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Everything posted by humanowl

  1. Name: The Paragon Kings Alignment: Hero Roleplay: Not mandatory but definitely RP friendly Recruitment Officers: Gracelander (@owl) and Spirit of the King (@Deus-Zero) Recruitment Message: Are you an Elvis themed hero? If so, we want you! Elvis impersonators, Elvis clones, Elvis robots, or any other Elvis themed heroes are welcome! The Paragon Kings is a young, no pressure Supergroup looking for more Elvises. Our Graceland themed base has all of the standard amenities, plus a concert hall and stage equipped for small events, fun screenshots, and rp hangouts (plus more base love coming down the line). Go on. Make an Elvis. You know you want to.
  2. Oh yeah, that looks great!
  3. Bit more of the stage
  4. Figured something out for now. Not super pleased with the vents, but they're the right size and color and look basically fine from a distance.
  5. Thanks Dacy!! Seems to me that a lot of the cylinders that could work are a bit too long. I'm sure it might work to use a million letter "I"s to make the cylinders and some round plates/vents for the actual stretched drum surfaces but I'd like to look around before committing to something that intensive. 😛
  6. Anyone have any suggestions or experience with making a typical drumset in the base editor? Just looking for a simple 5 piece drumset. I've made a stage that would look excellent with one on it. There are plenty of items that will work for the cymbals and support rods and such, it's the actual drums I'm having issues replicating. Any suggestions would be super helpful! Thanks.
  7. Thanks for the kind words!!
  8. Yes. This would bring a lot more customization into the mix without needing to create new assets.
  9. Base Name: Freak Town Base Code: FREAKTOWN-10241 Server: Everlasting Description: Rumor has it, a group of Freakshow goons took over a blocked off industrial section of Boomtown and turned it into a ridiculous hub of drug-fueled partying. Its main attraction, "Freak Town," used to be a chemical warehouse. That is, until the Freakshow associate known as "Gas Kid" helped the Freaks turn it into a veritable chem mecca. The club has everything that a villainous psychonaut could ever want: Superadine, Excelsior, and Rage are on tap for any paying customers to indulge upon to their hearts desire. Chemical concoctions of all types are available at the various chem-bars throughout the club, including many addictive ones that keep the customers coming to dance night after chaotic night. Just stay away from the Freaks' chemical megamachine in the back - the fumes are NOT free, and the bouncer may throw you out if they catch you back there sucking in steam. An indoor and outdoor stage blare out a cacophony of Industrial music at all hours, and host any performers who are fine with entertaining drug-addled criminals. Frights, bright lights, and long nights are in store for any customers looking for a good, and weird, time. Mohawks are not required, but they are promoted.
  10. Base Name: Freak Town Base Code: FREAKTOWN-10241 Global Handle: @Owl Description: Rumor has it, a group of Freakshow goons took over a blocked off industrial section of Boomtown and turned it into a ridiculous hub of drug-fueled partying. Its main attraction, "Freak Town," used to be a chemical warehouse. That is, until the Freakshow associate known as "Gas Kid" helped the Freaks turn it into a veritable chem mecca. The club has everything that a villainous psychonaut could ever want: Superadine, Excelsior, and Rage are on tap for any paying customers to indulge upon to their hearts desire. Chemical concoctions of all types are available at the various chem-bars throughout the club, including many addictive ones that keep the customers coming to dance night after chaotic night. Just stay away from the Freaks' chemical megamachine in the back - the fumes are NOT free, and the bouncer may throw you out if they catch you back there sucking in steam. An indoor and outdoor stage blare out a cacophony of Industrial music at all hours, and host any performers who are fine with entertaining drug-addled criminals. Frights, bright lights, and long nights are in store for any customers looking for a good, and weird, time. Mohawks are not required, but they are promoted.
  11. Definitely participating in this! I just need to finish my base first. >_>
  12. More themed NPCs would be amazing. Working on a villain base right now, and throwing some Freakshow, Trolls, or Arachnos NPCs around it would really bring it to life. I imagine the same could be said for a lot of bases! I know that assets already exist for various themed dancing NPCs from Pocket D, and just having those would be cool for club themed bases.
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