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Posts posted by CienFuegos

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hugbert said:

    Damn Larker, it was great to have you back and hope you can return soon buddy! Hope the training goes well and everything calms down for you soon. Career is important, you hafta pay the bills. See you this winter!


    Dr Who post Matt Smith the writing was HORRIBLE. And some of the writing with Matt Smith was awful.

    right the highlight was clara 

  2. 13 minutes ago, The_Warpact said:

    (Hi all Larkerbunny here, going to take a moment to say I'll see you all later. Rl stuff has started to speed up and working plus the new training is taking a large percentage of my time anymore. You may have noticed but I'm hardly on the game anymore and unfortunately I have to cut some stuff to be able to do other stuff concerning my future in my field. I'll probably be back on this winter it depends on how the classes go.

    But I thank you for being an escape from a world more crazy than the Rookery. Take care and much love.)


    *waves at everyone and hops down the bunneh hole*

    hugs the bunny anytime you can drop by 


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  3. 1 hour ago, rookery. said:



    /e yells down from the rafters.




    At least I don't think I did.


    /e drops a couple of boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts from the rafters.



    look fedor it raining donuts!

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