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Posts posted by AkuTenshiiZero

  1. There is something incredibly depressing about seeing a system with such limitless potential as the CoX costume creator being used to create MCU characters.  It just kills my soul to see this, coming from Virtue and seeing the endless creativity of the community back then, that once the trademark rule is gone so many people default to being so basic.  I mean, did anyone even play Illusions before Far From Home came out, now we have a ton of Mysterio knockoffs?


    It's OK to homage.  It's OK to be inspired.  But if you're just going to make the same character from Marvel, then why not play a Marvel game?


    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find a suitable urn for my ashes once y'all get through with me.

  2. Since this came back up, might as well update since I got the power yesterday: It has no stealth, and it does drop toggles, but by God this cat can mobilize.  So it's at least a little worth having, even if just for the entertainment value.  Just don't get it on a toggle-heavy character or you will be miserable.

  3. I think you're misunderstanding what Incarnate abilities are.  These are crafted powers, you aren't progressing on a skill tree you are "crafting items" which you then use in the recipe for the next tier.  In other words, you need to craft two T3 "items" because the T4 "item" requires two T3's as part of the recipe.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, honoroit said:

    I don't think you'd need to lose nulls flip. 


    People move over, people move back, recalculate every hour and issue the xp mod as a an autopower. That's not such a bad thing, brings dynamism to pop movement. 


    They've already got the % based ones on p2w vendor, you'd just be granted an additional autopower on a schedule based on alignment, or better zone you are in (or zone where instance spawned). 


    Can make 0% or 50% of value in ae, like they do now.


    Vigilantes don't have to flip to travel both sides, disincentivive everyine flip purple align in similar way, mayhap 60% of calculated boost. 

    I say lose the bird because it could be easily abused with some coordination.  There's not many people in each server, all it takes is a few dozen deciding to coordinate their efforts to flip sides every so often and it would create a mess.  Plus, I've been very vocal about how much I hate the quick-and-easy alignment shifts, it is IMO one of the biggest problems causing imbalance between the alignments.  No reason to even have alignments when they can be changes within minutes with no cost.


    Heck, alternatively, just give Null a hefty cost to switch.  Anything to make alignment switching have some actual weight.

  5. 2 hours ago, Snarky said:

     if I start a villain immediately hit D see the gull and go Vigilante. Blueside is where the teams and TFs are after all.

    It honestly kills me that people do this.  Redside isn't going to get any better if everyone just bird blips their way over to blue, you gotta stick around so we can build up a population.

  6. 5 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

    I care because I am a life-long geek and I am tired of seeing geeks berated for changing things when all they are doing is trying to grow and improve the situation.

    I see this _hourly_ in my RL and in the gaming community - people using passive-agressive emotional guilt in an effort to make geeks feel bad for trying to improve things, because those people cannot or will not keep up and want everyone else to slow down...

    I have gotten really tired of having other poeple try to tell geeks to stop innovating while at the same time yelling at them because the cheese was moved.


    My only hope when doing these things is simple - that people take a moment to examine why they have chosen to put down another person, _even when they have convinced themsleves they did not say anythign bad_.

    Language and inuendo matter, here on these forums another poster in particular _constantly_ spews this type of passive-agressive stuff and then claims they never meant it that way, for example. 

    When I and other call it out, we become the 'bad guys'.


    That is about as clear as I can be on it, I think.


    If this makes _me_ the 'bad guy', I can live with that, we are all trapped in our own delusions.

    Dude, nobody wants to deal with your "I'm enlightened and all of you poor creatures can't see how righteous my cause is" shtick.  Also, this isn't YouTube, stop using underscores and hit the goddam italic button.


    This place needs an ignore function badly.

    • Like 1
  7. 25 minutes ago, Kruunch said:

    I believe the soft-cap refers to all mobs having at least a 5% chance to hit you. An even level minion has a 50% to-hit, hence 45% "soft-cap" reducing that mobs' chance to hit you to 5%. In that scenario, whether you have 45% defense or 450% defense the same mob has a 5% chance to hit you.


    Once you take into account a mobs' toHit buffs, defense debuffs, tier of mob, etc ... you generally want anywhere from 5-10% above the soft cap (i.e. 50-55%) defense if defense is your primary form of damage mitigation. Overachievers (such as myself) aim for incarnate level defenses which would be around 59% total defense (at least that's the number where I feel comfortable).


    Hope this helped.

