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  1. Sorry to be a pain @Xandyr, but would you be able to export this as a text post?
  2. @tidge@Black_AssassinThanks for the replies, and Merry Christmas!
  3. @LauciannaWould you or anyone else be able to post some of the builds as text exports? I currently don't have MIDs installed, so I can't check out the builds. Please and thank you.
  4. Interested in trying out a necro/marine MM myself, but I don't currently have the software installed to check out the build. Would you be able to export the text to the forums here please?
  5. What about Storm with Electric Armour?
  6. Coming back to the game after a bit of a break, and I would like to try a Storm Sentinel build. Though I'm not sure which I would like more between SR and Regen. Is anyone able to provide builds for one or both of these? Also, preferably as a forum post, I do not have mids installed and it is just easier for me to look at stuff here anyway. Thanks in advance for any help and advice.
  7. Is there a command that will show it for the other alignments? Or is it only something that will work for the appropriate alignment?
  8. Whatever the default is for those sides. So, villain, rogue, and hero. Works on hero, half works on rogue, doesn't work on villain.
  9. Mostly for the concept. Though if I end up disliking how it feels too much I might move away from it.
  10. I'm currently working on leveling an Stone/Electric Tanker, but I can't seem to get mids to work. Does anyone have a build or general advice for this combination? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Forgot to note that I would like to use Granite, and am interested in even running it as the main toggle at higher levels rather than just a panic button.
  11. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if I am doing something wrong. When playing I like to use the /optionset ShowVillainName 1 and /optionset ShowVillainBars 1 commands to make it so the NPC names and Healthbars are always on display. This shows it for all enemy NPCs and vendors/trainers on the Hero side. For some reason in Praetoria it will only do the display for enemy NPCs, and on the villain side it will not show on anything. It's a setting that I find myself unable to play without, at least for enemy healthbars. Being able to tell at a glance the difficulty of an enemy, and who has the lowest HP without needing to mouse over them just makes it a lot easier, and more enjoyable as a result. Does anyone know how to get this working on the villain side of things?
  12. Thank you very much!
  13. Necro posting, but would anyone be able to look over the updated build and export it as a forum post? Mids will not work for me.
  14. Sorry for the necro and random tag @Sir Myshkin but do you have a build for a Storm/Water Defender posted somewhere? I looked through your Mad King and Proc Monster posts and found other combinations with storm, but couldn't find one for Storm/Water.
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