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  1. Sadly, the body bag is kind of the go-to corpse indicator. Even if you set the person's behavior to be unconscious after the rescue too, I assume they get up and run away.
  2. I think this would be done by people not caring to do the goldside stories again though, just like people running DFB aren't looking to do the City Hall contact arcs.
  3. I do plan on playing through your Praetorian AE arcs. I enjoyed the Bridge mission arc (I'm sorry, I forget the name, it's before the Cassini Division...)
  4. This is probably the correct course of action. And I say that for my Praetorian as well. (A good reason I'm staying in Praetoria.)
  5. If I recall correctly, Praetoria as a player environment was introduced as part the Going Rogue expansion, which included the Alignment Change tip missions, so the villainous archetypes (Brutes, Corrupters, etc) didn't have to start in Praetoria and come over, they could become Rogues using the alignment tips and then come over to blueside (same for heroes becoming vigilantes.) So it was related, but goldside was introduced as a kind of higher-difficultly starter. (I think I have those details right.) And then they just opened up all the archetypes for both sides in a later issue.
  6. Truly, I cannot do an ITF. Bringing up the LFG tab, in the Task Force section nothing shows up (so the Imperious TF isn't there for me to use as a teleport to Imperious. (I do have the badge.) Cimerora is out of bounds because Praetorians can't enter Prime Earth areas. Although I can do the Cathedral of Pain (I assume because it is in the Shadow Shard and not the Prime Earth dimension) in the Trials and Raid section, I otherwise can't teleport to FBZ for the Shadow Shard TFs, although that might be because I'm a Loyalist and that's considered a villain while in Pocket D, and villains are excluded from Shadow Shard shard content. Maybe a Resistance Praetorian who never left Praetoria, and is of a high-enough level can do Shadow Shard task forces, maybe. Thankfully, I can do the Summer Blockbuster all the time, and the House of Horror event in October (for some reason.)
  7. You have the option to go to Prime Earth at 20, but you don't have to. The blueside game is full of combat against up to level 54 Praetorians, which is why I'd be happy to be part of an abduct Positron Task Force. As for Lore reasons for Loyalists and Resistance teaming (you can still team cross-faction in the regular game Goldside, there is no functional problem since it is assumed a Resistance person is being a double-agent, and vice versa for Loyalists) - I'd assume both sides would not want Hamidon to take over, as a basis for a Task Force. Much like the villain/hero divide is ignored in the RWZ, in Cimerora, and any iTrial launched from a neutral area. I'm confused by the only thing a Praetorian is locked out of, because they are locked out of all redside/blueside content that involves them being in those zones, same for the Shadow Shard, same for PVP zones. My Praetorian can't be on an ITF.
  8. I'm on Excelsior - if I get to 50 and can advertise iTrials in the neutral zones (Echo Plaza is a good call), I will 100% do that. @Lunar Ronin, you are a friend to Praetoria! I agree that there's a good amount of pre-20 content, but sometimes folks make a Praetorian and YOU KNOW HOW IT IS - get buyer's remorse and want to get to 20 and off to Prime Earth. But I just think it would be fun to have something else to do. My post-20 Praetorian would be happy to join in on Goldside youngsters running a trial.
  9. I just got my Praetorian Loyalist character to level 41 - it happened after forming a team including Prime Earthers who wanted to fight ghosts and demonic winged women and drudges in Night Ward, an got to thanks to my two repeatable contacts (Sir Whats-His-Name and the Drudge Atherton.) When I hit 41, those contacts dropped off my Active list, and now there's just DJ Zero offering me a chance to punch Snaptooth, and Marchand offering me a chance to exit Praetoria (that cowardly surrender-monkey Marchand.) My goal is to get this character to 50 as a Goldsider (I've done that with at least one other character who started in Praetoria) but my plan is to keep him as Praetorian. Yes yes, I know I won't be able to go on iTrials and I'm missing out on all those Task Forces and teaming on Prime Earth, but I have other characters for that. But what I'd like is for there to be some contacts, even just repeatable contacts like Atherton and the Black Knight, in the 41+ range. I would like to encourage young Goldsiders to join me in tough missions and even those bluesiders and redsiders to join in like I just had going before hitting 41. (And I'd love anything to help me get my guy to 50 in Praetoria, and things to do when I'm 50.) People often talk about Goldside being a ghost town, and that's fair, but I think the way to keep it that way is to never develop anything new for it. Having something like a low-level task force or trial that required a Praetorian to host would encourage more people to create a Praetorian or visit Praetoria. And I think that there's opportunities to provide for folks who are sticking around Praetoria, even if it's just to get that badge for getting a Praetoria at 50. Ideally, I'd like there to be a level 41+ Task Force for Praetorians which ends up abducting Positron (to match nicely with Maria Jenkins' arc.) Is it worth it to make new content for a ghost town? Maybe? I see a fair amount of people who have made characters in Praetoria complaining that they have no one to team with - much of the Goldside content is solo focused I feel - so having teamable events might bring more people to play Praetorians. I'd love for there to be a task force trying to stop the Praetorian Hamidon - he's the big bad of Praetoria after all, but Praetorians don't really get to fight the Devouring Earth. The Prime Earth heroes of Paragon get to when they do the Chimera mission from Maria Jenkins. Why should they get all the fun?
  10. You're very welcome! I'm looking forward to playing your repaired arcs
  11. @Police Woman, your thread here inspired me to make a new character and use AE for leveling content (even though the XP is reduced.) I tried running both of the missions you mention in your first post: Talos Vice and Two Tickets to Westerly, but the missions don't start - the contact remains the usual default hologram. I had this happen before with one of my arcs: Clash of the Communist Kaiju. During some update, I believe a Standard character I was using as part of a villain group changed, and that made the villain group Invalid, and that made the mission arc unplayable, it wouldn't start. So, my suspicion is that your two arcs are currently invalid/unplayable. For my story arc, I just had to fix the problem. (I'm trying to remember - I know I had a custom character that was using the Arachnos Soldier Crab backpack, and that became a problem and I had to rebuild the character without the backpack. The villain group that was made up of standard characters - I had to just rebuild the villain group from scratch. I looked at the text file for what had been specified, and used that as a guild for the rebuild. Once that was done, all the errors listed went away.) Please let me know if my suspicions were correct, and best regards.
  12. If there's even the skeleton of a fun story to a collection of radio missions in an AE arc, I'd probably play it. I'd like to see something as a typical patrol for lower characters, and a typical patrol for higher end types.
  13. Ah, thanks for the correct info on the XP amount.
  14. Just ran @LonePhantom777's arc after Police Woman's review. I ran the arc with a level 50 superstrong/invulnerability tank (since this mission felt like an appropriate mission for him) - I enjoyed all of the text from the contact, Astro-Bounder (and his retro-look) and the overall gist of the Scrapnoids. I only gave it 4 stars, since (well, I'll use spoiler-text): Since I ran the mission with a high end character, I'll probably run it again with a mid-range character, and I'll certainly recommend it to my friends.
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