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Posts posted by tidge

  1. This isn't an attempt to yuck in anyone's yum, but imagine how much variety could be experienced when players take their characters past level 22. There is no obligation to take primary/secondary powers when first offered. My typical experiences have been:

    • Before level 20, I usually have up to four slots available for use outside of the primary and secondary.

    This allows choices of "third picks" from all power pools, which can offer a lot of insight into what the power pools can bring to different styles of play

    • Before level 20, no build needs the Fighting pool for Tough/Weave, nor is Hasten needed. Feel free to experiment.
    • By level 25, it will probably be possible to respec a build to alter the order of power choices, and drop pool powers that are no longer needed.

    One personal example that comes to mind is the Medicine pool. I grok why at low levels it feels like a game changer, but once players have multiple rows and columns for Inspirations, and remember that they can combine inspirations, this pool isn't nearly as much of a "game changer."



    • Like 1
  2. How is Tidal Forces working for you?  I am using the Build Up from the Secondary (in my case Ionize from Atomic Manipulation) instead. I felt like I wanted MOAR damage, did not need MOAR ToHit, and the secondary effects Tidal Power itself wasn't something I found myself relying on. I'm looking for other experiences, as I can imagine trying to time attack chains with (Fast) Water Jet, but for me it would have to be part of an idiot-tolerant attack chain to leverage.

  3. 6 hours ago, Snarky said:

    Pretty much only one ranged ST set from PvP.  Did i miss something somewhere?   


    We are discussing Cones, not ST. For strictly Damage sets, 2 pieces of Bombardment offer a range boost. Positron's Blast includes a Range piece, as does Artillery. There are D-Syncs for Accuracy/Range, and Hami-O's for Damage/Range.


    Cones with other effects offer even more options.

  4. Imma just chime in to say I don't for a split second comprehend how slotting a ranged (cone) attack for Range could "cheaty" when the preferred alternative is to slot the power for Enhancement set bonuses, which BTW one of the ranged AoE sets offers a global 5% range boost for using 2 pieces from the set, and other slottable enhancement sets also include pieces that boost Range.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. In Kings Row, related to the Paladin Construction event, there are invisible, untargetable "Targets"  (Name found courtesy of monitoring missed Pet ToHit rolls) at  [-1614.5 24.1 1760.0],  [535.7 131.1 2757.1], [-2812.9 139.7 -457.1].


    Is it possible to set a flag on these such that they don't generate henchmen aggro? Do they need to be set this way to control the behavior of the Clockwork construction spawns? These objects are out of the way, yet I find it funny to have all the henchmen going crazy to get this thing. It's not like the indestructable Rikti drones collapsed in Crey's Folly, because I can't see the Hits, only the misses.



    • Thanks 1
  6. The last time I tried to install MIDS, my mechanical HDD locked and fried. Coincidence is more likely than causation, but it definitely seemed like MIDS needed a whole lotta extra stuff installed as well, just to make it "work". I'm not taking anything away from the developers of the app, or those that evangelize for it, but it isn't something I find necessary for builds or experimenting with builds. City of Data v2.0 is much more useful to me.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. Fast cycling ST attacks (e.g. the T1, T2) are usually not a a good place to invest a slot in any (from outside a set that was going to be slotted anyway) %proc; the rates are generally poor enough that it won't speed up defeats (of those single targets). There are a few different corners to explore however:

    • Sometimes the ST 'attack' is something like a control or debuff that by itself does no/little damage, adding %damage can help non-DPS characters. Slows. Holds and raw Defense Debuffs are the ones I usually consider for %damage. Less so for immobilizes, fears.
    • %-Resistance isn't as good as a reliable Resistance debuff, but in the case of an actual damaging attack for a low-damage scale AT: It is possible that the debuff will help reduce the defeat times against some bosses. (Resistance resists resistible resistance debuffs)
    • The duration of %effects is rather short. Resistance debuffs generally help teammates more than the caster. %status effects are in my experience  only shine in cases like the +2 mag Hold sometimes catching a boss on the first application, or %contagious confusion trigger a spawn to alpha strike itself.

    As others have written: The length of an application of the %effect will extend from multiple applications, but the effect will not stack with itself.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    My only issue with Cones is the Dark Blast set. I like the set overall, but I do not like how every cone attack is a different range and cone angle. Having to do the Dark Blast Shuffle for efficiency is annoying.


