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Everything posted by wjrasmussen

  1. I thought I was the only one who felt that way
  2. So the ski chalet is open and you can get the tucker badge. fyi.
  3. I'd be fine with that change. And I'm saying that as someone who doesn't have a 50 yet due to altitis. If you want a limit, limit yourself. Don't worry about what others are doing.
  4. Some of you have an ED problem and Viagra isn't working for you. Must be frustrating for you.
  5. You are aware that beating a dead horse, bringing it back to life, beating it to death, then beating the dead horse once more to start the cycle all over again is a long standing CoH forum tradition, right? People were raging about ED and how it would kill the game and make X class unplayable for years after it was first implemented. That this topic has returned? Not surprising in the least. That's why ED will now be known as Equine Deadification.
  6. If you really feel that way you should quit the game and never look back. But we know that you won't do that.
  7. Love this image format with an image of the location visible. now to go back and see if I can find the ones I couldnt find the other day...Great job btw, I picked up all the FL echo badges tonight.
  8. If that is your kind of thing, great. power leveling isn't an accomplishment to me.
  9. Always, ever, obviously a design flaw. Leaving players to sort it out instead of fixing it was even shittier; they don't have the means to fix it properly. Players continuing to play such badly designed games is why things don't get better. Someone tried to bring me over to Everquest from Asheron's Call back when they were still the chocolate and vanilla of 3D MUDs (I'm thinking it was around Christmas '99, since I'd been going heavy in AC throughout the Beta for most of that year) and that was something encountered in the first five minutes, right there in the starting area. AC had that problem scouted in its core design, sorted before it even got out of Alpha. I dropped EQ like the hot piece of garbage that it was, and still resent every player who put up with it. Mind, that wasn't its only failure -- the almost complete lack of character customization and forcing fantasy religion on players was also awful. Sadly, they had more players, because, I suppose, most people have terrible taste. Design flaw in your opinion. You know that just because you have an opinion that doesn't make you automatically correct. RIGHT?
  10. thanks, time to level up
  11. wjrasmussen


    On my first character back here, I forgot about contaminated. I completed the tutorial, but wonder if there is a way to get back to complete the badge? Thanks.
  12. Hi, I am in the oroborous trying to get to echo galaxy city. How do I do this?
  13. Hero 18th level 42 badges so far.
  14. It does not matter why it is done...it does not even matter who gets the kill...it is RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL and there is NO excuse for it...you can attempt to justify the behavior if you want to, but it is still not acceptable behavior online. If you are in that big of a hurry, maybe online gaming is not the place for you! Hey Everybody, this is Hangover's game. Yes, COH is City of Hangover's Heroes. Get over yourself.
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