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Posts posted by AkuTenshiiZero

  1. I think the rest of the new sets are Blaster and Dominator secondaries right? I'm not sure if any of those were "official" or not but they all feel like sets that the devs might have made. Secondaries for both of those ATs tend to be cobbled together using powers from other sets anyway since both set types are essentially hybrids of two other set types in the first place.


    Most of the uncomfirmed ones seem incredibly broken.  Toggles without costs all over the place, many of them doing way more than their official counterparts.  It honestly makes me extremely mad that they just unleashed this shit into the game.

  2. Give XP/Inf bonuses to the side with less people.  This was what they did in Allods Online, and it helps to balance out the factions as it naturally draws people to the lesser side.  It's a simple and effective system.


    Too many Heroes: "With all the villains being locked up these days, there's more opportunities for up-and-coming ne'er-do-wells."

    Too many Villains: "Paragon is in constant peril these days, now is the perfect time for new Heroes to do some real good."

  3. Blaster is maybe the . . . least understood and played well AT in the entire game, with tanks being a close 2nd.


    Just wanted to highlight and strongly agree with this comment, in the context of the thread and in general.


    (I think Brutes or MMs are most-played right now.)


    There is actually a shocking number of Emp Defenders right now, in my experience.  Like it's actually kind of baffling.


    I will absolutely agree that Blasters are poorly played, as is expected.  It's the pew-pew-explosions class, it is going to by it's very nature attract players on the, shall we say, lower end of the intelligence and/or skill spectrum.  Not to generalize, I've played Blaster plenty and I know plenty of smart people who have, but let's be real: The Timmies of the world just want to see big fireballs with big numbers.


    However, I have to disagree with Tankers being second.  Tankers are, in my experience, the absolute single most poorly played AT in the game and always have been.  And that confuses me, because they aren't exactly high skill-cap.  And yet I keep finding Tankers who think they don't need Taunt, and thus have no way to manage aggro.  Brutes are close, but they get more leeway since they ride the line between Tanker and Scrapper.  I'm just one of those lunatics who likes to tank on my Brute.

  4. Why are we obsessing over raw numbers and ignoring all of the secondary effects?  Dark Blast is never going to be on par with, say, Fire Blast because Fire's secondary effect is more damage.  That is all it does.  Meanwhile, Dark has other tricks, debuffing ToHit.  Look, I played this game for years way back, and in my opinion power sets were notappealing for their raw damage, but for the secondary effects and how you could leverage them in your favor.  I played Elec Blast, and I knew I was never going to hit Fire levels of damage, but I leaned into the -End and ended up powerful in a different way.  You can't just ignore all of the tricks that each set has.


    And, on that note, I play a Dark/Poison Corruptor right now.  It works just fine in my opinion, that cone immobilize is the exact reason why I wanted to play the set in the first place.  It's not there for damage, there are other powers in the set for that purpose.  Seriously, back in the old days people understood how to exploit all the tools in each powerset and find out what makes each set powerful.  If you want raw damage, play fire.  If you want to do something interesting then play another set, experiment, change your approach, and THINK.

  5. In my experience, Inv is just not a very good set.  I never liked it.


    Both Brutes and Tankers can tank.  Tankers will always be better at just raw survivability because they have the greater defensive numbers.  Brutes will always have higher damage, but they WANT to be attacked because that makes their damage even better.  The long and short of it is this: Hero ATs are traditionally built for team play, Villain ATs are better built for soloing.  That is not to say you can't go against those generalizations, but that's just the general trend.

  6. zxBVy57.png

    The Silver Skull, a Katana/Rad Scrapper from Praetoria.  He was nearly killed in his own experiment, and his devastated body now produces a dangerous particle which he channels into an blade.




    Oil Baron, a Water/Fire Sentinel.  He discovered a potent, but highly mutagenic new type of oil and made a fortune.  Unfortunately, once the hazards were made public he found himself facing down the law, and one plummet into a vat of his own oil was all it took to transform him into a full-fledged supervillain.




    Gremlin, a Savage/Elec Brute.  A denizen of Paragon City's sewers, nobody is quite sure what to make of this mutant other than that he seems nice enough and should not be anywhere near electronic devices.




    Curare, a Psi/Bio Stalker.  The mutant daughter of a high-society supervillain family, she uses her Psi-Venom to murder high-profile members of the Rogue Isles' criminal underworld, just to see what happens.




    Johnny Hellfire, A Demons/Thermal Mastermind.  Johnny has been operating on Earth for centuries, under orders from the Big Man Downstairs to drag demons who have overstayed their contracts back down to Hell.  He thinks humans go through styles too fast, as he is still enamored with the American 1950's.

    • Like 4
  7. I want to add to this that I am having a similar issue with my female Shield/Stone Tanker.  While my shield is down, hands empty, she plays the standard Taunt sound that we're all familiar with.  However, when I have the shield up she lets out this grating Amazonian scream (It even has a faint tribal drum beat).  Kind of breaks my image of a high-society sorceress.


    While it has been 7 years, and I didn't play her original incarnation much, I don't recall this happening when I played the same power sets way back in the day.  I think that something about the animation change to "shield mode" that switches every set to be one-handed is also effecting the sound effects, and I believe this is in error.  Might be worth looking into how the sounds/animations are linked up.


    I haven't tried this while hovering/flying, which is another animation changer, I'll give it a shot when I get home later and report the results.


    It's not a huge bug, but it's really an annoying one that I hope gets some attention.  That scream is really driving me nuts.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I am grateful to have it back, and free at that, and things that are the way they used to be should remain that way.


    Where I start getting annoyed is at all the things that have been tweaked in the here-and-now.  I don't want the game to get easier than it used to be, and it kinda feels like we're edging in that direction.  Some things were unfinished or unreleased and should have probably stayed that way.  And now I'm hearing that T9's like Thunderous Blast have no crash anymore, and...Yeah, that just feels a bit wrong.


    I dunno.  This isn't the first time I've played an MMO on a private server, I've been on countless Ragnarok servers with varying levels of broken tweaks, I just don't really want CoX to change too much because it was damned near perfect as-is.


    My point is that I don't want buffs or nerfs.  I don't want anything but the game preserved as-is.  Maybe some things can be completed later on, if the team is up to it and if it can be balanced (God knows I want Wind Control), but if push comes to shove I would prefer to just have CoH frozen in time, the way I remember it.  Nothing more or less.

  9. I saw the set on ParagonWiki and immediately wanted to do a Wind/Dark Dominator, recoloring Dark to look like sand for a desert-themed character.


    I really want this to be a thing.  Dammit.

  10. Is this something anyone else has experienced?  I open the options, go to the graphics tab, and suddenly everything goes ballistic.  It's so bad that I just deleted the game and I'm now reinstalling, hoping it will fix itself.  I had everything set to max and enabled experimental settings, I'm thinking that last bit might be the culprit.

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