    That makes a lot of sense.  I definitely want to be capable of Incarnate-level tanking, so I'm going to be pushing for that 59% minimum.

  8. 16 minutes ago, honoroit said:

    Planetside did this well, it'd grant xp buffs to underpopulated of the three factions. 


    If there was scaled xp / inf buffs based on red blue pop balance, all of a sudden you'd be running mayhem missions and casino heists, with full teams in Grandville. 

    They did this in Allods Online as well, and I suggested it here a couple weeks ago.  Adding this kind of thing to CoX would probably solve the problem.  Watch all those farmers flood to the other side.  Of course, it would also be absolutely imperative that Null lose the alignment change option, which I never agreed with him having to begin with.

  9. So since it's been a million years since Live, I still have a few cobwebs to clear out of my brain.  Specifically, I completely forgot what the whole thing with "defense soft-cap" is.  What is the number, and the logic behind it?  Somebody want to give me a refresher?


    For reference: Shield/Stone.

  10. Y'know I'm just gonna say that, in practice, I have watched Brutes get wrecked when they try to be a Tanker, whereas as a Tanker I am ridiculously tough.  Maybe you don't think the numbers shake out, but when I've got a pile of enemies completely failing to kill me whilst my teammates are not taking any fire, then I don't really care what the numbers say.


    Tankers are awesome.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, VanguardXL said:

    As has been said, I didn't buy it to play "City of Henchmen".

    I guess that can be a problem, but the thing is that the culmination of your 40-ish levels of being a lackey is that you work for the top villains of Arachnos, then hand in the mother of all resignations.  Every Patron arc involves you kicking your patron's teeth in, then taking on Lord Recluse in the future and handing present-day Recluse his busted helmet just to prove a point.  Yeah, taking orders from some schmuck in the mid-levels might feel pretty lame, but there is a much more satisfying reward at the end.  Back in live when I finally got my main to 50 (On Virtue, no less) I realized my villain had become respected and/or feared through the Rogue Isles.  It's very satisfying.  I guess my point is that the difference between CoH and CoV is that the latter has a far more steep climb to the top of the proverbial food chain, whereas in the former I really didn't feel any more important to the world at 50 than I did at 1.


    Besides, it's not as if there is a lack of evil to be done on your own.  Between papers missions and tips, there are many opportunities to just go be a bad guy of your own volition.  Yes, running through a warehouse and clicking a safe isn't exactly the most epic of schemes, but you're not acting as someone's lackey.  Also, let's not forget what I consider the crown jewel of playing redside: Mayhems.  I don't think there is any argument that can go against Mayhems being way more fun than Safeguards.

    • Like 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, Golden Azrael said:

    I don't like CoV either.  I think it sucks.

    But the archetypes are the best thing to come out of it.

    There.  That's more succinct.


    Which kind of brings up an issue I have with latter-day CoX: The alignment system was kind of a mistake.  Everyone whines about the Rogue Isles and/or villain missions, this was always the case even back on live.  But people also really liked the villain ATs, so if they wanted to play a Mastermind they had to take CoV with it.  Even after Going Rogue, there was already as strong villain base.


    That is not the case anymore.  Many people here are newcomers, they don't really know the difference between hero and villain ATs, they just see a long list of classes and they heard that blueside is where all the farming is.  It's kind of self-evident with the enormous number of Masterminds, Stalkers, and Brutes in LFG looking for hero teams that people only care about the ATs, not the Rogue Isles, the storylines, or even the idea of RPing a villain.  And for a guy like me whose first home was the Rogue Isles, someone who just loves being the bad guy, someone who has 9 villain ideas for every one hero idea, that is more than a little depressing.


    I mean, hell, if people are just gonna spam DFB all day, we have DFB on redside, too.

  13. Ghost of Scrapyard spawns mostly on the days of server resets, Tuesdays and Fridays.  You'll find him spawn quite often those days.  Then he'll eventually stop spawning until the server resets again.


    Most people in my circle believe it's because people are just killing Ghostie without killing all of his minions.  Since some of the minions stay alive, he doesn't respawn.  Just a theory.  But yeah, your best bet is on server reset days.


    Hmm.  I'll have to fly patrol around Sharkhead tonight, see if he's there or if there are stray Scrapyarders running about.  I have legit not seen him in this incarnation of CoX, I thought he was bugged.

  14. The one change I want to see with Poison is more animations or effects.  Let me spit poison more and not have vials/traps.  I want my character to be physically producing the poison, or at in the case of the trap planting some kind of fleshy polyp thing and not a mechanical device.


