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Posts posted by MetaVileTerror

  1. The difference isn't in the obstacle course or the Mario levels, though.  Those still exist, regardless of who built them.
    The difference lies in locking anything behind completion of the obstacle course.  The experience of the challenge itself may be the reward without adding further incentive.  

    If one is adding further incentive for the challenge, then why?  What merit does it objectively hold beyond artificially stimulating the reward centres of someone's brain?

    • Like 1
  2. Most of those kinds of unlock mechanics are specifically designed to milk money out of people.  Players' sense of accomplishment is co-opted and exploited to draw them in to prolonged investments for the purpose of drawing out money over time.  Once that investment has been made, the players get caught up in loss aversion behaviour.  People get a certain "high" from the experience; but that doesn't mean that it's good or healthy.

    I'm simplifying things here just to get word out here, but those kinds of exploitative efforts and their effects are well-documented at this point, and there are even public speaking events where the exploiters are proudly announcing their achievements in this arena.  

    For example:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjI03CGkb4


    If someone has a feeling that they are not being rewarded enough with this game the way it already is, I think they would benefit from some self-reflection after exploring how their psychological needs are being undermined for the benefit of others.

    • Like 3
  3. I have one which links my many, many themed roleplay groups together.  Regrettably, it seems many players opt instead to make their own Group so they have access to personalized Bases.
    I'd like to see Bases and Groups decoupled at this point, honestly.  Or at least improve the Coalition mechanics to function as an extended Group instead of just linking them for chat purposes.


    But, yeah . . . I suspect there are quite a few other roleplay Groups out there on Everlasting that have taken similar actions in regard to their Coalitions and themed Groups.

    • Like 1
  4. Hear hear, nightroarer!  Altoholism is not a disease:  It's the cure!  The cure to boredom and tedium.  

    I had around 150 on Live at the time of close, and had deleted somewhere between 50 to 100 of other characters before then simply because there weren't enough Slots on Live for me to keep them all on the Shards I wanted.  The 1000 Slots per Shard with unlimited free accounts of Homecoming is precisely the way I always wanted to play!  

    • Thanks 1
  5. An Echo of Mercy Island would be nice for new villains to start on, yeah.  Get that good ol' backstory started right!  None-a-this exploded Galaxy City nonsense!  *attempts to shake walker menacingly*


    In all seriousness; I think there's room for progress and development, as long as we maintain some Echoes.  Bonus points if we can actually catalogue content by date, so we can have snapshots of the city throughout time to visit via Ouroboros.

    • Like 1
  6. Ever since the change to 64-bit screwed with the leftside of my keyboard, I've had to start screenshotting without using the "Print Screen" button.

    /screenshotui 1
    /screenshotui 0


    It's a pain in the ass, and I'll get around to making a Bind on all my characters eventually, but at about 115 characters . . . that's a lot of copy and pasting to do (since I have some unique binds on each character for roleplay purposes, and I don't want to have to erase and rewrite them by using the /bindloadfile command).

  7. Content which allows players to make content.
    AE was a great idea, but sadly the original Devs were unable to adequately predict just which direction the Mission Architect would ultimately take.

    So, let's try again, this time with a little more structure, and play to the old adage:  Villains Act, Heroes React.

    It's been brought up here and there, time and again on these boards . . . but the idea that Villains can start repeatable mission arcs which lead them to organize a crime spree which triggers as a zone event for Blue-side.  Have it be an Invasion-style event, where the enemies come in waves and bursts, and always Con as level-appropriate.  Put these special missions on a timer, so Villains can't just flood Blue-side with never-ending waves of gangers.  If the heroes fail to repel the gang, the Villain gains a Badge and some Infamy.  If the heroes succeed, they get a Badge.

    Indirect PvP which plays out with PvE mechanics that already exist.  It gives both sides something to do, and might finally give Red-side the much needed and often requested sense of agency and self-determination for Villains.