    My 'solution' was to slot the shorter range cones for Range, evening up the range of attacks. This worked fine, up until the Fast Snipe changes. Now my cone attacks have longer range than my Fast Snipes.


    Full disclosure: I originally delayed the choice of Tentacles until late in the build, this helped keep me from being bothered by the different ranges as much.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Steyrharquebus said:

    SO, my questons are - Is this even possible? what tips do other players have for completing every contact on Blueside without using Ouroborus (unless absolutely necessary)? What tools are out there to help me keep track of my leveling and when to pause my XP? Is it ridiculous to try it with a Controller?


    I'm effectively doing a "try as much content without out-leveling" blue-side run right now. It is a lot more fun then I expected. Some of what I've done:


    I'm using P2W, especially for travel/reveal powers, but also for temporary attacks and amplifier buffs (arguably not needed, but they are cheap at low levels). If you are a controller, you should grab the (AoE) attacks.


    I purposely skipped The Hollows, mostly because I've done it enough that I am bored, but also to have an Ouroboros flashback to use once I burned all the other contacts and still need to level.


    At level 10, I slotted a few important enhancements, but I didn't really slot sets until level 22. I have done one respec to shift some mule powers I initially took early until later, once I had a few more slots.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. On 2/1/2023 at 10:33 AM, DougGraves said:

    So do you  playtest and refine your builds repeatedly or do you just make sure it is good enough and not worry about making it perfect?


    I am constantly tweaking builds as I play them, at least until they hibernate. I play them up to 50+, with a couple of respecs along the way. This is the path that helps me decide if a power gels with my playstyle or not. While leveling, I am usually relying on globals and slotting specifically to keep Endurance under control. At 50, I can have set bonuses such that I can remove "training wheels".


    At 50, I do a LOT of tweaking without resorting to respecs:

    1. Unslotters can remove pieces, this lets me see how the power behaves without certain pieces, or with different enhancement sets.
    2. I'm often on the lookout for powers I don't use (they often get dropped) or toggles I don't activate (they get delayed in a build)

    (1) has helped me decide between certain %procs, and example that comes to mind was a Robotics/Traps MM that was considering a variety of different Hold %pieces in Poison Trap as a 3rd %something, I settled on the %Absorb from the Entomb set after a lot of experimentation. I often try this sort of experimentation with %-res pieces.


    (2) is complicated. It often turns out that a power like Hasten ends up not making any difference in defeat times of "clear all", it's become a power I never add by default and only consider it if I can't otherwise get global recharge where I want it to be. Paying attention to such powers has helped me make choices about how many slots to dedicate to them, and if a power is something like an early primary power, it might just make better use as a mule and not ever be toggled on (even if forced to be taken early).


    At level 19, aside from a Panacea, and the later-slotted Performance shifter, I'm just slotting whatever drops (including from recipes).


  11. 2 hours ago, brasilgringo said:


    Thanks, I'll take a look.  Can you try reposting the build in a form MIDS can read?  Says it can't import this.  I can try to convert the AXE attacks into WM ones, unless you meant to post a WM build.


     OH may bad... that was an Axe build, not a War Mace build. I do have an WM/Inv Scrapper, but I didn't like how it it played and I didn't feel like rolling it into a Tanker. I guess the Battle Axe played more like I expected the Mace to play!

  12. Does it have to be a Dominator?

    23 hours ago, wesslen said:

    I want a character that will be capable and fun to play through the journey, not one that becomes invincible at the end of it.


    Any suggestions for other powersets to try?


    The reason I ask: Dominators don't necessarily become "invincible" at the end of the journey (don't @ me), but there is a huge shift when they reach perma-Domination that more-or-less will always be something to build towards. You don't have to pursue permadom, but if you have it the Dominator will feel like a different character.


    I have a very active Mind/Poison Controller that I have a lot of fun playing at all levels, and was fun while leveling too. shown is the final build, but the power choices were roughly the same while leveling (pre-page 5). Two particular build/play choices contributed to making this character fun to solo (and PUG) pre-50:

    • I used P2W temporary AoE attacks to speed up missions (Plasmatic Taser, hand Grenade) ... they still do Controller damage scales, but they help.
    • The build includes a lot of %damage, leveraging the use of debuffs; much of the %damage is easy to include as you level up.



