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Everything posted by Pekiti
Gnomon = that big long piece of concrete that runs overhead, from right behind where you come out of the Ouro portal (at ground level), up to the top of the big Ouro temple building across the pond. 🙂
That is the 'resists being teleported again by anyone for 15 secs after you yank them' duration. In Mids it shows under the Effects tab for FS
Is there anything that increases the radius of buffs?
Pekiti replied to Pekiti's topic in General Discussion
OK, so the follow up question then becomes "Is the radius of an AOE toggle (Leadership/Maneuvers as an example) calculated as a true sphere, or is it a cylinder?" Example: I am standing at ground level, in the middle of my group, buffing everyone out to (radius) ft away from me. I then activate hover and float straight up 10 ft to get out of monster melee range. Does my circle of effect at ground level get smaller? Or does it stay the same (footprint) until I reach (radius) ft of altitude and now it disappears at ground level entirely? -
Things like the Leadership pool, etc, is what I mean.
I used to play, been gone forever it feels like (so many changes, and I've forgotten so much too). Nearly all of my old toon names are gone/grabbed by other people. I do different things looking for that old feeling I used to get with PSAR. Occasionally something clicks, and I play a new character for a while before the feeling fades or something triggers the urge to try something different. I have a handful of 50s left over from before, and I shipped them off to Excelsior to park. I play on Torch now, because its slightly less psycho-busy as Excelsior, and I haven't seen any of (my) old toons running around here with someone else playing them. I kept my LBFF toon to pay for endless startup funds for alts (and to help the community that helps me as a lowbie). I kept my 'best' 50 on Torch in case I find a cool SG to run with again. All the rest of my toons range from 1st level to 28th or so. I enjoy the idea of a good name, costume and thematic powers - building the basic toon in Mids is enjoyable to me, and then I try to see how it plays. I have no problem playing a toon to mid 20s and then deciding its not for me - I played Eve Online for almost 20 years so biomassing an alt is no big deal (Eve provides a better sound effect for this...). I start every toon with 5 mil inf from my farmer, and they buy the Mission Transporter, Assemble The Team, Return To Battle (a million each). I take the free powers including Jump Pack, and I almost always buy one of the three travel powers (carpet/void skiff are great themes) or the Small Longbow Jetpack (relatively unobtrusive and has a centerline flame exhaust that fits robots/backpacks really well). One of the free buff pets, Reveal, and Shadowy Presence (aka Doorsitters Best Friend). If its a variation on a toon I already know well, I buy the double XP booster and do the first few arcs in Atlas for merits and to get to Level 6-8. I always do the AP badges, then off to Pocket D for two more to get the free Long Range TP power. I also watch for an Ouro portal and grab that if I can (I drop them all the time for other people, out of habit). If the toon has good stealth I do all of the exploration badges in the Echo areas of Ouroboros. After that I try to park every toon in the Hospital/University/Midnight Club (via the TUNNEL in AP) so I can pick up the day job ally heal and ally rez powers. Somewhere in all of that routine stuff, someone will invite me to a DFB, or to fight a giant monster, or ask for help with a mission/arc/TF and I will give it a go. I don't slot anything until I hit 22 when I can buy L25 IOs *and* the character feels OK. Sometimes I'll sit in on a farm for a bit, or switch to my LBFF to help someone else level up. Its a nice way to meet new people and chat. My wife got interested in trying CoH for a while but she's kind of lost interest, so I'm solo mostly or random teams.
You can open wherever you have the builds saved, and then drag the mids save file for the build into the forum to link it.
Well I looked at a couple of builds and put my own together but I'm not sure if Shock or Discharge are worth taking/slotting. Bot Squad - Mastermind (Robotics - Electrical Affinity).mbd
Never tried EA before, and when I started looking in Mids, it looks like half my powers are just end mod sets... How many slots should I be putting to each of these powers, and has anyone written a guide about EA for MM?