  8. I'll say this:  Relive The Old Times if you want to and can, but consider also living The New Times here in Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, and Praetoria.  Things have changed.  Not all the things, of course . . . but there's enough newness that you shouldn't sell yourself short by nostalgia-chasing when there're exciting discovers around the corner.

  9. The Archetype which I always face-plant as, most of all, is Blaster.  But that's my fault.  I just don't like dealing damage; I like to solve my problems creatively.

     . . . not exactly an effective mindset to take for an Archetype built around the concept of "The Best Anything is Overwhelming Offense."


    But I know other people absolutely connect with that mentality and slay their way to victory.


    The point I'd like to make, though, is the same one so many other people have already made in this thread:  It's not necessarily the Archetypes or Power Sets which are fine-tuned to certain playstyles . . . it's the players.

    • Like 1
  10. Good gravy, it has been years since I "played" Progress Quest.
    I had a level 80+ Voodoo Princess and 70+ Slow Poisoner back in the day.

     . . . ahgem, huh?  What?  OH!  Right.  Proliferations.  Right.  Let's see . . . 


    Thematic Proliferation!
    I feel that Science, Mutant, Magic, and Technology Origins make it quite easy to justify just about any Power Set.  In my own personal opinion and play experience, which I _know_ isn't shared universally . . . for clearly Natural, street-level Power Sets, we've got:
    Melee - Battle Axe, Claws, Dual Blades, Martial Arts, Katana/Ninja Blade, Broad Sword, Street Justice, and Staff Fighting.  Also, arguably - Dark Melee, Psionic Melee, and Titan Weapon.

    Survival - Willpower, Shield Defense, and Super Reflexes.  Arguably - Invulnerability, Energy Aura, and Regeneration.

    Ranged - Archery, Assault Rifle, and Dual Pistols.  Arguably - Beam Rifle, Psychic Blast, Sonic Blast, and Water Blast ["That's a LOT of water balloons you're carrying there."].

    Manipulation - Devices, Tactical Arrow, and Martial Combat.  Arguably - Mental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, and Darkness Manipulation.

    Henchpet - Soldiers, Thugs, and Beasts.  Arguably - Ninjas (starts out strong for Natural, and then suddenly FIRE DEMON!).

    Support - Traps, Empathy/Pain Domination, Poison, and Trick Arrow.  Arguably - Kinetics and Sonic Resonance.

    Assault - Martial Assault (spoiled, in my opinion, as the first Power in the set is just so thematically UGHly).  Arguably - Psionic Assault.

    Control - . . . arguably - Mind Control.

    So, yeah.  I wanna see some of those many, MANY Melee Sets' themes being proliferated down the line to Assault and (especially) Control.  Especially since Control is my favourite playstyle!  Give me a low-tech Control Set, like Traps or everyday items.  Hell, I can't believe I'm advocating this . . . but look to Home Alone for some ideas for post-apocalyptic area denial and Control Powers.  Or maybe a Control Set which is low Endurance-cost, long Animation Times, lllllooowww Damage, strong-and-long Control effects, and is thematically Social Control:  Speaking to your targets and convincing them to surrender.  Graciousness, I'd eat that up!  I'd reroll a few characters, even.


    I get it that other people play this game to be "SUPRAHEROES! WHIZ BANG POW!"  I will not try to take that away from them.  But I personally derive pleasure from a roleplay experience which tells the story of an everyday citizen who rises to the challenge and contends with those heroes and villains, despite not being "super."  I know the philosophies which have been argued all around the circle regarding this sort of thing, back on Live and here on Homecoming.  Just saying, though, that from my perspective there is a disproportionately low number of options for good ol' street level characters outside of Melee Archetypes.

    • Like 1
  11. I think what we "need" is a little help for new players with some clear and conscious descriptors in the Set and Power Descriptions.



    "Flexible for Group Play"


    Make sure that new folks know what they're getting in to with the Powers and Sets.  Put these descriptors as the FIRST bit of text in the Description, before the delicious flavouring.  It's crucial information for players to have to make informed decisions.  The more robust and descriptive which we can make this information, the better, but maintain brevity for the sake of not cluttering the description boxes.