    Primary Power Set: Mind Control

    Secondary Power Set: Poison

    Power Pool: Fighting

    Power Pool: Force of Will

    Power Pool: Concealment

    Ancillary Pool: Primal Forces Mastery



    Level 1:                 Levitate              

     (A) Gladiator's Javelin - Accuracy/Damage/End/Rech: Level 50+5

     (*) Gladiator's Javelin - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5


    Level 1:                 Envenom            

     (A) Shield Breaker - Chance for Lethal Damage: Level 30

     (*) Shield Breaker - Defense Debuff: Level 30

     (*) Shield Breaker - Accuracy/Defense Debuff: Level 30

     (*) Shield Breaker - Defense Debuff/Endurance/Recharge: Level 30

     (*) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage: Level 50


    Level 2:                 Dominate           

     (A) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure (Accuracy/Damage) Level 53

     (*) HamiO:Peroxisome Exposure (Damage/Mezz) Level 53

     (*) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 50

     (*) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 30

     (*) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50

     (*) Apocalypse - Chance of Damage(Negative): Level 50


    Level 14:              Weaken Resolve            

     (A) HamiO:Lysosome Exposure (Accuracy / -Defense / -ToHit) Level  53

     (*) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage: Level 50


    Level 6:                 Confuse              

     (A) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused: Level 50+5

     (*) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Coercive Persuasion  - Accuracy/Confused/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Coercive Persuasion  - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Endurance: Level 50+5

     (*) Coercive Persuasion  - Contagious Confusion: Level 50


    Level 8:                 Mass Hypnosis

     (A) Fortunata Hypnosis - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Fortunata Hypnosis - Sleep/Endurance: Level 50+5

     (*) Fortunata Hypnosis - Sleep/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Fortunata Hypnosis - Accuracy/Sleep/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Fortunata Hypnosis - Chance for Placate: Level 50

     (*) Call of the Sandman - Chance of Heal Self: Level 50

    Level 10:              Boxing 

     (A) Gladiator's Strike - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50+5


    Level 12:              Mighty Leap      

     (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points): Level 50


    Level 14:              Wall of Force    

     (A) HamiO:Centriole Exposure (Damage/Range)Level  53

     (*) D-Sync: Guidance (Accuracy/Range) Level 53

     (*) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 50

     (*) Bombardment - Chance of Damage(Fire): Level 50

     (*) Javelin Volley - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50

     (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20


    Level 16:              Elixir of Life       

     (A) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All): Level 50


    Level 18:              Total Domination           

     (A) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Mezz: Level 50

     (*) Superior Will of the Controller - Mezz/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Superior Will of the Controller - Endurance/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Mezz/Endurance: Level 50

     (*) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Mezz/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Superior Will of the Controller - Recharge/Chance for Psionic Damage: Level 50


    Level 20:              Tough  

     (A) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP: Level 50

     (*) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance: Level 50+5


    Level 22:              Terrify 

    (A) HamiO:Centriole Exposure (Damage/Range)Level  53

    (*) Bombardment (Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge): Level 50

    (*) Bombardment - Chance of Damage(Fire): Level 50

    (*) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 50

    (*) Glimpse of the Abyss - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 50

    (*) Javelin Volley - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50


    Level 24:              Paralytic Poison              

     (A) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 30

     (*) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 30

     (*) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50

     (*) Gladiator's Net - Accuracy/Hold: Level 50+5

     (*) Gladiator's Net - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 50+5

     (*) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50


    Level 26:              Mass Confusion              

     (A) Cacophany - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 30

     (*) Malaise's Illusions - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 50

     (*) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Mezz/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Superior Overpowering Presence - RechargeTime/Energy Font: Level 50

     (*) Superior Overpowering Presence - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Mezz/Endurance: Level 50


    Level 28:              Weave

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage: Level 50

     (*) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All): Level 50

     (*) Shield Wall - Defense: Level 50+5

     (*) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance: Level 50+5


    Level 30:              Poison Trap       

     (A) Unbreakable Constraint - Hold: Level 50+5

     (*) Unbreakable Constraint - Hold/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Unbreakable Constraint - Accuracy/Hold/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Unbreakable Constraint - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Unbreakable Constraint - Endurance/Hold: Level 50+5