I've been trying to grind up a farming toon, so I can subsidize my growing family of alts, but its slow going. When the grind gets to be tedious, I swap over to my new main toon, Questmaster, who is my homage to the comic character "Taskmaster". He's a Stalker, radiation melee/shield defense, and will be using a ton of temp power gadgets to stay with the theme of the character. I was originally StJ/SD, but the lack of a self heal made me nervous, so I went with RM/SD instead (because Dark animations can't be made less obtrusive) Five minutes into his career, someone stops and compliments me on the cosplay - this makes my whole morning, not kidding. I do the first two arcs in Atlas and get some merits, buy goodies from the START vendor and accidentally outlevel the third arc (sigh). While I am deciding what to do next, I start testing out some temp weapons on hapless Hellions to see how they look. Some weapons you draw and hold in hand until you select another power - revolver and undead slaying axe, for example, and they don't make my shield disappear. I'm making a list of what others I want to get and what I have to do to get them. There is a bow for sure, and some self heals etc would be good. A level 50+ hero lands next to me and politely asks me if he can beat up the Hellions I've gathered nearby. They are grey to me at my level so they must be nearly invisible to him, but sure. He thanks me and then BRAWLS them down, one by one as he chats to me. "Working on a badge, but mostly I remember these guys kicking my ass on Day One, so I like to stop by and beat the hell out of them for payback." Right, bad area for gang members, that spot is - after he punched a bunch of them out, he summoned a big storm of lightning and really trashed them before flying off with a wave. I didn't have the heart to keep tossing grenades into them I go to the Pocket Dimension, visit the AE and run through a couple of missions to get XP. No one is advertising farm teams so I run through one of Humbles missions and club "Bads" for a bit. Another random hero asks me if I am doing a homage to Taskmaster, and we have a brief chat about the character. My morning is made again. By the time I get bored with the AE I am 11th level. I go badge hunting in the Echo zones, and upon return I see a DFB advertising for bodies. They let me join and we have a great time cruising through the sewers - yeah that sounds gooey but it was fun, and the folks leading it were very clear about who to fight and what to do before each big battle. Got some badges and six levels, I'm 17 now and feeling pretty good with the power set and the way it plays, except for Proton Sweep - going to drop that on the respec, it looks stupid and its really slow to cast. I've also learned that the forum advice to "From hide, open with anything other that Assassin's Strike" is good advice. About half the time I am setting up to backstab a big bad guy, they attack and interrupt me (or they get knocked back by an ally, or they run off, etc). [I also noticed that in AE at least, my 'total stealth' isn't worth much, the bad guys see me as soon as I approach them, regardless of level 😞 ] I'm selling off junk and deciding if I want to buy enhancements now (I can get L20 SOs, and have been totally unslotted so far). I see some folks advertising for a "Frostfire+4" and LFM. I vaguely remember Frostfire as a mission with a building full of ice slides and such - its been like four years- and I don't understand what the "+4" means until later. I slot everything up with 20s, join the FF team and go to the Hollows. I get exemplared down to 13, and in we go. We get wiped out three times in the first hallway because Wow That Is A Lot Of Purples We Just Pulled and Oh Look They Can Summon Pets Too. I get to use my self rez power, and a wakey I had tucked in my sock, and still get to visit the beautiful hospital area in the Hollows (spoiler: The sandbags and barbed wire marking the 'hospital' will trigger some public school memories if you're like me) A few people quit the team, while the rest of us huddle up and decide We Need A Plan. A couple of replacements arrive, we go back inside and work together to get through the sea of purples. If you haven't done this mission before here's a tip: Anything with the name Scorcher in it needs to be dealt with first, unless you enjoy being armpit deep in hyperactive little fire imps. As we level up through the mission, the bad guys start dropping from purple to red to orange and we shift into steamroller mode as we each find our role in the fights. Mine is to backstab the Scorchers and other bosses, and peel off anyone trying to gank our support. Frostfire arrives (after a cute animated cut scene that I don't remember seeing before) and people on our team have prepared macros so they can trash talk him in Local while we fight! I am laughing so much, that I don't get to apply the killing blow to FF, but the chat in the group is amazing. Things go poorly for old FF and his entire crew, and by the time we all head out for Shawarma, I've gained four more levels and I am level 21 now. Selling junk back in Atlas, I see an awesome Brian Blessed cosplay (as Prince Voltan from Flash Gordon) and get another compliment about my costume from someone who reminds me to 'never skip neck day' 🙂 I am in awe of the endless stream of LFG messages as people (far above my level) gather to fight Giant Monsters, raid a Rikti Mothership, run a whole bunch of events I've never heard of with abbreviations that I don't understand, and generally demonstrate that the server is busy today. A guy falls out of the sky and goes splat next to me in the street - he's almost dead, but he gets up and says in chat "Tried to stand on the blimp" and runs off. I look up and by God, there *is* a blimp up there. I am promptly shoved out of the way by a car, then by a guy carrying a newspaper, and then by some hysterical woman running by with her arms in the air. It was a great day on Torchbearer, looking forward to more today.
