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  1. I think I may be the ultimate nerd here. I was an electrical engineer during my career, but you do a lot of things over time and one I did for 20 years or so was coding databases for quality and productivity control stuff, graphics, databases, etc... When I retired, I dove into COH like I couldn't while working, although I played on live since beta until shutdown. I'm also an altaholic and hated not remembering all my toons from live so I made a spreadsheet which grew over the past few years of playing until now it has about 13 tabs, 20 summary graphs, full data and breakdowns on pareto of powers, offline days, number of badges, fun ratings (my own thing), origins, SGs, ATs, ... well, you get the idea. Someone above said that if they needed aa spreadsheet to remember everything then they weren't having fun. Truthfully, I do like keeping track of my many alts. I write bios for every one, and role play them as I play. And when I logoff a toon I update their sheet. That's what makes this the greatest game in the world for me. You can play it however you want. Only thing about my spreadsheet is it has gotten so massive it's a pain to add new columns without messing up all the many interlocked calculations so I'm thinking of changing it to a relational database. Anyone have a good one for example? I haven't coded dbs in 20 years so going to have to do some brushing up for sure.
  2. First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you for working out this process. I have a 3D printer and often print and paint stl files from the internet. I have Blender but I use Lychee Slicer instead of Cura but I think all the mechanics will work the same. That said, I can't get your system to work. I ran through all the steps several times and didn't get it to work. Then I ran Hero-Ogler and BOOM!, IT WORKED!!! This has been a holy grail for me ever since I got my 3D printer. Thanks heros!
  3. Thanks. I tried the Medical Pod and that seemed to work pretty well sunk mostly in the wall, two of them side by side, but after I tried one like a doofus I couldn't find it again. Man I wish there was a search engine in the items. I'll probably make a spreadsheet of all items for my own use.
  4. I'm fine with it not opening and just sticking a teleport portal behind it, I just want it to look like an office elevator. They are all over the game but I can't find one in the base editor. Any ideas? Also, a garage door would also be nice for leaving a basement garage in a large office building. Thanks in advance heroes.
  5. Greetings heroes. I'm a retired ex-engineer nerd who is loving having more time to play COH. I'm a confirmed altaholic with over 300 toons (after deleting a couple of hundred recently). So one thing I do to keep them straight is I've created a massive Excel spreadsheet to keep track of them with graphs and tons of formulas. I usually open it, pick a toon to play, then launch HC. I play in fullscreen. After something changes about a character (usually leveling or new powers) I use the windows key to switch to the background Excel sheet and update them. Then back to the game. Worked great in Win10 but since going to Win11 I usually have to hit the Excel taskbar icon 2-10 times to get it to switch. It doesn't do it if opening a program, including Excel, only if the program was running in the background. Anyone else have a problem like this? Any suggested fix? C'mon, I can't be the only total nerd on here.
  6. I PL some of my lower toons, mostly defenders and controllers. It's just painful without joining large teams to raise them faster than pouring molasses in January. My farmer farms for infl for all my newbies. I start them all off with 3.5 mill infl. Controllers once they are at lvl 32 are fun to play but for me not before. I have taken one defender back on live to 50 with no PL or double XP (ah, the good old days when we worked to 20 to get a cape and 14 to fly). Today, I play for fun with no real uber toons. My farmer is vet level 45 slotted but I don't bother with any of my other toons.
  7. Doug Graves, interesting idea. I never thought of holding a toon at a certain level by turning off XP. I have a badge explorer alt that would be perfect for. That way he could collect badges and infl farm at the same time. Thanks.
  8. Hi, I'm Gary, and I'm an altoholic (altaholic?). I have 263 alts at the present time, after deleting around 50. Every one has a bio because I don't enjoy playing the game unless I know who I'm playing. My average level where I stop playing an alt is around 17 (yes, I track all my alts on a spreadsheet with graphs, what a nerd). A small part of the spreadsheet is shown below. Its actually handy for deciding an unused power combination for a new toon. Usually I choose who to play to suit whatever mood I'm in at the time and take them on up. I only have 8 50's, and only 30 or 40 that make it into the 30's. The number of 50's will go up somewhat because I've decided to have at least one 50 from each AT and I have 4 ATs to go. I'm not asking for a cure, I love the game and the way I play it suits me. I like to solo or do two or three person team ups. Big run and gun groups aren't fun for me. I'm just wondering how many other people out there spend as much time working on new toons as I do? Thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for sharing.
  9. The base always turns out at donation time, average window usually less than a couple of hours. I've only made the window twice and I try and desire to contribute every month. Solid servers for a recurring fee is good for me. Give us a means to make our donations automatic and many of us will sign up
  10. Thanks Devs for keeping it fresh.
  11. I have several as I'm sure we all do if we play long enough. My never break rule is no toon out of the gate without a biography. I have to know who I'm playing, even if its a throw away character created just to try new powers. They all deserve a story. Other things, when super jumping I always bounce along roof tops, monorails, etc..., never the road unless there is nothing there. I have rotating banter binds on some but not all, 75 on one in particular.
  12. I for one like the proposed changes. I am a casual gamer, mostly solo, light role player, altaholic, and played the original game from beta til sunset. I currently have about 100 alts, only 4 of which I've bothered to take to 50+. I've played the low level content (sub 22) through enough times to have exhausted all the different ways it can go. Like many, I now either DFB or use my multibox farmer (during offtimes) to PL my toons up to 22 or so to get SO's. I craft common IO's at 25 or 30 but rarely go the uber route on sets. For me, the game is fun when I'm making a new toon, playing with a new power combination (keep them coming!), and sometimes finding a new friend to play small teams with. Large teams on task forces or radio mish teams just feel like DFB clones to me, run and gun. The proposed changes will be a welcome change for me because it lets me do what I love, playing the game, rather than hanging around a store or crafting table. Thank you devs. And to all my fellow heroes I say, play the game in the way you most enjoy. I recommend writing a bio for all of your toons and play them the way you would like to read if they had a comic book, but that's me. The beauty of this game has always been the flexibility of play. Many games force you to PvP or whatever. COX is all about doing your own thing any way you want. Remember why you fell in love with this game in the first place. Then, invite new friends in and take them for a flight around our city. They will be hooked.
  13. My process is to enjoy the game to the max. My forays into PL'ing were very unsatisfying. What i love is to create a character that I love and then I love to play him. I spend a ton of time on his costume and bio. A toon without a bio is hollow and I won't play it long unless I'm just trying something new. Once I know his reason for being a hero then I play him that way. Some solo and some team. I have over 70 active toons currently. I play with the ones that match my mood that day. All of that is why this is the greatest game in the world to me.
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