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Posts posted by CienFuegos

  1. 6 hours ago, rookery. said:

    Monday needed burning down but it was otherwise a fine day, except of course, for being a Monday.


    /e sets out pamcakes and waffles with strawberries and chocolate chips and whipped cream*


    /e notices they are still a sammich


    Don't even THNK about pulling out any more feathers!


    /e gives Puppeh the glare.


    Good Morning all!

    feathery hugs rook 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, SoylentPlaid said:

    *drags a large cardboard box in through the front door*




    *Tugtugtugyankgnawpulltug's the tape until the box opens*




    *Hops in and starts pulling stuff out of the box.   Bubble wrap....packing peanuts...Maltese Falcon...crumpled paper...more packing peanuts...Emelia Earhart...NinjaFairyKitty...*





    *Walks back from where they were tossed and hops back into the box*




    *Finished unboxing stuff and things*


    *Surveys the loot, then curls up in the box*



    closes the box and ships becky to catmando

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, rookery. said:

    /e stomps across the moonscape, a thin orange glow around them with a yellow almost white center..


    /e rars




    I'm a moon Muester!


    /e trips on a crater and lands on the toasted bread!



    noms the rook sandwich...

    hmm could use less feathers....

  4. 2 hours ago, The_Warpact said:

    *sprays puppehs dog house all in marshmallow fluff*


    *goes over and gets on Fedor's swingset*


    Aahhh hard days work...

    puppy dog hause self defense activate shoot a poison carrot at bunny

  5. 5 hours ago, rookery. said:

    Oh I'm fried . I did bartending. making drinks for the repeas. That stuff is hard work!


    Good now though!


    Puppeh can I watch Winter Soldier with you?


    /e knocks on the dog house door.

    pulls rook in and locks dog hause 

    • Like 1
  6. puppeh walks in pecks rook on cheek hugs the kitties  plays with bunneh ears handshakes fedor unloads the bacon remakes puppeh house brings a string of bacon in and a satellite dish pops up on top of dog hause 

    • Like 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Hugbert said:

    *Rolls out blueprints, which is really to say blue construction paper covered in crayon doodles*


    Hmmm yes... I think we should begin building the giant swing set next...

    Owl comes in bumps rook with new letter fro da puppeh 

    " Grill should be next Puppy is bringing home da bacon! reconquered baconlandia and renamed it puppylandia! 

    will be dropping into rookery forthwith! 

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