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Posts posted by AkuTenshiiZero

  1. This has been brought up a few times, but Shield Defense has been playing the wrong sound effect for about as long as Homecoming has existed, and to my knowledge has never been addressed.  I've seen/made a few threads on the topic over the past few years to no avail.  It would be nice if anyone could address this and at least say why it can't be fixed.


    Long story short: While holding a shield, for some reason the game is playing growling/screaming taunts instead of the default grunt we all know.  It's theorized that this is because the game is pulling Savage Melee taunts since they use the same one-handed animation.  This is very annoying (and in my case, my friends complain about having to hear my female tanker screeching constantly).  An option to customize or disable the sound entirely would be a nice way to fix this.




    • Thanks 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, Carnifax said:

    You get a 2 at the end. Renames are free and you can do them at the character selection stage.


    You can also drop a placeholder char or rename a character on your original server to reserve the name on the old server.

    It somehow had not occurred to me that I could just check to see if the names are already taken.

  3. I've been considering migrating from Indomitable to Everlasting.  When I started Homecoming, there wasn't a defined "RP" server and all my friends were already committed to Indomitable.  However, most of them don't play anymore and I might be able to convince those who are left to migrate.  But I have one big question:


    What happens if your name is taken?  I don't want to lose my character names, and it's probably the biggest factor at play here.  Will it warn you first?  Will your name be overwritten if it's taken?

  4. Just made "Beast Knight" on Indomitable yesterday.  I was actually shocked and expected I would have to make a variation of the name.


    I was able to secure two names early on, "Gremlin" and "Curare."  I would be more surprised if not for the fact that it was before Homecoming really kicked off.

  5. Unfortunately, the big issue I see is the lack of redside players.  It's a self-compounding problem, people want to find teams and can't find them as a villain, so they just switch sides.  So the population on one side keeps growing, when actually the best way to solve the problem is to stick to your guns and play villains.  Buuuuuut...Null exists, and therefore makes non-committal too easy.  I hate that bird.


    There are other reasons, of course, but I think the single biggest one is the snowballing cycle of no players > players go to blueside > still no players.

  6. Generally speaking, having my characters in around the low 6' range makes them feel "average" compared to everyone else. For males at least, whenever I make a female character they tend to stay default height.  Of course, this is barring cases where concept demands a bigger character, I ended up having to increase my Crab's height several times because I was not as big as NPC Crabs.

  7. 10 hours ago, PainX said:

    seeds is not a sub-optimal power and no it increases EXP/INF gain over time EXP/INF per enemy is lowered killspeed is drasticly increased frankly this power and creepers make plant tick the rest is fodder

    I've gotten complaints in the past about it, I really don't know what the general thoughts are on it at this point.

  8. On 1/19/2021 at 1:21 AM, ValiantBlu said:



    EA should be a Tanker set. It would not be an easy set to use as a Tanker, but looking at how similar it is to sets like DA and SR, and how tanky EA brutes can become, I actually don't really see what the problem is. Aesthetically it has a very unique flavor that other Tank sets just can't deliver, and the playstyle is fun as heck. The only really necessary change is improving base Def values to make it on par with SR.

    It has long been a dream of mine to make an EA/TW Tanker, almost entirely for aesthetic reasons.  I admit I also want to play a Defense-heavy build specifically on a Tanker, but SR just doesn't match the concept.  I gotta have those bubbles.  CoX has always been driven in large part by character concepts, it really bothers me that we are still lacking in this one option.

  9. It's been a couple months since I last logged in, and news of upcoming changes sparked my interest in returning.  However, the reason I fell out of CoX was the low population, specifically the redside population.  How is it looking these days?  Finding a villain team was literally impossible when I last played, is it any better now?  Worse?  I'm on Indomitable.

    • Like 1
  10. On 5/7/2020 at 5:10 PM, ZeeHero said:

    They need to add a no FX option to ALL armors. All of them.


    I'm sick of being on fire all the time just cuz I took fire epic armor from the epic pool.


    Sick of psychic armor making me glow pulsing rings.

