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Posts posted by CienFuegos

  1. letter comes via owl covered in stamps from baconlandia… owl gives it to rook and passes out 


    " Lost da war bacon is overtaking meh! must eat myself out of it..nomnomnomnom..nomnom...nomnom...nom....nom..

    thanks for giant waffle..nomnomnom….nomnomnom….nomnom… nomnomnomnom nomnom

    will bback soon once i win …..

    • Haha 1
  2. a big old owl flies in gives letter to rook...drinks water and flies out  Rook opens it and finds another puppy letter!

    reads it to group in puppy voice 


    I have been named king of bacons..im swimming in sea of cholesterol now!...I sacrifice a piece of bacon to each of you

    send waffles.... 


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    • Haha 1
  3. puppy comes in pets the kitties shakes fedor hand pecks rook on cheek  playes with bunny ears grabs a handkerchief wraps his clothes up in a bundle pushes auto destruct button on puppy house and uses food bowl as a hat tips the hat walks out...(( taking a sabbatical ill be back don't wait up))

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  4. On 1/28/2021 at 7:01 AM, JJDrakken said:

    While my @global friends list is getting very extensive. I am also realizing I team with A LOT of folks. Especially of late with more folks finding out about CoH being around. I am also the guy who has the Post in Archtype General: JJDrakken's Random Builds. Check it out, request if you can't find a build. You'll need Mid's Hero Designer. I suggest joining their club.


    I know I got my fan club of folks who love to hate me cuz of my teaming rules. Confuse my confidence in a game with arrogance. That is fine, I' really am not bothered by it. But if you see any names I list. You know that's @JJDrakkenI have some simple basic rules on my team. (Yes I am the guy who normally dislikes majority of Blaster Community I've teamed with. So if you want to ignore me globally I am also no bothered by that). Now yes, I try remember to tell folks these on teams, but I am very distracted with tells, RL, & managing my Online D&D Campaigns in my head( I D.M. two different groups a week), & Music.


    Also understand my Global Ignore is extensive too. So I mark every account with 1 star, add notes, 25% time do a global ignore. Meaning I can see that star above your head, no matter who your on, I'll check to see why. I always like to give 1 stars a second chance to see if I was mistaken about them.(Unless I or they or both of us have global ignored each other already). If you don't like any of my rules. It's literally as simple as just not joining my team. With list of names I provide, perhaps that can help you in the future. No need to bitch about it. You have no right to tell me how to run my team, cuz you don't have to join it. Just like I have no right tell you how to play(If you want to play different way, go for it, just don't join my teams 😛 ) I just have a set rules I prefer we all follow. In exchange, I promise you levels and maybe some random banter.


    Simple Rules of my Team.


    1. Follow the Team Lead(Unless otherwise stated)

    2. No running off to Solo(Refer to Rule 1). We work as a team.(I literally could just solo everything, but I like watching folks lvl, sorta of a addiction)

    3. I'll be handling any pulls(Unless otherwise stated)

    4. Everyone puts in the work(No door sitters). If you need to AFK, just say Hey, gotta AFK. I understand RL before Game life.


    Another way to spot me in LFG: Blueside or Redside Mish Team, Lvl(insert level). (Lowbies Welcomed or All Welcomed), Spot:


    Also when joining my team. If I actually ask you with my patent: LFT? /invite. Don't freak out if your lowbie. I am confident in my skills & team skills. Just jump in there and put in the work with the rest of us. That's all I ask. Don't freak out if you see extra mobs being pulled to the group. Just do your best 🙂  If you ask WHAT ZONE??. I'll respond with Check your Nav Bar. It literally tells you 98% time, if does not click missions on it, it should show, If it doesn't, then ask. If you are lost outside the mish as in you have no clue how to get to said zone. FOR LOVE OF CHEESE, ASK! I watch so many folks zoning all over place with no idea how to get to say P.I. or D.A. or R.W.Z., etc.. JUST ASK. I'll gladly tell you how to get there.


