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Cpt. Caveat

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Everything posted by Cpt. Caveat

  1. Holy crap, ok that’s pretty awesome. Thank ya’ll much
  2. So still getting my sea legs back here but I’m blanking on what LoTG stands for.
  3. Sadly I’m much more a teleport theme and while combat tp is tons of fun there is no steroid to speak of. In terms of leadership, tactics will add to hit but I thought it gave Tohit debuff resistance too, but maybe not as I don’t see it on the tool tip. I also saw presence has a steroid that notes that the force of will steroid crash can be mitigated. Is this for any crash (like overloaded) or just force of will one.
  4. Many of the power pools are new to me like experimentation, sorcery, willpower, etc. and I know little about them. Typically I think Leaping, Super speed, fighting, and leadership. But I see these final click powers and I question if their usefulness might be more than say combat jumping or maybe even leadership pool. I look at the recharge from things like experimentation or some of the defense buffs powers but I don’t really know if they are worth it.
  5. I had originally taken shred instead of savage strike. But if I drop hemo for savage flurry, I also assume I need to replace shred with savage strike to give me another quick hit and way to get stacks. I can open with leap for 3 stacks then maiming for one more. But I would have to AS to get to 5 to pop a fully loaded Rending Flurry so my guess is savage strike would need to be weaved in when AS or Leap were charging. When I have a snipe to fill in gaps I may not need it as much but feel like recharge to get Leap back up is the name of the game
  6. Posted this in Tank by accident and got some info I needed. I got a lvl 26 SM/bio that I took hemo and shred on. I’m now pretty confident I can get by without hemo but wondering if I should drop shred too? Savage leap is my only other Aoe so I don’t really know if there is a viable rotation for aoe without shred, but if I do keep it I’m not sure if I should pop it before max stacks to prevent exhaustion or if it’s only worth popping at 5 stacks
  7. Thank you all for the thoughts. Again sorry for posting in Tanker rather than stalker but either way I just have to decide if I drop shred as well as hemo or not. Single target on Stalker doesn’t feel like it needs hemo.
  8. Shred being a situational for big pulls that don’t go down fast? savage leap for 3 stacks then shred to prevent exhaustion or should you pop shred on fulls stacks and suffer through exhaustion? Apologies just realized I posted this in tanker and not Stalker. I’m playing a stalker but I imagine the question is basically the same for both classes using SM
  9. My SM/bio is almost 30, and while I’m not a huge fan of the power set so far I haven’t given up on it yet. I have both hemorrhage and shred but honestly, they feel basically worthless. I normally use teleport strike when I can to start a fight with a few stacks. But the idea that as an assassin I have to get a few strikes in before I can start doing full damage feels a bit counterintuitive for my class. and the fact that I can consume those stacks for a DOT feels like a waste since I have to suffer exhaustion to get it. A DoT is only good because you can apply the damage and continue to add more as the dot tics. But I have to lose my damage buff to get said dot so in the end it just feels like a waste to try to fit in a rotation. So I guess the question is. Can I drop hemo and shred and still be viable? Or is a better understanding of managing my stacks and dots necessary to keep SM from being even lower damage than it already is.
  10. On the tank or right next to where he’s going. Maybe a Macro warning the team right before you fold space. Or go for consistency and macro a fold space on “target” warning. Presumably on the tank
  11. I’m still stuck on this whole Necon theme. I agree the staff animations don’t look right. But the titan weapons have a much closer looking animation set for a Necron. And the “demonic axe” looks it could fit possibly like a Necron lord weapon. *edit I tried the look of the axe and I’m not impressed.
  12. Pretty neat and quite unique. Also, I’m going to have nightmares about that tonight.
  13. This is great. I like the agility core over spiritual after looking. Ageless radial unless I have mez issues in play. Reactive radial. Is this more for the dps boost (not sure if fire ticks will do prices) or the debuff res? Lore and hybrid I may have to screw around with to see how they feel. What are the goto leadership these days? I’m guessing Vengeance and whatever the new one is for endurance. I’m guessing I want tactics unless I need maneuvers to hit a soft cap. Thanks for this info. Understanding the pros and cons on what is a lot of new stuff to me.
  14. So I’ve been looking at Incarnate system to understand it better. It looks like alpha I would want spiritual And for destiny I would want Ageless For Judgment I have no idea maybe Ion or Might? Interface No idea maybe gravitic would be synergetic Lore pet no idea and for Hybrid Maybe Control? Not really sure on those synergies
  15. Is there a way to have the beastly stance without running on all fours. Or just add any kind of hunched over stance. For thouse that stand like this
  16. My complaint so far is there is no stance for a hunched over look. I’m thinking old bent over spell caster, or old hermit look. ya know this stance….
  17. True 3 years to my less than 3 weeks back since live. That said the too many stems from the lack of any lvl 50 toon for support. Once I get any one of them up to 50 I’ll concede the sky is the limit on Alts as I have plenty just for the costume already. And now that the number of heroes you can have on a server is so staggering I don’t have to split them between a bunch of diff servers. So I stand corrected, not to many alts, to many distractions keeping me from the task at hand of having One lvl 50
  18. Ha fair, but I just started back and of the first page of toons I have my highest is 20 because I just keep making more. Just saying at some point I should actually play the game. Google translate tells me “Too many Alts” means “Well I guess you got old and think you don’t have the same time to dedicate to gaming but really It’s just poor prioritization of the hours you feel are required for sufficient rest……ya pansy”
  19. Umm English? So I guess here is a Nerdsplanation 10/10 = I like it would steal idea = I like enough I wish I had come up with it. Joking it’s worthy of theft of the concept If I didn’t have to many Alts already = As In I make to many alternate characters already and don’t have time for more. Leaving the idea unthreatened to theft.
  20. Well none the less looks amazing. I will admit I’ve just been messing around going for a more lord look (sadly minus the iconic staff) but I see the sway to the spine. I did a different take on the head mainly haven’t decided how I feel about it yet, but the cape is a bigger issue for me. Again totes not after your build but I did want to put my hands on it. Tell me what you think
  21. Ahh ok, speed is king these days. That puts a damper on any one who needs “set up time” pre pull
  22. OMG I absolutely love it. What the heck is that mace from? And that chest has the ribs and everything. So much better than my one failed attempt at it. 10/10 would steal idea if I didn’t have to many Alts already *edit give that bad boy a cape and swing a necron lord look. Or give him a plasma rifle (though a bit small) for that good ol’ goon look. and then for the impossible an alternate costume to switch to as a Nightbringer transformation
  23. I kinda thought confusion was generally frowned upon in groups because of the potential loss of XP if a mob gets a killing blow. Or is this different now or just more acceptable in groups?
  24. I think that takes care of general power pools. Teleportation Speed Fighting Leadership (unless there is something much better I missed)
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