    Level 32:              Alkaloid              

     (A) Preventive Medicine - %Absorb: Level 50


    Level 35:              Power Blast       

     (A) Apocalypse - Damage: Level 50+5

     (*) Apocalypse - Damage/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Apocalypse - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Apocalypse - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance: Level 50+5

     (*) Gladiator's Javelin - Chance of Damage(Toxic): Level 50


    Level 38:              Temp Invulnerability    

     (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%: Level 30


    Level 41:              Energy Torrent 

    (A) HamiO:Centriole Exposure (Damage/Range)Level  53

    (*) D-Sync: Guidance (Accuracy/Range) Level 53

    (*) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 50

    (*) Bombardment - Chance of Damage(Fire): Level 50

    (*) Javelin Volley - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50

    (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20


    Level 44:              Unleash Potential          

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50



    Level 47:              Stealth

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 49:              Maneuvers        

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 1: Brawl    

     (A) Empty


    Level 1: Containment    


    Level 1: Prestige Power Slide     

     (A) Empty


    Level 1: Sprint   

     (A) Unbounded Leap - +Stealth: Level 50


    Level 2: Rest      

     (A) Interrupt Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 1: Athletic Run      


    Level 2: Swift    

     (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5


    Level 2: Health 

     (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 50

     (*) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 40


    Level 2: Hurdle 

     (A) Jumping IO: Level 50+5


    Level 2: Stamina              

     (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 50

     (*)Performance Shifter - Endurance Modification: Level 50






  13. 35 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


    What gets me the most about incarnates is that there are SO MANY of them.  Welcome to the pantheon of ultimate godhood, Squirrel Girl!  You are number 2,312,165 and we will be assigning wings and manna as soon as your turn comes up.  I don't want to put barriers in place to keep anyone away from it if they want to work for it, but I have always thought that limiting incarnate status to one or two per account or server would be a nice compromise.


    I hear you. I'm slightly tweaked that the lore (as written) implies that choosing to become an Incarnate implies a certain amount of loss of agency and/or negative effects, even "walking the slow path". None of this applies to PCs, except possibly with respect to complaining that we players never got the "complete" Incarnate system.

  14. My Shield/War Mace PIMP build (built for bash and flash, through the life of smash). This build uses neither Epic nor Patron power pools, and also passes on Hasten. The damage comes from %procs in AoE, global recharge, and a (IIRC) single use of a Force Feeback %proc to help out with Shield Charge recharge. The core philosophy of this build is to have as many AoE as early as possible, if you intend to primarily play level 45+ content it should be possible to make alternate power pool choices.


    This is a wonderful "lets do damage" build, if you want MOAR resists,  sacrifice some of the recharge mules to get into Fighting. I respect the choice of Experimentation, its just that Force of Will offers me a good play experience with Tankers. Not everyone devotes as many slots to Taunt as I do, if you want better resists you probably want to slot toggles with 4xUnbreakable Guard pieces, and will have to steal slots from somewhere.




    Primary Power Set: Shield Defense

    Secondary Power Set: Battle Axe

    Power Pool: Force of Will

    Power Pool: Leadership

    Power Pool: Teleportation

    Power Pool: Concealment


    Level 1:                 Deflection          

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50

     (*) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP: Level 50

     (*) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance: Level 50

     (*) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance: Level 50

     (*) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance: Level 40


    Level 1:                 Chop    

     (A) Hecatomb - Damage/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Hecatomb - Damage/Endurance: Level 50+5

     (*) Hecatomb - Chance of Damage (Negative): Level 50

     (*) Hecatomb - Damage: Level 50+5


    Level 2:                 Battle Agility      

     (A) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage: Level 50


    Level 4:                 Gash     

     (A) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50

     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - RechargeTime/+Absorb: Level 50


    Level 6:                 Mighty Leap      

    (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 8:                 Weaken Resolve             

     (A) HamiO:Lysosome Exposure (Accuracy, Defense Debuff, ToHit Debuff): Level 53

     (*) Shield Breaker - Chance for Lethal Damage: Level 30

     (*) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage: Level 50


    Level 10:              Active Defense

     (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5

     (*) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 12:              Phalanx Fighting              

     (A) Kismet - Accuracy +6%: Level 30

     (*) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 14:              Against All Odds              

     (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 16:              Taunt   

     (A) Mocking Beratement - Taunt: Level 50

     (*) Mocking Beratement - Taunt/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Mocking Beratement - Taunt/Recharge/Range: Level 50

