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Everything posted by Voltor

  1. You shoot the extinguisher at the fire, it MISSES.........and then the building explodes in your face.
  2. This is indeed a tragedy. He should have had a live in caretaker or else been in a nursing home, and if he was bedridden most of the time then likely he should have been in hospice care. RIP
  3. I just had an idea for how they could create a small squadron of heroes to help against things like multiple Invincibles and the impending Viltrumite invasion I have read the comics (the art at times......eeesh) but anyway what they could do is this: 1. I suspect Rudy/Robot thoroughly monitored and recorded the Maulers cloning process and mind copy/paste process 2. We get some blood from Invincible and then make say........5 clones. However instead of Mark's mind being transferred into them and thus having the whole clone/original conflict of the Maulers, they could take the heroes that were critically injured and copy/paste their minds into the clone bodies. The original will perish just like it was with Rudy/Robot and the world gets new heroes. Modify the costume and appearance of them so they aren't impersonating Invincible, of course. Or in lieu of critically injured and dying heroes I am sure there are plenty of soldiers critically wounded and dying from the Invincible War that could be copy/pasted into a clone body of Invincible. If I were Cecil I would have to seriously consider this plan as I would be in charge of defending Earth and would need weapons/soldiers to do so.
  4. Just wait until next week's season finale!
  5. Enjoying the series so far, it is a nice resumption of the story from the Netflix series. Now if we can get Season 3 for Cage.....
  6. Episode 7 now available for viewing! It was awesome!
  7. I think the next 2 eps will satisfy the need for action. 🙂
  8. You need to add in the merchandise sales as well, Which as I recall for Ep 8 and 9 the toys were not flying off the shelf.
  9. Filoni, George Lucas, Favreau, George Lucas, Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, did I mention George Lucas? Any of the above can take over and I suspect many Star Wars fans would be happy. Step 1: the sequels are now LEGENDS and disregarded. note that I said that sequels NOT the Mando and Ahsoka series Step 2: time jump the saga to say 50 years after ROTJ, Luke is still around but Han and Leia are deceased. Their kid or kids are Jedi, Chewie still lives, the droids are around and we get a sequel series that is superior to the dreck that we received. Modified THRAWN WAR perhaps? We then toys for a movie don't sell you know you failed.
  10. So is no one watching this? This season is knocking it out of the park Also Michael Dorn aka Worf from TNG is having too much fun with his character 🙂
  11. She was made back in the pre_Marvel Timely Comics era to be an equivalent to Wonder Woman. Some years back he was sidekicked to She-Hulk in SH's book at the time. I think the main premise of her tale was to get her youth restored going be the premise that if other heroes can come back why not her? No idea how it turned out.
  12. You are right in that Bond does vile or violent things, that is what he has to do at times to stop the bad guys and terrorists and world conquerors. Bond is licensed to kill, kind hearted people do not get a license to kill. Bond is someone that stands on the wall and faces off against the threats that we do not normally hear about, all to keep the world safe. Same with Star Trek: Section 31, classic Nick Fury, also Cecil Stedman from Invincible.
  13. https://www.cbr.com/is-supernatural-coming-back-for-season-16/ Cast and crew would love to return, but availability at the moment and also the current lack of a quality story is keeping it from happening. Should Supernatural make a comeback with Sam and Dean Winchester....or should it be a sequel series like the current Frasier and Night Court and the impending new Buffy series? New Winchesters to keep up the fight in memory of Sam and Dean?
  14. So did I just watch a Tomb Raider trailer or a Jurassic trailer? 🙂
  15. It's been awhile but I think the Fremen did learn the weirdling way in the Sci-Fi series and Alia was in it also. Why the new movie changed her I don't know unless they simply didn't want to mess with child labor laws with a kid on the set but that is just speculation on my part.
