also be targettable and destroyable, with medium-to-high Hit Points. 

    Alternatively, this could be the replacement to Serum, if we feel that thing is just too much of a pain in the ass to keep.


    I like the Spec Ops a lot.  They feel like the metric by which the rest of the Mercenaries should be measured.  I'd be deeply grateful if the cooldowns on Flash Bang and Tear Gas could be reduced, but it's not the end of the world if they're where they need to stay.


    The Commando isn't bad, but does feel as if he's just not pumping out the damage it feels like he should.  Perhaps if he had either a Defiance or Scourge mechanic built in?


    Serum is just a royal pain in the ass.  That crash makes it more reasonable to simply dismiss your Commando at the end of Serum's effect, and then resummon and re-equipt.  But honestly, with all that effort, it still doesn't ever feel /worth/ it.  I sort of appreciate Serum being a "skippable" so I can save on Power choices and dedicate the Slots to somewhere else.  Still, would be nice to have something here which is nice and thematic, but also meaningful to the Mercenaries Set.  

    Hell, if we could have Serum replaced with an AoE Toggle which Immobilizes all your Henchmen, I would not complain.  Of course, the better solution is figuring out a way to prevent ranged Henchpets from running in to melee.

    The other idea is to replace Serum with an "Additional Reinforcements" Power, which summons one additional Spec Op if you have them targetted, or one additional Soldier and one additional Medic if you have one of them targetted.  This, of course, would open all sorts of cans of worms, with things such as Bodyguard Mode being impacted . . . but /that/ could be Mercenaries gimmick!  Granting the Merc-Mastermind the option between 80% Damage Resistance instead of the standard 75% with additional healing, or 77.7~% Resistance with the extra Control/Debuffing of an extra Spec Ops.

    And I get it . . . there are people out there who feel that Mercs' only problem is a lack of damage output, and additional Soldiers and Spec Ops won't solve that as much as other solutions might . . . but can we please get away from focusing on a DPS meta already?  This game has -SO- much more to offer us, particularly when we embrace creative solutions.

    • Like 3
  6. Short of complete overhaul to the Costume Creator UI (which would be ideal), I think implementation of additional Tabs might be a good way to handle this.  A Tab for Presets, a Tab for Head Pieces, Torso Pieces, etc.  
    While that still requires some GUI work (which I've heard is one of the major pains in the ass), would it be any more feasible and user-friendly than trying to organize all costume pieces in to a single massive list on the left-hand side of a single tab/screen?

    • Like 2
  7. *vibrates through a wall with increased intensity as time goes on*


    I can't take it any longer!  How has this not been shouted yet?


    "Post pictures of your pussy!"


    ...  . . . 

    Here's my late, great, best cat:  Moe (he could say his name).



     . . . sorry for how fuzzy the photo is.  It's the only one I have left after a massive hard drive failure.

    • Like 6
  8. and before someone says it in a vain attempt to defend the activity:  People posting idle chatter in the Help channel is NOT "keeping the channel alive/active/observed."  Players receive help in Help without other players having tangential conversations there.  Personally anecdote, but I can recall numerous instances of players becoming frustrated that their questions were not being answered in Help or that they were unable to find the answer amidst all the unrelated messages since a big conversation was dominating the channel.

    If the Devs/GMs kept chat logs for longer, I'm quite certain we could see plenty of evidence that a quiet Help channel is plenty prompt in answering player questions. 


    And, again, this is from the perspective of someone who admits, with shame, that I have got drawn in to conversations in the Help channel that are entirely inappropriate to the specific function.

    Players definitely could use an appropriate and adequate General Chat Channel, which isn't tied to Globals, so that maintaining channel subscriptions and editing tabs isn't necessary.  That seems to be the primary hurdle which prevents players presently from taking their idle conversations to the many Global Channels which already exist for it.

  9. And I know this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but I feel very strongly against unlockables (account-wide or character-specific) tied to character level.  People just farm up to 50 (and higher), so it's not exactly anything meaningful to them.  And then there are us few players who do not farm, but enjoy The Journey.  I'm personally okay with Incarnate stuff being level 50+ simply because I know it's content I'm not terribly interested in for a variety of reasons . . . but if something meaningful was locked behind 50, I certainly wouldn't be too thrilled.


    I think our current reward scheme is good enough.  Players can impose personal restrictions to simulate grindable unlockables, and in the process not negatively impact other players' experiences.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. As I recall, Biological will buff you and your team first.
    Chemical will then severely hamper your enemy.

    and Nuclear with blast 'em with raw damage.

    And that's the order which would stack the benefits most effectively, if I'm recalling correctly.

    • Like 1
  11. I've been periodically trying to encourage the socializing on Everlasting to migrate from Help and LFG to the Arena Chat Channel, since /no one/ uses that channel for its intended purpose on Everlasting.  

    LFG rarely has the idle chatter, but it happens from time to time.  More often, LFG has some drama explosion where one player or team accuses another team or player of inappropriate conduct.  It's truly facepalm-worthy.

     Help channel, on the other hand . . . I have to admit, I've fallen prey to abusing that channel myself on more than one occasion.  For the most part, questions get answered and help is provided, but there are still times when conversations in the Help channel get quite out of hand.  We used to have GMs step in and curtail it, but lately there hasn't been as much GM intervention, even when things get worse than past instances.


    One of the GMs used to tell us that there were plans to create Shard-specific socialization channels, but I haven't heard hide-nor-hair of that for months now.

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