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About ImperialZombie7

  • Birthday 10/06/2002

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  1. Makes sense, that way you arnt just doing the exact same thing every ccharacter
  2. you werent helping to beegin with so thats fine, I already got reliable answers from other and am doing the arcs already no thanks to you
  3. clearly, the amount of people i've heard over the course of two weeks tell me to start over for seemingly no reason is ridiculous, I mention that i waited to do them til i had a stable build and everyone has a hissy fit saying im "playing wrong"
  4. Why would i roll a new character -_- i've already proven i don need to to do them it scales you back to the appropriate lvl to do them already, how can so many of you not know what your talking about
  5. You have no idea! It was like having his own movie bro like my god I had to fly up and just sit on a roof and collect myself after it was so intense and exciting and emotionally devastating I’ll have to tell you about it sometime. You should have seen how I jumped out of my seat at the start of the quest line when I confronted evil me and It ACTUALLY WAS MY CHARACTER TALKING TO ME AND FIGHTING ME! that first fight was some man of steel final battle level stuff bro, we had the same powers and so we could barely hurt eachother the same amount so we were both within an inch of death before evil me ran away. And then omg when the good alt me joined me and it wasn’t just the npc saying he did but he actually did I was blown away, and then in order to close the portal to stop evil me’s army he sacrificed himself and I was so sad 😭
  6. Ah so it’s more of a both have points and arnt just evil thing! Thats neat!
  7. And my favorite part of the story I experienced so far was an alternate evil version of me tried to invade our universe and another another version of me teamed up with me to stop him, only perish so heartbreakingly, it also was the first cinematic cutscene I have encountered in game so far. It was so sad, good alternate me even went out with this hype as hell: “it’s up to you now, you have to universes to protect.” line. It was the most exciting story thing I’ve have happen as of now lol. It was also cool that the game even had the alternate me’s in my costume.
  8. I mean I always found it confusing that that’s the story of it because praetorian Marcus Cole is meant to be the “evil” version of our marcus, so I was a bit confused as to why what appears to be an evil him would suddenly want to turn a new leaf and basically suddenly become just regular Marcus Cole. Like narrative wise it’s a bit confusing. Also I love emperor Cole’s design. It’s so neat
  9. Yea, I mean it’s hard to beat the death of the games literal on the cover mascot as far as stories go. I am so hyped to do them.
  10. Wow thanks for helping, glad to know what that is ahead of time now, and yes I’m familiar with what the location is lore wise and all but I hadn’t known that it was one of the character specific locations/stories. If I understand correctly if one treats that masters x masters game as canon the alternate Marcus from praetorian earth becomes statesman after his death as a way of explaining his playability in that game lol. As far as lore goes I’m pretty knowledgeable lol, been dreaming of playing this game ever since nerdslayers death of a game on it so I got really into the lore and world building. Even more so after playing it.
  11. Oh is that like a separate character path to go down? Like how only villains get certain quests? Cause yea I saw that when I was doing character creation but avoided it cause I wanted to start with the regular hero stuff 🙂 praetorian stuff would be interesting to go do after I get my character maxed out 😆
  12. Ohhhh are AE’s the player made architect missions?! I saw one of those consoles when I decided to go to pocket d just to se what it was and I was like: “uhhh looks like stuff I should figure out later “ lol. And yea every creative improves over time, but that only makes the earlier work more valuable, it’s what gets you to the better stuff 🙂
  13. And you’re good fam, it seems everyone misunderstood it, nothing personal I just start to get annoyed when despite my post getting a lot of attention only to still have ask over and over and over all for like a week and a half of “you’re playing wrong, delete your character, start over” and not one answer to my repeated question lol
  14. Omg, it’s been hiding there the whole time!! Bro wow now It makes sense.
  15. What’s AE’s? I’m always interested in recommendations 🙂
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