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  1. You must be real fun at parties.
  2. I usually start out reading, and if your diction is boring, grandiloquent, pedantic, or bloviating, I start skimming. Don't blame me for not reading when you can't be bothered to write in a way that respects my time. Also, I start skimming (or stop reading and fire off a targeted response) if your argument is retarded.
  3. "Mantle" shit is even worse than killing super heroes.
  4. I am not voting, but I'll give an opinion on the whole thing: I want Stateman - and Sister Psyche - to have never been killed in the first place. I think it'd dumb that IRL office/business-politics got tied up into the story. I don't care how much of a DB the IRL Statesman may have been, anger towards him need not be taken out on the character (and the player base who liked the character). I think killing super heroes is lame, and bringing them back is generally even lamer. I am interested to eventually hear your idea to bring him back, though.
  5. There are only 3 actual MMOs on that list. Also, WoW only has 325,000 players? That's gotta be only "concurrent players". I know their sub count is still measured in millions. Also-also, as reply 1 says, it's flippin' Monday morning. If you want to talk about population, measure on Saturday night.
  6. Dumb reason to leave, TBH. "Be the change you want to see in the world" and all that.
  7. Thanks for the fun, Monty (and crew)! It was a blast. Nice to see so very many faces tonight!
  8. <TWO HOURS! I'm already warming up my seat. ...because if I don't come early, I'm liable to forget entirely. x_x
  9. It's not "shortcuts" it's pattern recognition. And when it's the majority "giv[ing] the rest of us a bad name"... I miss when games were hard enough that CC actually mattered.
  10. Wish I remembered the electric-based names I wanted a few months ago. x_x But hey, I got Delta-V for my Kinetic/Blast Defender!
  11. Oh that's a mercy. No worries, do whatcha gotta do. ^^ And yeah, 9 people plus your crew for 1-3 hours on a specific night sounds like a scheduling nightmare.
  12. Apparently I'm losing my mind. I would have sworn this post said you were doing two games in October, but re-reading it, I can't even see what might have given me that impression. x_X
  13. I did not. Damn you, Poe' Laaaaaaaaw! Gets me every time! They may have been "talking about it" as a goal, but the game wasn't built from the ground up *for* PvP, or it would've been in at launch in a big way. If I want a polished, balanced, fun PvP experience, I want the game to be completely *built* around PvP. In any other kind of game it's a side-show at best.
  14. Of all the wonderful PvP games, I will never understand why people insist on pushing it into game built around PvE full of people who are only interested in PvE.
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