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Well, I can fly through a lot of missions on the carpet and stay cloaked etc...which fits the theme. I did discover that it appears "you cannot increase the carpet's flight speed" is technically incorrect. If you slot Fly Speed into Swift, it affects all of your flying powers. One level 25 IO makes the Carpet almost as fast as unslotted Mystic Flight (according to the in game status monitor). It feels faster too, but this is what the stats window shows. Swift with 1 Fly speed IO, carpet active Swift unslotted, Mystic Flight active The wiki does say that the carpet should ignore any buffs or set bonuses, but I don't have a way to test that by myself. So (in theory) if I wanted to save a power pick I could spend a slot or two in Swift to buff my Carpet flight speed. Probably futile, but interesting to me.
So after spending most of the day nomming pizza and fiddling with things, I changed the build to this version. Still not sure how to slot Spirit Ward, but going all in for the recharge bonuses seemed OK. I do not have Hasten in this build, the global recharge on most things seems fast enough. I don't know enough about Incarnate stuff to even guess at how it will change the build for me post 50, so this is as far as I can go until I learn that. I only just got the Lich, so not sure how/what he does for the team, but the Wiki shows he does throw holds so I picked a Hold set that gave me more recharge. Time will tell if that works out. Dr Graves v3.0 (Necromancy - Dark Miasma).mbd
Gather the Shadows: a Dark Miasma Primer for Masterminds
Pekiti replied to Force Redux's topic in Mastermind
If you create a build in MidsReborn, then Save it, you can attach that saved file to your post, and others can import it to their Mids program. I only learned this today. -
I wonder if Shadowfall (toggled on before I summon the carpet) will still affect my team. I will have to test this.
How do you slot up Spirit Ward?
I like Spirit Ward a lot (been playing Defenders most of my CoX career, and 'protect the team' is in my DNA) but wasn't sure if Enflame was worth anything or if it was like Whirlwind - funny but not useful.
I have no idea how to use the test server (/shame)| But reading the other posts did give me some useful info - I didn't know that my MM personal attacks spawn shades, so now I have a reason to put Life Drain back into the build. I also didn't know that Enchant Undead and Dark Empowerment could be slotted with uniques that will give my pets regen etc. I originally wanted Rune of Protection for click status defense/resists, but its a 3 power pick (Mystic Flight is fine, and then either Spirit Ward or Arcane Bolt). I might drop it and see if I can just get the durations down via Mez Resist set bonuses elsewhere and carry Breakfrees. I am now 25th level in game and have a better feel for some of the powers (I thought Soul Extraction required my pets to be knocked out on the field - imagine my surprise when I clicked on it by accident during a big fight and summoned an entire football team of spirits) The evolution of my Necromancer continues...
I like the Scorpion Shield in the patron pools, and I see that Power Boost is also an option in the same pool. Would taking PB be of value to a Necro/Dark MM? If I pick it, it will be one of the last powers in the build and be a one or two slot only.
I love the look of the flying carpet flight power, it fits my character theme, but I have questions. 1. It looks like it won't let me activate powers while riding it, but it appears my (already active) toggles continue to work, is that right? 2. Is there anything I can do to make it fly faster? 3. Is there any way to change the color of it?
Aha! Perhaps directly linking the save file? Dr Graves v1.0 (Necromancy - Dark Miasma).mbd
I read Force Redux's rather excellent guide on Dark Miasma, and found a few example builds (of dubious age) to base my build on. I've run a Bots/ MM before and I have done Dark/ Defenders before, so I am somewhat familiar with both power themes, but never together. I've had bad experiences before with Group Fly, with both bots (now junk) and team mates (now deceased)...so it is not in the build. Mids Reborn has some kind of strange glitch with the resist percentages in 'View Totals'. I was doing pretty well then <pfftzizzle> everything shows like -999%, and I have no idea how to make it stop. I've tried a couple of different Exports but its not working very well (frowning) I'll try 'BB Code' this time, and hope you can read/reproduce it. I'd like to know if I have made any egregious errors in powers/slotting/enhancements. [EDIT: Removed the text blob, and the latest version of my build is farther down in the thread. -Pek]