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Burnt Umber

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Everything posted by Burnt Umber

  1. Oh, for the "Captain {Nation}" one, can the nation be fictional or no longer existing? It's either Captain Carcosa or Captain Malay States or Captain Malaysia here.
  2. I'll bring Horrere - Sonic/Cold Corr.
  3. I'll bring Veneficio - Crab-Spider
  4. Perhaps the appropriate (though off-color) response would be "Nothing Posi wasn't already asking for"? Anyway . . . I'll try to bring Hostia Usta - Fire/Dark Corr.
  5. Ah, sorry, 12.00 pm Eastern/11.00 am Central/9.00 am Pacific.
  6. Also, tomorrow (2/16), I was hoping to do a few more runs of the wedding missions. Call it SWS revisited? Bring alts., and enjoy crashing wedding and the chaos otherwise.
  7. I'll bring Retro-Star - AR./Martial
  8. Annoyingly, it seems domicile maintenance will be taking me away from today's runs to fix my heating. Might be on later today though.
  9. Minor thing: you get the badge just by starting the Nemesis event; you don't need to reach completion/defeat all. Also, a few other things I've noticed while doing this: -The Nemesis event ends seemingly automatically if you defeat Lord Recluse and the Patrons, even if other heroes and villains remain. -The Nemesis event itself has all 14 signature heroes and villains that are needed for the Officiator badge, so it's handy to do that with a group to try to pick off the badge with as few runs as possible. -The Heroes or AVs that spawn with the groups seems random to some extent so you can get all the AVs in a Blueside run but need to do many Redside runs to get all nine Heroes.
  10. I'll bring Veneficio - Crabbermind
  11. I'd certainly be up for it. The two missions are relatively short, and they also yield a few ancillary defeat badges that can be otherwise annoying to get. Also, if we do the Nemesis bonus stage, it's certainly a bit less of a headache on a team (it also speeds up the "Officiator" badge).
  12. Hey some of my characters have names in Ancient Greek, Old English, or pidgin Japanese! 😛 But this time it's a temporary alt. and an orcish one so a basic english name will do.
  13. I plan on bringing Tiny the Barbarian - BS/Fire Brute
  14. I hope to be there with Nox - Fortunata. And I'll try to stop by the Safeguard portion with Commenticia - Illusion/FF Controller.
  15. It will be more of an interpretation than a great approximation, but I'll try to bring Hiemps - Storm/Ice Blaster
  16. I'm try to decide who to bring, so a quick question regarding the theme: is it one of the Prismatic costumes? Or would an approximation work?
  17. I'd be up for some of the badges associated with they Rogue/Vig. alignment contacts like Shauna Braun or John Houston.
  18. Looks like I'll be a little busy this Sat. morning, so I'll have to pass on that initial Yin. If I can I'll try popping in for the second run.
  19. I'd like to bring Kataigis - Elec./Storm Controller. But, if we need another role filled, I can also bring Amentia - WM/Shield Brute.
  20. I plan on bringing Caelum - Elec./Energy Blaster.
  21. I think I'll bring KoA-disguised (that counts?) Nox Atrissima - Night Widow.
  22. I'll bring Horrere - Sonic/Cold Corr.
  23. I'll try to be there with Caelum - Elec./En. Blaster
  24. Whoops, forgot to sign-up. I'll be bringing Saxum- Stone/Fire Tank
  25. With two badgers - one exclusively for Blueside and one exclusively for Redside - this topic feels as if it were made for me. As previously noted above, either Dignified Combatant from Graham Easton's arc or No One Left Behind from Roy Cooling's arc would be great substitutes representing choosing heroics and going above and beyond. Alternatively, War Wall Defender, Do No Harm, or Emancipator are older accomplishment badges that capture the idea of the character engaging in larger-scale heroics. I really appreciate badges that imply a need to change a character's morality to get are being re-evaluated. They are something of an annoyance for me.
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