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Everything posted by G1ass

  1. Apparently this was an issue in the past (see mention in 2019 and 2020), but appears to have reappeared now. I got the intro mission from him at level 10 but dinged level 11 in the mission and when I went back he gave me Cho Ge as a contact, which is the 15 to 19 level contact. Then he acted like he had given me all his missions or I had out leveled him. Guessing something in one of the recent updates reverted code in relation to him, if it was ever fixed. Honestly, I rarely do anything from any of the Council contacts in the 10 to 14 level range as hunting Council in Steel is annoying. At the time, was 11th level and only had two missions (both arcs), but he wouldn't give me anything more. Not a huge deal, as I was just using him to try and open up the Science contact for the character. Went back to Atlas and talked to Jonathan St. John Smythe and got Jill Pastor opened (was hoping for Kyle Peck as he's easier to get to). Anyhow, just wanted someone to know so that this bug is still an issue (or has reappeared). Thank you.
  2. Well, I got into an ITF today and leveled again and like others I got slots and then a power choice. So no respec needed now. Totally weird though. Thanks all.
  3. I also had this issue last night. I leveled from 34 to 35, but when I finally got to the trainer it just opened and closed it. Never let me pick a power. Before that though, I had it showing that I had a level to collect. My character also has Super Speed as a power. I was probably running it at that point, but because of endurance sometimes I turn it off. Not sure if you just have to have the power or have it running for the issue to occur. Anyhow they are researching it and I hope to get a respec token so I can fix it. I normally don't respec again until 42nd to put in new and better sets. 🙂
  4. If you get that problem and have authority to edit the base you can use /editbase 1 to open the base editor and then editbase 0 to turn it off but you should be free. Normally it is the base portal has been moved to a spot that isn't working. GM Korvin has the right of it, try moving it slightly can permanently corrects the issue. Good luck.
  5. G1ass

    Stuck minion

    I'm sure this has been reported, more than once but I'm not seeing it right now. I'm on map - Zone/Mission: Abandoned_Office_30_Layout_06 (which is the 1st Defeat all Outcasts in base mission) on Server: Excelsior and I've got an Outcast (the last one) stuck in the ceiling. I can go into the room, and he can shoot me, but I can't shoot at him. At 8th level, I don't have an AoE that I can use to dig him out and none of my single target attacks goes off when I'm circling the stuck Outcast trying to find an angle that will allow me to attack him. The thing that sucks is if I get in the next room and go all the way to the ceiling, he can still SHOOT me. Which really blows... Anyhow, I know I had this happen before on one of the two Outcast missions, but I don't remember if I reported it or not. Just if there is anything that can be done about it, I would greatly appreciate it... Very annoying. Thank you.
  6. Still a problem on 30 April. Had it happen to me earlier this evening on a new character I had on Indomitable.
  7. Not a huge deal, but the text of the Performance Shifter: +End when it procs has a problem. Currently, the message is - "Electro - Cutie grants you 10.5 points of endurance with his Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance! You grant Electro - Cutie an infusion of 10.5 endurance!" Only problem is, the character is female and it ALWAYS says HIS. So someone has hard coded it for male characters, not checked to see what the sex of the character really is I think. I've got it in Stamina on both of my 50's (both female) and it has the same message (except for the character name). Anyhow, like I said not a huge deal, but it is annoying when it catches my eye. Thank you.
  8. I noticed bad text in the final of the Revenant Hero Project text box. Second to last line reads "...thank you for brining closure to their loss..." I believe it should read "....thank you for BRINGING closure to their loss..." Attached is the screen shot I took of it. Thank you.
  9. I have had this happen to me twice and one of the CR's said I should check if it was already in the bug list (not seeing it) or put it in. For the first instance on July 26th I was running a radio mission in Steel that was one of the Warrior missions. I also had a hunt Warriors mission so I used the radio mission to complete the hunt. While still in the radio mission, I got a notice that another mission was running w/ a timer! I had pulled the Defeat Auctioneer mission by completing the hunt! Well I hurriedly finished the radio, jumped outside and the text telling me where the Defeat Auctioneer mission was missing! Nothing was showing for the location. Normally I thought it was in Steel; however, nothing was showing on the map either. I had a friend come over, couldn't get the mission to show up. I petitioned, but didn't get assistance until after the 90 minute timer had run down (thank you CR Miss for at least listening to me gripe). I couldn't autocomplete the mission (not an option) and I couldn't abandon it either. Today (August 14th), for a different character (but on the same server, Indomitable) I did the same thing. This time is was hunt 30 Freaks (from Lou Pasterelli) and I used Protect UniMaxComm from a potential attack <in Bricktown> (from Tina Chung) to complete it. Completing the hunt automatically gave the mission Recover Crey tech from Freaks (from Lou Pasterelli). Since this one isn't timed it didn't cause me any heartburn. I finished Tina's mission and jumped outside... and the location for the Recover Crey tech from Freaks wasn't showing. Nothing on the map, nothing in the text. I sent a Petition for a bugged mission, but didn't worry too much about it. I was able to autocomplete it to get it off the list and move on. I just wanted people aware that there was something buggy going on. CR Miss got this one too (lucky I guess :-D) and suggested I put it in so others were aware. The server was the same, the character's were different and the zones were different, as was the time of day. I'm hoping that the programmers can figure out what is causing the issue and correct it. Thinking back, I'm not sure if this wasn't something I saw on the original servers back in the day though. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Does anyone else remember if this was an issue back in the days of the original game? Thanks.
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