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About srmalloy

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. You mean that not including "...and leave them" was deliberate?
  2. From the numpad MM control binds, an example from the 'robotics' general bind file (the rest of the general bind files follow the same format for the bind): add powexec_name "+targetcustomnear alive mypet$$equip robot" numpadenter powexec_name "+targetcustomnear alive mypet$$upgrade robot"
  3. As opposed to the PPD on guard at the gates in/out of hazard zones, whom you often have to grope in order to get the mouse click to register.
  4. You just weren't using the right drugs. Several decades ago, up in the Bay Area, some yahoo hopped up on PCP was stealing a refrigerator when he was accosted (been too long, I don't remember whether it was a guard or a police officer), refused to cooperate, and was shot three times. He put down the refrigerator, beat the shooter unconscious, then walked a half mile to a hospital and presented to the ER. He survived, but was later prosecuted.
  5. If you used the Titan Icon program to save out your character to a local file on your computer, there's a program to extract the costumes from the save file -- although you may run into 'invalid costume element' errors. You can recreate the build from the build information, and if you can read the game's internal enhancement names, you can get back how you had the character slotted: <power> <id>Mastermind_Buff.Dark_Miasma.Tar_Patch</id> <level>2</level> <slots count="5"> <slot level="40" boost="0">Boosts.Crafted_Recharge.Crafted_Recharge</slot> <slot level="50" boost="0">Boosts.Crafted_Pacing_of_the_Turtle_E.Crafted_Pacing_of_the_Turtle_E</slot> <slot level="50" boost="0">Boosts.Crafted_Tempered_Readiness_E.Crafted_Tempered_Readiness_E</slot> <slot level="35" boost="0">Boosts.Crafted_Snare.Crafted_Snare</slot> <slot level="35" boost="0">Boosts.Crafted_Snare.Crafted_Snare</slot> </slots> </power> But you're not going to be able to pull your character back into Homecoming from the saved file; at best you'll be able to recreate it starting with a new character and following the build you saved out from Live.
  6. Note that the Cupid's Crush proc is a Dmg/Proc IO, so, like the LotG Def/+Rech IO, you're only getting the enhancement effect of a two-aspect IO for the damage -- 26.5% at 50, where a straight Dmg IO would be 42.4% -- so if you're not getting a significant benefit from the proc, you need to look hard at another IO from the main set you've slotted the power with, or a more contributive set IO if you're frankenslotting.
  7. The chance is the same 100% that the Assault Rifle's Burst, despite firing multiple projectiles, will only hit (at best) the single target you aim at. It's a game design decision to make the power single target, regardless of the 'real' characteristics of the attack. It may not be reflective of real-world weapons, but it's the way it works in game.
  8. Euuuuw. I also play ESO, and it's very apparent that its control setup is hugely console-controller centric, with its restriction to five selectable abilities plus an 'ultimate' on each of the 'front and back bars', with only the currently selected bar's slotted abilities being usable, and any active powers switch off when you switch to the other bar. I have CoH characters with five or more full bars of abilities that are continuously available; having to cram fifty or more abilities into the button set available on a console controller is like trying to fit a quart of soda into a teacup. Even if you're restricting your idea to game consoles with attached keyboards, you have the fundamental problem of not having the correct graphics libraries -- and this would involve having to rewrite parts of the game engine to hook into the graphics libraries in the console, a much deeper and more involved process than simply recompiling the code to the new platform. 'Trivial' it is not.
  9. And I just finished going through all of my Mastermind bind files to preface the binds for the upgrades with '+targetcustomnear alive mypet$$' to make the bind target the nearest pet, eliminating the need to double-tap the first use to target a pet. I can corroborate from testing with my Necromancy/Marine Mastermind that I can run through the Skeleton/Grave Knight/Lich summons, then slap the first empowerment on a Skeleton while the Lich is still untargetable, and the Lich gets the empowerment.
  10. I would like to see a program of "Door diversification" -- there are so many clickable doors in the zones, and relatively few of them, in my experience, are used as mission doors. It would be good to see them get used for something other than being knocked at during the Halloween event for trick-or-treating.
  11. Atlas Park was revamped in Issue 21 by the OG dev team. Not by the Homecoming team. ...with the exception of, as on Mercy Island, removing the AE building from the zone (and moving Fort Liberty into a building occupying the same footprint, instead of just destroying it, as on Mercy Island). But that hardly constitutes a 'revamp'.
  12. You can also use it to enter an Ouroboros portal, although the necessity of having coordinates renders that less than useful for dropped Ouro portals. I created a macro for the main return portal in Ouroboros, removing the problem of clicking on the portal through a six-deep morass of characters, lore pets, and archetype pets stacked up around the portal for five, ten, or even fifteen minutes while their players get drinks, use the head, or wait for their request for an iTrial invite to be responded to and for the trial to kick off: /macroimage "WheelofFortuneFortune" "LvOro" "enterdoor 259 670 -764 P" As long as you're within range of the portal when you activate the macro, you'll get the pop-up destination list.
  13. Simultaneous mapserver invasions in every zone, and the HC staff won't have to take the servers down for maintenance, because they'll all crash from the load.
  14. I accumulated five sets, with a few extra of the Dmg/chance for confuse as sixth-slot options, but wasn't particularly dedicated in getting all the badges for all of my characters, just because it became tiresome after a while. Fortunately, most of the people I ran the Nemesis version had coherent plans for the tactics, as opposed to the one "pull the world and pray" run I was on. I did go back and do 'duck in, be annoying, get out and abandon' runs on several characters I hadn't got the 'Down in Front' badge on, though.
  15. It's an issue with any sort of projectile weapon, in that if you're firing a single projectile, a miss doesn't magically stop at your target, but will continue until it hits something else or the ground, so to model it correctly you'd need to treat a pistol/rifle shot like Piercing Rounds with a max target limit of 1, checked in order of increasing range. And all firearms have an inherent accuracy, usually measured in minutes of arc, that specifies how big a circle of random dispersion a weapon has around the point where the shooter is aiming, but that's already baked into the game as the power's accuracy. The same thing is true for other types of attack -- 'realistically' if they missed the intended target the effect would continue in a line until it hit something, but like your ability to, say, throw a Fireball into a mixed group of Outcasts and NPCs and hit only the Outcasts, a single-target attack only being able to hit the one target you're aiming at is a game design decision. A multi-shot burst should act like Piercing Rounds does, with all targets in the line of fire checked. Barring the extensive use of Handwavium in their construction, both Gun Drone and Tri-Cannon should, by the fact that they're not (at least visibly) anchored to resist the effect of recoil on dispersion, have looser effective accuracy over the length of a burst, with the rounds more affected by recoil dispersion flying past the target to potentially hit something else. But, again, it's a game design decision to restrict their fire to a single target, however improbable this would be in a 'real life' situation with a weapon of that design.
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