    My list of Characters(So you can better team or avoid me)


    My 50s

      1. Shield Spider(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared. -- VEAT Crab Melee Tank

      2. Huntsman Delirium(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared. -- VEAT Huntsman

      3. Toiletbreaker(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Brute

      4. Polyphagia(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Tank

      5. Mechanized Storm(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Mastermind

      6. Josiah Stark(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Mastermind

      7. Soundstone(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared.) -- Controller

      8. Mockingbow(Full T4 Incarnate. Full Attuned Recipe Sets) Basically Retired. All Lvl. 50 Contacts cleared -- Defender

      9. Hemoglobin(Next on list to clear out lvl 50 contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Mastermind

    10. Trauma Hound(On the list to clear out lvl 50 Contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Scrapper

    11. Bully Goat(On the list to clear out lvl 50 Contacts & become a full T4 Incarnate. Full attuned Recipes) -- Tank


    Those I'm leveling.(All of which have attuned recipes for most part)

      1. Kadrak Flinteye -- Scrapper

      2. Space Penguin -- Peacebringer

      3. Cuban Pete -- Sentinel

      4. Lucha Libre -- Scrapper

      5. Hyoketsu Shogun -- Mastermiind

      6. Pestilent Pyre -- Controller

      7. Hotdog Cart -- Mastermind

      8. Eli Electric -- Sentinel

      9. Dorian Night -- Stalker

    10. Colton Rayzer -- VEAT Ranged Night Widow

    11. JJDrakken -- VEAT Range Bane

    12. Darkmire -- Controller


    JJDrakken the person.


    I'm your typical 44yr old Gamer.  I've played games since I was 5(if not younger). Board Games, Card Games, Video Games.  I spent 30+ Yrs playing/DMing/GMing. Many Tabletop RPG games. I use to do Tourny Play in MTG. (Played since Early Beta). I love to BBQ/Smoked foods. I was a Chef for a lot my life. Use to enjoy Basketball & Football(I watch highlights more then anything anymore). Fan of Geek/Nerd Culture and Science stuff. I write on the side(Nothing published, though folks tell me I should). I use to do graphic art, till that desire in me died.  I love music in general and pets(Though I have none(pets)


    I am Anxiety/Social Anxiety ridden Guy. I've had two Heart Surgeries for SVT, Im 5'10 & Weigh 367lbs(Was 430lbs 5 months ago and working on losing more). I, like many of us in RL, lack confidence in myself or abilities. But hey, that's humanity right? I'm a Type 2 Diabetic, though working on it. I have bad knees/back/hips. But I work on it. My brain is a constant jumbled mess of insanity trying get out(Arnt we all). I 6yrs ago attempted to take my life, but was talked out of it by a man I consider my brother. Who I met because of this game. In fact many of my close friends/family is do to City of Heroes. I am currently trying to do Disability thing. Cuz my social anxiety gotten so bad, I tend to shut down or become aggressive when I am around people, especially crowds of folks. But hey, I'd rather find some work from home and never deal with humans, then living off dwindling savings doing this disability stuff. I aint that lucky though.   Yes, I have depression, one could say Manic-Depressive at times especially if I get anxiety attack. I have OCD nature.(Thus my love of rules/teamwork in game)


    If you have questions about me ask. I'm pretty much open book. Don't take my silence & quiet/caring nature as weakness though. I've lived through era when being a Gamer/Nerd/Geek was not "Cool" had to fight mentally and physically most my growing up life.  Maybe this will give ya'll some insight to who/why I am in the game. Inside the game, I am a confident person. I know for sure I'm good at it. Outside of it, I'm a mess like rest of humanity. -waves- Ya'll be well.

    im pretty sure I teamed with you and we gotten along too bad im not on this server 

  5. 1 hour ago, rookery. said:

    /e flutters down from the rafters IV drip still attacked to the COFFEE BLASTER 50000 and begins to make breakfast.


    Waffles, pamcakes, blintz, beignets, croissants, toast, cinnamon toast, French Toast, German toast, fruit salads, bear claws, powdered donuts, crepes, ham, bacon, sausage, buttermilk biscuits, scattered smothered covered and gouged hashbrowns, aaaaaand....strawberries and bananas.


    /e collapses into a pile of feathers.


    Good Morning all!



    finally shes all mine ...jumps into pile of feathers 

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