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About srmalloy

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. And the mechanics are in the game for confetti...
  2. The problem I see with this is that it breaks the way targeting works — while it could be coded to work only on "target blocked" mobs, that leaves the possibility of it being used on targets that aren't stuck in a wall, just around a corner; given the fact that the game doesn't auto-reposition stuck mobs, I don't think the game engine can identify a mob as being stuck in the geometry, and I don't think it can tell the difference between LoS being blocked due to the mob's position relative to the attacker, and LoS being blocked due to the mob being physically in the geometry. It would be a complex coding problem to keep it from being misused.
  3. However, it's a good lead-off attack when your target is oblivious. My Ice/Ice Blaster, when running Heather Townsend's arc, will use it on the higher rank in a spawn, then the other, fast-triggering, hold on the other mob in the spawn before taking them apart. Not as reliable as my Grav/Traps Controller's 'lay down mines, then Wormhole the spawn into the mine field' tactic, but quite a bit faster.
  4. Let us rather discuss how this would be animated, and who would be doing the work to create the animations, since there are no existing character animations that could be repurposed for the abilities in this powerset. It's easy to talk about what the powers and their effects would be; it's considerably more difficult when none of the character animations exist, with the lack of animation resources available to the HC staff.
  5. It depends a lot on the flavor of Paragon Protector; the claws scrappers don't get significantly harder when they pop their MoG, nor are the healers. It's the energy blasters that go full-on unhittable if they're allowed to get their MoG off. Back on live, I picked up the habit of saying "Hello, Azuria? I'd like to have this piece of the Wheel of Destruction filed under 'Will Call' for the Banished Pantheon, please" as a recognition of the existence of a hidden walk-up window outside the MAGI vault for enemy groups to show up and collect items from the vault.
  6. I had the "blindfolded escort" cancer just now -- the "Out of the Corner of your Eye" alignment tip mission, where I had to rescue two rogue PPD officers... and they would drop out of follow if I got more than 30 feet from them (I had them targeted, so I could see where it happened); at 30 feet away, they would 'lose sight' of me... in a twenty-foot wide corridor with a clear line of sight from them to me, and I have no movement or stealth powers active. A seemingly endless cycle of 'back up ten feet, wait for them to decide to move, then wait until they close to nine feet, rinse and repeat'. I don't care if it's handled in game by a graphic of your closing a collar around their necks and attaching a leash, losing sight of you at thirty feet is utterly broken.
  7. In the Blaster Tactical Arrow powerset, the info window for Glue Arrow describes it as a Location AoE, but the power is actually a Targeted AoE: The Detailed Info tab shows that its Target Type is 'Enemies', which is correct for a Targeted AoE power (Oil Slick Arrow shows 'Location' for Target Type, which is correct for a Location AoE power). So the word 'Location' in the info pop-up window and in the short info that appears when you right-click on the icon needs to be changed to 'Targeted' so that it matches the actual power.
  8. And that they summon regular Illusionists, which also spend half their time phased out, dragging the fight out even more, and summon a Phantasm who summons a decoy that is invulnerable but becomes your target at annoying moments, so you have to keep checking your target window to make sure you haven't accidentally switched to the decoy and are wasting your attacks. If it weren't for the badge for defeating their summoned pets, it wouldn't be worth fighting them at all.
  9. I believe if you just close the salvage rack window, that will stop it from happening, but if you have the window open, every time you use a catalyst, one gets moved into the rack. Annoyingly, the catalyst gets moved into the rack first, so if you only have one catalyst, when you try to use it with the salvage rack window open, it will move into the rack and your IO won't get catalyzed.
  10. Yes, but it doesn't do what you want. If you have an Oranbega map that includes the chamber with the six portals, you can trigger them all and get a transfinite number of Behemoth spawns through the portals. Unfortunately, since this was determined way back on Live to be an exploit, the summoned Behemoths grant no experience. Similarly, the mobs summoned through portals created by Rikti Communications Specialists grant no experience.
  11. You never looked at the Hami-Os, did you? There's already a term for that in the game: Acc/Dam Acc/Mez Dam/Mez Dam/End/Rech Mez/End/Rech Proc
  12. It's a bad comparison, because it's not directly equivalent -- the сволочь doing this is affecting the environment, not other players directly -- but I read that and pictured Group Fly sitting in a corner with a drink in its hand, snarking "But all they have to do is go to Null and have him make them immune to Group Fly"...
  13. I recognize that the game has a render limit for nearby mobs, and that mobs in excess of that limit won't be rendered, with mobs appearing close to your character causing more distant mobs to disappear, becoming untargetable and immune to attack (while the converse does not appear to be true -- non-rendered hostiles can still attack). Today, I saw this happen in Echo: Dark Astoria. There was an unusually large number of people who showed up to take down Adamastor, and when he was summoned, he was completely invisible to me, being defeated before I could target him -- or target through another player -- to get an attack off. The logic that the game uses to prioritize what mobs to render needs to be tweaked so that hostile mobs do not disappear entirely and leave only friendly ones. Update: The hidden defeat appears to have confused the server -- at Adamastor's summoning spot, the 'Adamastor Rising' window shows Adamastor's health as 0/100, with a countdown of "Time until Adamastor retreats". Update 2: Lured back by someone calling out a suspiciously low timer for Adamastor, I took the same character back, seeing the above window; when the timer expired, the message "ADAMASTOR RETREATS" was displayed in large red letters, followed by a normal timer reset; this implies that I was originally wrong, and the summoning was bugged, and Adamastor did not actually appear, rendering my observation about rendering priority moot.
  14. In the hero tip mission 'Extract Sister Jocasta', once you rescue Sister Jocasta and begin to lead her out, her first action is to turn on her stealth ability. However, if you have any stealth power activated, she'll lose sight of you and whine about being left behind. I had already cleared a route back to the door, so I don't know whether she's a "just follow while wearing a blindfold, gets lost if you go around a corner" hostage, or a "fights with you, can see through some of your stealth" hostage. Either way, a rescued hostage who uses stealth shouldn't be fazed when you use it yourself. Additionally, the tracking for the "defeat Silent Blade to escape" part needs to be pushed a bit harder; I was able to lead Sister Jocasta to the exit without encountering anyone, and it was only after running back into the mission that Silent Blade showed up for me to defeat and complete the mission. Either she needs to show up faster, or getting to the exit without encountering her should also complete the mission.
  15. As wretched hives of scum and villainy go... it's about average.
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