    As for how the set works, I love it.

  15. I have yet to see Ghost of Scrapyard spawn.

    I've seen people in chat assembling teams to fight him so he does spawn.


    Then he's a shy sonofabitch.  Out of curiosity, what server?  Are you seeing alerts?  I see alerts for Steel Canyon fires literally everywhere, regardless of alignment, but no matter how long I camp Sharkhead I never see a miner's strike alert.

  16. I don't expect anything as far as updates or more content.  On the contrary, I've made it clear that I would rather see this game stay the way it is (and been greatly harassed for it).  But things seem to be breaking here and there, some events appear to not be working and the LFG system is a crapshoot.  Not sure how or why that would happen, but if anything I would like to see the game fixed up before we even start talking about adding anything new.


    If I learned anything from the old days, it's that CoX is a goddam nightmare of spaghetti code.  Add a new costume part and next thing you know Rikti bombs are running across zones.  I would appreciate if the Homecoming team treat this game like the unstable Jenga tower it is and proceed *carefully.*

  17. I just gotta say, the tips system is amazing when it comes to villain content being ACTUALLY EVIL, and not just mildly malicious.


    ESPECIALLY the Vigi -> Villain tips. Holy shit.


    One in particular : Blast Furnace sends you a hasty text message asking for help. You show up to find that Maelstrom has sabotaged Blast Furnace's armor. Blast Furnace asks you for help because you're his hero! So you decide to take down Maelstrom, and once he's down you go in for the kill. Blast Furnace tries to stop you so you beat him into submission just before Maelstrom teleports away, so you just attempted to murder a guy in front of your adoring fan and beat the shit out of said fan when he tries to stop you.


    Or another one where a hero's sidekick is on Social Media posting about being a sidekick, so you 'teach him a lesson' by having Malta attack him and also kidnap his grandmother, only she dies from a heart attack. Sidekick attacks you, you beat him down and teleport him back to a hospital. Beating + Dead grandmother, all because you wanted to teach him not to brag about heroics on social media.


    And lastly, the Council throws a parade but does it legitimately (With all the permits and everything, so the heroes can't stop it legitimately) and Positron contacts you saying "Stay the hell away", so you sabotage the robots in the parade to attack innocent people in order to show everyone just how evil the Council truly is.


    The hero tips and missions are so lame, the villain and vigilante tips are spectacularly awesome and REALLY vicious.


    My personal favorite is the morality mission "My Other Selves."  You get to fight a godly version of yourself that destroyed all life and then comes back in time to stop you from doing the same.  To which you basically kick him in the nards and say "Thanks for telling me your weakness, I'll make sure to fix that when *I* become a god."

  18. It's hard to put my finger on, but all the red zones feel the same to me.


    I've played several villains all the way up and for the life of me can't keep straight which zones are which apart from Mercy and Grandville.


    Blueside each zone has character. Atlas park looks very different from Steel Canyon despite having a lot of the same style. I always know where I am and what that means.


    Redside I'm always in a dirty mix of quasi-victorian rubble and black tech. Even the casino zone (and here I legit can't remember what it's called) feels the same but with a pyramid. It doesn't help that you're always fighting Arachnids.


    Honestly I disagree.  I think if you spend enough time in the Rogue Isles you start seeing the differences.  I think the blandness of Port Oakes leads to this misconception, every zone has it's unique flair that you see all the time while you're there.


    Mercy has a clear difference between the crappy lower areas and the nicer raised areas, it basically sets you up with the idea that if you're not with Arachnos, you're treated like dirt.

    Port Oakes is, as I mentioned, pretty bland.  There's the pirate fort, but nobody goes there.

    Cap Au Diable has the distinct Aeon City raised center, the giant horns, and the Orange Pipes of Doom.

    Sharkhead is all industrial and construction, it's very much a big shipping yard, plus the big graveyard area.

    Nerva has the small "normal city" island, the Crey island, the Longbow island, and the giant jungle island in the north.

    St Martial has a big FFFF-off pyramid, carnival area, and arguably the "cleanest" Rogue Isles city in the center/northeast.

    Grandville is a goddam supervillain lair.


    All the zones are unique.  Just because all of them are dark and dreary doesn't mean they're the same.  On the contrary, I find Paragon City to be way more samey and bland, but that is most likely because I have less experience there.  And that's the crux of it.  People who don't play villains because of the zones would know the zones better if they played villains, it's a self-perpetuating problem.

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