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Argus_The_Risen last won the day on August 29 2022

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  1. Will do! Always looking for new ways to make my altitis even MORE apparent... XD
  2. I will definitely be checking this out!
  3. Well said. In all my years of playing, I have never used AE for more than farming. I really should play through some of the dope stories other players have created, but... altitis is a real problem...
  4. As stated in the title, I am curious about these strange and curious builds that actually work in farms. I have been seeing some odd builds popping up around Pocket D AE that appear to be farming, but are not your average Spine/Fire or Rad/Fire Brute. So, if you have one, what is it and how on earth do you make it work?
  5. And to end today, we have the panda who has survived in a post-apocalyptic world: Pandestruction.
  6. Second, we have my warrior born in the west, but raised in the east: Heaven's Hand.
  7. Ok, been a while since I've posted, but I wanted to share a few creations that I am quite proud of. First, we have my main: Red Death Metal. Here are a few of his looks!
  8. Just wanted to confirm that this is still happening or not? Been looking forward to it!
  9. I literally got done with one of my best costumes, and it timed out. Lame.
  10. Speaking of entrances, where did Echo Plaza go? Tried going through the portal in Atlas and it wasn't there. It wasn't in the Long Range Teleporter either. Am I missing something?
  11. THANK YOU! Love everything y'all have done for this community 🙂
  12. If we already have a permanent golden title, could it be switched out for a new one? I know this might seem a bit "dumb" considering the "permanent" part of the title, but I was still curious 🙂
  13. Just as the title states, I want to know what you think makes VEATs great! Whether it be Huntsman, Crab, Bane, Widow, etc. You can get as detailed as you want, or be short, sweet and to the point. It is time for us of Arachnos to shine and tell the world how great we truly are!
  14. Round 5 ladies and gents! Got a new one, who is a sellout of a hero. If it pays, he comes to play. Introducing, Skeleton Crew (SS/WP Brute)! Also not quite sure on the name, any suggestions would be great! Tell me what you think! Deuces! 😄
  15. Round 3 ladies and gents! So, we have Arachnok again, but I have drastically changed his look to be more in line with his bio of being an experiment between Dr. Vahzilok and Lord Recluse. Let me know your feedback, suggestions, or anything else! Deuces! 😄
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