  16. Quite correct, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dune_(1984_film)#Lynch's_screenplay_and_direction It seems a few years ago he expressed minor interest in going back and maybe doing a Lynch Director Cut of it but didn't. He really had some bad memories of what happened to that movie and I can't say as I blame him. I've seen some of the versions of it, and yeah....they were not good. He had some good elements and adaptations of the characters and stories, but bad editing killed the movie. The Sci-Fi channel (before the change to SyFy) had their 3 part Dune mini series. It is in my library and I happily rewatch it. Overall a good adaptation, though some of the background scenery and distance shots looked rather fake but TV studio budget and early CG tech. Good casting and I felt it was faithful to the story overall, but Sci-Fi channel understood the wisdom in making it into 3 parts about 2 hrs long each. DUNE cannot be crammed and condensed into one movie that is 2 hours long, it doesn't work that way just like LoTR and Hobbit. As to the new movies, I've seen the first but not the second. I am not entirely sure I want to see the second but suspect I will. Suggest going back to the Sci-Fi 3 parter for another view of it.
  17. The idea of Bond being a legend, and that the name and 007 number are passed to the next person after the previous retires or is killed is something I have had for years as well. Bond/007 is the name and number that endures in the world of espionage as the legend that will be sent out to do the jobs that other agents cannot do. Bond is the one that gets the job done no matter what. To earn the name and number takes a lot to qualify for, and they could have a movie where the next chosen one to inherit the name and number must obtain it by killing the current Bond who has gone off the rails and is out of control, or at least that is what they are told. The irony is at the end as the current one dies he tells the new one "You are now Bond....until they send the next one to kill you just as I did to my predecessor" Something for the new Bond to think about and be wary of. As to Bond, I liked it in the start of Diamonds are Forever when Connery returns and is on a world wide man hunt for Blofeld to finally end him and also to avenge his wife from the previous movie. Also License to Kill when Dalton-Bond was on a quest to avenge Felix and his wife. Both instances of Bond going "renegade" in the official eyes of MI-6 but they actually just sat back and let him do what needed to be done. That is the Bond I would want to see on the screen again. As to him being a drinker and womanizer......well the character is a product of the time he was created. Of course spies like him have to be able to blend in and be ready to handle all situations and targets. People have complained in the past when Bond attacks female enemies such as at the start of Diamonds when he starts choking Marie to get Blofeld's location or in The World is Not Enough when Brosnan Bond shoots the female villain. Bond is licensed to kill........there are no exceptions to such a license, and to obtain that license requires a certain level of ruthlessness.
  18. All alts completed. Some of my alts have that vanity pet most of the others just soloed through the mission with ease to obtain all the badges. 5 new badges from the mission plus the 6 that were already in the game. This includes Tooth breaker badge as it is listed among the spring badges on the badge list.
  19. Having updated all 25 of my alts with the 5 new badges I can honestly say that while the mission is fun, Kadbra, Sigil and that Ouro crystal are in dire need of being moved to a more open area in Pocket D. The current location is rather small and with everyone and their pets crowding around, it can be problematic to click the contacts or the crystal or if someone is doing the widow maker badge mission, Mercedes Sheldon is in that same spot also thus making selecting her problematic at times.
  20. How about that.....all 25 completed again.
  21. The Most Prominent Dominant Badge Hunter rises again! All 25 alts completed.
  22. I select the nemesis option and red text will flash on screen that all are hostile towards me and will attack if they see me nearby, hence the stealth as i click him and then run away fast. What's the big deal? Different experience for different players.
  23. Linger at posi too long and you are likely to be attacked so some stealth is a good thing
  24. Strategy tip: when you do the Nemesis part, the boss mobs are not relevant. Fly with stealth to Posi and select the Nemesis option then fly back to the team who should all be standing on the stairs where they arrived. Commence buffing, and wait for LR and his patrons, they will charge up to you. Take them down. After that, with some creative/stealthy sniping, go ahead and hit numina. This will aggro link Num, Cit, Mant, Sis and Syn. Bab, States and Lib should remain behind. After that first AV group is down, target Statesman, he and the others will come to you at the stairs. Do this right and the other hero/villains won't engage your team.
  25. Well I think this event would benefit if Kadabra/Sigil were in a more open area of PD and if there were more Ouro Crystals for the event. It's a bit crowded where they are.
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