     (*) Mocking Beratement - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Mocking Beratement - Taunt/Range: Level 50

     (*) Mocking Beratement - Recharge: Level 50


    Level 18:              True Grit             

     (A) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance: Level 50+5

     (*) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All): Level 50

     (*) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 50

     (*) Panacea - Heal: Level 50+5

     (*)Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%: Level 30I

     (*) Healing IO: Level 50+5

    [was  (*) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance: Level 40)]


    Level 20:              Pendulum          

     (A) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 50+5

     (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30

     (*) Armageddon - Chance for Fire Damage: Level 50

     (*) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage: Level 50

     (*) Superior Might of the Tanker - Recharge/Chance for +Res(All): Level 50

     (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20


    Level 22:              Wall of Force     

     (A) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Javelin Volley - Chance of Damage (Lethal): Level 50

     (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20

     (*) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage (Energy): Level 50

     (*) Bombardment - Chance of Damage (Fire): Level 50


    Level 24:              Shield Charge   

     (A) Mocking Beratement - Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Mocking Beratement - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50

     (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30

     (*) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage: Level 50

     (*) Scirocco's Dervish - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50

    (*) Force Feedback - Chance of Global Recharge: Level 50


    Level 26:              Grant Cover      

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 50

     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50


    Level 28:              Axe Cyclone      

     (A) Fury of the Gladiator - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Fury of the Gladiator - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 50

     (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30

     (*) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage: Level 50

     (*) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50

     (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20


    Level 30:              Cleave 

     (A) Armageddon - Damage: Level 50+5

     (*) Armageddon - Damage/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Armageddon - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Armageddon - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Armageddon - Damage/Endurance: Level 50+5


    Level 32:              Build Up              

     (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up: Level 50

     (A)Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 35:              Combat Teleport             

     (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Range / Endurance: Level 50+5


    Level 38:              Infiltration          

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 41:              Unleash Potential           

     (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 50


    Level 44:              One with the Shield       

    (A) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance: Level 30


    Level 47:              Maneuvers        

     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 49:              Stealth 

     (*) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All): Level 50


    Level 1: Brawl    

     (A) HO Nucleolus (Accuracy/Damage) Level 53


    Level 1: Gauntlet             


    Level 1:                 Sprint   

     (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 2:                 Rest      

     (A) Interrupt Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 4 :                Athletic Run      


    Level 2:                 Swift     

     (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5


    Level 2:                 Health  

     (A) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 40

     (*) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 50

     (*) Numina's Convalesence - Heal: Level 50


    Level 2:                 Hurdle 

     (A) Jumping IO: Level 50+5


    Level 2: Stamina               

     (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 50

     (*) Performance Shifter - EndMod: Level 50

     (*) Power Transfer - %Heal: Level 50




  15. For my Blasters that have both a Build Up and an Aim, I typically delay the choice of Aim until close to level 50 (assuming I need no other powers and have no need for Enhancement mules earlier). I will have the Gaussian's in the Build Up, and I often try for 6-slotting the entire set. The Build Up powers, even without Hasten (or Incarnates) can achieve an almost 20-second recharge with a 90% chance of the Gaussian's proc going off (which lasts for 10 seconds).


    Usually I don't have the slots to do justice to both powers, and as @kelika2 wrote above, a tight build could have as few slots as possible simply to fit the %Build Up proc plus recharge. It's a weird effect of my build approaches, but for my Blasters I almost always never have a better (late) choice of a power than just adding the long-skipped Aim to the build, partially due to lack of extra slots.


    In a build that actually has the extra slots to do both... I would suggest looking at which enhancement set bonuses are being sacrificed from other powers, and consider moving slots to those powers to get 6th-piece bonuses. Often the 6th piece bonus is offering more survivability to the Blaster class, this is especially true of the damage sets.

  16. I think it is ok to dislike just about any (and all) aspects of the Incarnate system. It's so obviously bolted on, and mostly segregated from, the original concept of the game that I spend so little mental effort thinking about a viable rationale for why certain characters now get powers that are fundamentally outside of their ATs. I see the incarnate system as little more than "Always wanted an AoE attack?" or "Always wanted pets?" or "Need MOAR Enhancement?", "Here ya go!".