    A big part of character creation, in my opinion, is figuring out how your powers work from a narrative standpoint.  Maybe just because I'm old-school and had to work with these things before power customization even existed, but I'd rather come up with a reason why my character is on fire than try to hide it.  It feels more comic-book-y that way.

  11. 7 hours ago, Tugzug said:

    Yo, real talk? I want to kick a ball around Steel Canyon with my super powers. I didn't want this before! Why did you put this curse on me?

    I distinctly remember long ago in Live there was a long-running lobby to have a big red ball put into the game, but I think the tech just didn't exist at the time to properly handle the physics or something.  I mean you see what we do to NPCs on a regular basis, I can't imagine this game could simulate a bouncing ball without it turning the whole damn zone inside out.

    • Like 1
  12. On 4/26/2020 at 5:32 PM, Vanden said:

    Call me old-fashioned, but I feel like if you take powers that are supposed to cover you in ice they should look like they cover you in ice.

    While I agree, I'm not against a middle-ground option wherein you are surrounded by swirling bits of snow and ice crystals.  The big chunky ice blocks are ugly as sin and completely overpower your costume, something that gets the ice theme across while still showing what you look like underneath would be nice.


    I like what they did with Bio Armor for this reason.  The minimal FX option keeps the theme intact, but it's more of an internal power than external.

  13. I can personally vouch for DP Blasters, it is a hilarious amount of AoE and all kinds of fun.  I will also vouch for Plant Control, I played a Plant/Thorn Dominator back on live and enjoyed it, Seeds of Confusion and Carrion Creepers are glorious chaos.


    For melee sets, I love Savage Melee.  Very strong AoE damage and it's a ton of fun to Savage Leap into groups.  On support sets, I think Poison is highly underrated, the debuffs it offers are amazingly strong and hit in an area, plus it comes with the uncommon -regen debuff, very useful against certain AVs.

  14. I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but I feel like the sound effects used in the new Elec support set are really disorienting.  Hearing that sound and seeing those particle effects hit my character triggers an instinctive "I'm under attack" response thanks to years of playing this game.  I never experience this with other support sets, and I think the key is in the sounds.  Elec Affinity just sounds too aggressive, it uses all the same sounds as offensive sets.  I dunno if there's an easy remedy for this, though.  Maybe there are some other sounds that could be repurposed, something that evokes more of a "this is a good thing" response.  Or maybe dig up some public domain sounds or something, I dunno.  I just find it is confuddling my instincts, anyone else having this issue?

  15. 1 hour ago, Zepp said:

    No to forcing most Fenders, Trollers, Corruptors, Crabberminds, some Doms and a small handful of DpSers to invest another power slot to unlock Hasten.
    No to reducing Hasten below 70%, which would likely be necessary if it were made inherent, a toggle, or a passive.

    You are not required to use Hasten.  You are picking it because it's free.  I'm gonna be controversial in saying this, but anyone who seriously believes that Hasten is required is frankly bad at this game.  I have played every single class in this game multiple times since the old days and I have never, I repeat, NEVER found Hasten to be required.  It's icing at best, a huge overkill.


    There is no need to minmax in this game.  I find it laughable and a little sad when people minmax in a game this incredibly easy.  Throw together a team of 8 numbskulls with half-slotted sets and a moderately decent class distribution and you will destroy the entire damn game.


    They could remove Hasten from the game entirely and it would not make the game any more difficult.  It's a free crutch that you need kicked out from under you so you can learn to walk on your own.

    • Haha 1
  16. Swap Hasten with Whirlwind.  Require some investment into Super Speed in order to take advantage of it.  That way it won't be an auto-pick on most characters and speedsters can keep it for their thematic purposes.  Whirlwind is way less powerful than Hasten and not a popular pick, I don't see why it should be a two-power-required pick.


    Honestly I don't see the point of shoving inane amounts of recharge into every build.  Sure, my Savage/Elec Brute uses it but I decided that since I was already using Super Speed and he gets recharge bonuses already I might as well push his speed to hilarious levels and make that his thing.  I never use it on any of my other characters, I just don't see the need.

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