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Posts posted by subbacultchas

  1. I don't know the answer to this, but I would be really surprised if the answer is yes.

    Currently I'm taking two of my proc monsters from mid-last year, Plant/Dark/Leviathan troller and Beam/Time/Fire? corr, and making a new Plant/Time/Power (maybe) troller. Slow going right now in the twenties, but I've just started slotting procs since I got Time Stop and Creepers again.

  2. 20 hours ago, Myrmidon said:

    For me, it has to be Controllers that don’t immediately spam their AoE Immobilize the moment the team makes contact. Those are about a 1 to 20 ratio with the ones that do. 

    Now, I have to say, it does make Tanker ranged cones extremely fun to use on strung out groups.

    I see this a lot, especially a lot among lowbies when running DFB or Posi 1 & 2. If I'm really tired, I probably do it myself. But the general rule is to wait 1-3 seconds and see how things things bunch up around your brutes/tanks before hitting it. 

    • Like 1
  3. Ive only started messing with tanks since the recent overhauls, but I've noticed that their ATO procs just don't seem that terribly useful. The same could be said for Blaster ATO procs as well, although the ATOs themselves are just fine I think. As far as controllers go I like the ATOs, but to be honest I only six slot one of them. The other has I think a 4% dam for 2-slotting the superior version, so I tend do to 3 sets of 2-slots for that 12% overall. That works well because there's often not a good place to six slot both ATOs without losing damage.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Drazah Krad said:

    energy font for controllers would be nicer if they spawn near the targets instead of at the caster. I feel I lose out on many of its ticks watching it hover over to a mob.


    either that or make it look more like a projectile,exploding on impact giving a minor damage,short duration stun aoe.


    (btw stick it into your AoE immob and you can have 3-4 spawning consistently)

    Truth. I use this a lot when proccing out Plant's AOE immob.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Dynastyjay said:

    Literal definition of a sheep. Where did the OP ever state anything about power gaming? That assumption was simply made by someone who was incapable of providing an intelligent reply and instead decided to ignore the ENTIRE post which tried to steer this debate in a constructive direction. 

    Hmm, that hardly seems productive to be taking pot shots at another person's character, intelligence, or presumptive motive rather than the argument. Are you sure this is the route you want to take over this?

    • Like 2
  6. I dunno, I'm not sure I could come on board with this idea unless it was a choice suggested and made by the HC Devs, which I'd still think is good faith but bad idea. While we do applaud transparency in most matters, but I'll be honest most communities are not gamer communities. The type of negativity we can produce at volume can't be understated, and I think any type of roadmap is going to be an outlet for it. I'm also really leery of the term "deserved backlash" being thrown out. Makes me wanna Gandalf that a little bit 🙂

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Haijinx said:

    Builds with lots of recharge often use higher end attacks more.  


    I've noticed my levels 40-49 builds where I have the rec uniques but not purples nor perma hasten tend to have the least End issues.

    Truth. I'm one of those folks that usually takes hasten on builds. But the when of it really depends, because it can make existing end issues much more prevalent early on. Same with other sources of recharge.


  8. 2 minutes ago, RikOz said:

    And it was actually in another thread on these boards that I learned the word in the song was "murderer". I originally heard it as "word 'em up", and that's what had been stuck in my head for 20+ years.

    That's me too! I didn't know until today, because I looked it up before commenting. I had to verify through several places that murderer was correct.

  9. 1 hour ago, MunkiLord said:

    I suspect I'm in the extreme minority with this opinion, so this isn't something I feel HAS to be done or even should be a high priority. Just my preference and what I would personally like the most. 


    Hell, I'd happily settle for not having to redo my power trays after a respec. 

    You are not, trust me you are not. You know how excited I was when I first saw the slash command for cleartray?

    I don't know that I've ever spent less than 30 minutes respeccing, redoing power trays, and reslotting. Maybe at 10-20, but honestly not even then as I'm usually comparing ideas in Pine's while respeccing.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    I made a damn close to softcapped beam/em going for the extremes of the range spectrum. I have amazing melee but also the longest range possible in the game. It's a new concept toon but last night it was hover tanking AVs, shooting things across the map so far the game doesn't render the effect even on max settings for me, but also smashing things in the face with bonesmasher, total focus and a proc'd out power thrust.


    The only drawback is the set doesn't have much for AoE but that's how I built it for concept. It is still fun Superspeed jousting mobs landing out of melee and immediately firing a shot from where I land.


    Solid AOE or not, Beam has become my favorite blast set. I currently have a Corruptor, Sentinel, and just made a Blaster. I like the animations, the sounds, the secondary effects, and of course the solid proc options it presents.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    A very simple trick to help speed up the process of mass mailing to oneself that many dont seem to practice when I have talked about the issue is to send yourself a quick mail first and then use the reply button to quickly make fresh mails. Many apparently take the time to re enter the @name etc every time which adds a fair bit to the hassle for sure.


    If they could make mass mail that would be cool but something tells me if the team that has had this game to play on all these years never did it, it may be nigh impossible.

    Solid advice. I keep an email I use this for called New Character Fund, that I also keep 2-3 emails with 2-3 mil inf for new characters.

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