    And for the love of all that is legible, when we do these changes:  






    • Like 1
  12. Sonic Resonance is so much of a One Trick Pony that I've tried it numerous times on Live, and I just couldn't get "into" it, personally.  Maybe if the set was extended a little to have some more diverse mechanics?  Maybe something like a +Recovery self-buff on Sonic Siphon.  I mean, thematically, it's a Siphon power, and Kinetics knows what's-what for that.  Take something away from the target, give a little something to yourself.  Being able to slot /some/ kind of Set in to Sonic Siphon could help a lot.  Similarly for Disruption Field, maybe have it buff the target ally with a little Endurance replenishment or something.


    And can we just turn Sonic Cage in to a flat Hold instead?  I mean, it already has the icon for it anyway.  Are Intangibility Powers really that much more popular than Hold Powers?

    • Like 1
  13. While the GMs are overworked as it is, and I hesitate to bring this up for fear of it being considered advocacy of what I'm about to say . . . but . . . 


    Your friend could send an in-game support petition asking for the specific name to be freed up, citing the length of time the existing character has remained offline, and allowing for the GM to check for any signs of activity on that character's player account.

     . . . please don't utilize this suggestion too much, folks.  Please.  The GMs have more pressing problems to contend with day-to-day.

  14.  . . . in rereading my post, I realize I came across as perhaps too laissez faire.


    I believe there should be direction, there should be planning, and there should be a dialogue with the community as to what sorts of content players are eager for.  We want this game to have long-term health, after all. 

    Instead, I was trying to emphasize how these directions, plans, and dialogue should operate differently than they did before Sunset.  Homecoming has more in common with the Fallout New Vegas Modding community now as far as development cycles are concerned.  Let's look to that community and others like it, so that we may learn from what they did well and how to avoid the mistakes they made.  And, of course, we shouldn't just throw "The Old Ways" that I mentioned straight in to the bin either.  They are just as valuable for lessons and techniques.


    While communication is a big hurdle right now, what I've been able to piece together from bits and bobs of Dev, GM, and CR posts on these forums is that the current approach is very much a "little a' this and little a' that" holding pattern while they all "Wait and See" about the legitimacy drive.  However, I get the feeling that we've got some industry professionals behind the scenes here as well, as they're holding true to some "best practices" that exist within the industry.
    The problem, as I see it, is that these so-called "best practices" are the ones which /publishers/ imposed on developers.  Tactics which can have their lineages clearly traced back to "The Money People."  This is a big part of why I advocate so loudly for the Devs and community here to re-examine "The Old Ways" of game design and development.  A _LOT_ of what is taken for granted as "true and just" was actually put in place and reinforced through careful iterative efforts by executives, administration, and human resources.  I say this from the perspective of someone who was there, working in those positions for fifteen years.  I know a lot of folks consider the execs to be bumbling idiots, since their meddling in games always seems to be idiotic . . . but these people have been frighteningly effective at conditioning the actual creatives in game development (programmers, artists, writers, designers, musicians, sound engineers, etc.) in to believing a staggering number of lies.


    So, back on track with the original question, armed with this context, I say:
    The use of the words "should" and "support" are loaded and leading.  The use of "Dev team" isn't as forward-thinking as I'd hope the Homecoming venture to be.
    I propose we rephrase the question as:  "What sorts of new content would you personally like to play on Homecoming?"  

    Which, I realize, is specifically the question that the original author was trying to avoid . . . but it really is the most apt question to ask in this new development environment.

  15. Let's not forget that Homecoming is _not_ a for-profit venture.  We are not operating on the old paradigms here.  There aren't deadlines and people's jobs under the executioner's axe.  New volunteers can come and go at any moment.  Development cycles are going to be COMPLETELY different now, and I can not stress enough that clinging to The Old Ways is not what the community needs.


    Just make Content.  Who it ends up being "for" will hash itself out organically as people play it.

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