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Posts posted by subbacultchas

  1. None as far as comic books, or books, or movies or anything. When I first started playing years ago, a lot of my characters were influenced by mythological and religious figures. I did have one or two movie based ones, Father Kane from Poltergeist II and Thunder from Big Trouble in Little China, but those were exceptions. Not I think any that are influenced are fairly rare, I mostly just kind of do my own thing and more make characters that resemble archetypal things (a vampire, energy being contained by a suit, bug who got superpowers).

    Mostly, I did make a trio of Gorgons just because I liked the idea.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Coyote said:


    New powerset suggestion: Poop Flinging? Poop Blast? Poop Assault?

    There's an ARPG called Grim Dawn, and one of the pieces of armor I remember coming across was something like Soiled Pants. And it did give you a power to fling poop, which did poison damage. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, roleki said:

    I prefer playing my en/en as ranged, just because the cast/activation times of /en melee are so abysmal in comparison to what the primary can do in that time.


    That said, comic book blasters have always been primarily blappers: Iron Man is a blapper, so is Captain Marvel.  I am sure there are more 'ranged-only blasters' but the only one I can think of offhand is the Human Torch. 


    Bottom line being, almost everyone in comics who blasts, also blapps.  

    Cyclops, Havok, Storm, Bullseye, Punisher to an extent come to mind. But as you said, they also blapp really well too. Other comic characters forget that, often to a fatal degree.

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  4. Almost done with my third and fourth runs of co-op Divinity Original Sin 2 on the tougher difficulties. I also have a save game going in both Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark when I get the itch. Looking for something new actually, or some of the early access stuff like Raft to update. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

    The only way I play a Blaster is as a Blapper, IMO, there is no other way, unless you are all Arrow or something....

    Sure. I mean, the thing about ranged attacks is they still work in melee. With the exception of maybe cones, which work but with different considerations for arc and range.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

    I like to throw a bunch of shit at the wall and see what sticks. I haven't literally thrown shit at the wall yet, but the day is still young. 

    Just uh, let me know when you start firing so I can move first.

    • Haha 3
  7. Yeah, I expect it will go down. I've been scarcely around for the past few weeks, there's just a lot of new stuff to play that I've really been itching for (currently Bloodstained: RotN, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Archeage: UC). But CoH is comfort food honestly. I might try out new restaurants from time to time, but I'll always head back to CoH when I'm done.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, justicebeliever said:

    Why live that way if you don't have to?  If you have a choice in life between being right or being kind, I choose kind.  Well, at least I try to.  And I fail as well.  And I deserve to be called out when I do.  And I should own it when I am caught.  It's also why I'm always on the warpath about not assuming other peoples motives.  If a statement like, "Don't let it bother you" can stir debate about people's motives, we are in a sad, sad place.

    This, very very much. Took me a long time to get there, and stop feeding the need to be right. But it's worth it to me, every struggle along the way, to be able to help and show just basic kindness. 

    • Like 2
  9. Plus you really need to separate resistance and defense caps, they are two different things.  Defense cap is 45 normal and 50 something incarnate, which just means above that you get pretty much no return in practice unless you are debuffed, because the enemies to-hit is at the lowest level it can be. Resistance caps depend on your AT, and are more hard caps, because even if you have 95% it's going to be capped at whatever your class cap is to begin with.

    So defense caps are soft and at 45/50something, resistance caps I would call hard caps and depend on ATs.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Tahliah said:

    I'm not sure if this is the place to post this, but back in the day, there was an all Plant Control team that used to run once a week on (I think) Freedom. It was a complete blast to run with seven other plant trolls, all with varying secondaries.  I forget who started it up, and since I didn't play on Freedom(?), I had to start a new plant troll to run with the group.  It was completely amazing fun, and every once in a while, we'd all pose for screen shots (which I subsequently lost in a computer crash years ago).  I don't think there was a rule that we all have green in our costumes, but I seem to recall that we all did.  And we were beautiful, all greens and auras and flytraps galore. 


    There was something perversely wonderful about an all plant troll team.  As we gained levels, we plowed through missions like crazy. We didn't need healers/defenders (we had plenty of heals and buffs of our own), and we didn't need tankers/brutes (we managed mobs and aggro just fine).  It was just different and super fun.


    Is something like this going on now?  I've looked through the server forums from time to time but haven't seen anything, so I thought I'd ask here.  If anyone is doing something like this, please let us all know so we can join up and run with you.  I play mostly on Excelsior, but I'll make a troll on any server to run with an all [plant, earth, fire, ill, whatever] troll team.

    I have a Plant/Dark on Excelsior and would definitely be up for this.

    If we are talking existing characters, I'm not 100% sure I want to make another plant since this is my 3rd or so since HC.

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  11. So having played elec blasters, controllers, and others I think some of these points are very valid. However, you can get enemies to zero endurance and you can keep them there, although it's not always easy with a single elec. So I would not say people should not play it, I would instead say people should not play elec sets expecting to keep all enemies end drained very quickly and permanently by themselves. 

    Voltaic is definitely trash though 🙂

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