    When I do think about it, the part of the Incarnate Lore that sits wrong with me is the retroactive explanation of some NPCs as being Incarnates, especially Positron. My Blue incarnates solo that guy's Task Force (all versions, all parts) and he just stands around on a little stone pedestal. My Red siders repeatedly punk him before Incarnates, and as Incarnates too.

  17. Two big issues stand out to me:


    One bit of the Lore that has always bothered me is the weird hint in the Scholastic history badge about the link between Superadine and dimensional research. This especially bothers me because of the supposed manufacture and distribution of Superadine via the Skulls/Family. Given that we never see anything like a "recruitment drive" for Trolls (even their raves are simply all Trolls!), nor anything like the recruitment/hangers-on we see with Skulls, Hellions, or Council, I always assumed that the Trolls are actually extra-dimensional creatures... contrary to whatever the Midnighters and the Regulators would have us believe about Trolls being mutants. The later Praetorian arc that involves Malaise bringing drugs to Primal Earth almost feels like a loose end that is supposed to be tied with this, but as we see absolutely nothing like Trolls red/gold side, and they are pretty much ignored after level 20 I feel like this was just something that was walked away from.


    I would have preferred that the Praetorian story didn't progress to its end. It never made sense to me that the Praetoria zones we so good looking and well-designed, but would fall to Hamidon... the Rikti, Nemesis and Devouring Earth are constantly doing things like taking down Paragon City's War Walls and invading, so I just didn't want that story to go the way it did. I blame Incarnate content. I would have preferred that Gold-siders  got their own Epic ATs ("PEATs"). My rough concept was that (like VEATs) you are nominally loyal to Cole, with one path being an Assault Trooper who could go either the "Heavy Trooper" router or become a Hybrid Devouring Earth Soldier, or another class that could opt to go the Seer route or have your mind placed into one of the Praetorian Robots (shades of Malta, with a suitable nasty twist like Nightstar). Basically instead of letting Praetoria crash and burn, Cole has leveraged even more desperate measures for his devotees. They'd get their own arcs like HEATs and VEATS.

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  18. 9 hours ago, aethereal said:



    Both sides give merits for completing story arcs, at any level.  I don't know what you mean by "if you get to the point where they offer them to you," but, I mean, of you do the arc, you get the merits.


    Older content on blueside has this annoying deal where the contact won't offer you a story arc until the second mission -- first you have to do a one-off mission for them.  And a few contacts don't offer arcs at all.  But on the other hand, new content gives you arcs right away.


    Those OG blue side contacts (level 1-4, 5-9)... starting with the ones in city hall, don't have story arcs that offer merits. Players who leverage the contacts introduced later (Matthew Hasby, Sondra Costel, et al.) can get story arcs without dilly-dallying with an "introductory" mission. It is trivial to outlevel these, especially with 2XP of course.


    Redside, IIRC, every one of the initial contacts immediately offers a new player an arc with merit rewards.

  19. 6 hours ago, Astralock said:

    What would be the most efficient way to obtain and accumulate reward merits red side, solo?


     I have suggestions:


    1) For leveling characters, run arcs. My recollection is that red-side arcs (from contacts) give merits (and at a better rate) whereas the blue-side OG contacts don't really start offering merit-rewards until later... and only if you get to the point where they offer them to you.


    I want to note that if you run with XP boosts (and to some extent, with XP on!) a red-sider will out-level content quickly and have to turn to Newspaper missions to get new contacts, so it can be something like a merit-defeating feedback loop.


    2) Leveling red-siders should consider tip/morality missions, especially to reinforce the feel of villainy. It takes 10 to get the 40(?)-merit morality mission. I suspect that very few players who complain about the "total lack of agency" in the Rogue Isles have regularly done this content. There are different tips at 20-29, 30-39, 40-50.


    3) For level 50+, as mentioned (while I was typing this up!) The Ghost of Scrapyard is the easiest of the GMs to spawn (and find). This will be a bit of a grind, and it is not easy for solo characters below 50.


    Level 50s can also do #1 through Ouroboros, and can cycle through the same batch of Tips at level 50.


    Special extra: the Signature Story Arcs exist on red-side as well, the first one in "Who Will Die?"  is a fast one to re-run (faster than Ghost of Scrapyard, for sure). The first time you run a SSA you earn 20 merits, and you can earn an additional 20 merits each week by running it. It offers 5 merits while the rewards timer is active.

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