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Posts posted by tidge

  1. I have been using Call to Justice for my "true blue" MM when fighting zone GMs. By the time I have found the next GM, it has usually recharged. It does slightly speed things up. Echo Dark Astoria's Adamastor can be knocked back to the grave in well under a minute when I use it.


    One word of caution, at least with Robots (who will stay at range) is to make sure the henchmen are close by when trigerring it.

  2. 3 hours ago, WumpusRat said:

    Just remember that Issue-1 was pre-innate abilities for ATs, too.

    Meaning no gauntlet. A tanker who wanted to keep all those mobs on them would have to slot their powers with taunt, or spam the taunt ability constantly.


    The AI was slightly different, recall the Fire Tankers who would level by simply walking around zones with DE Swarms. and of course the Invulnerability who couldn't move at all.

  3. 12 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:


    I think the only ATs that really benefit from Core are the ones with high power damage mods and high damage stat caps. So that's... Blasters, Scraps, and Stalkers? I think the frequency of having Build Up available on Stalkers plays into it.


    Part of why I ask: The collective mind-set of "give Tankers more %damage procs" to lean into larger AoE target caps will likely imply that those same AoE attacks won't be slotted near the 500% damage cap for level 50 Tankers (even with Build Up in play). Assault Radial is essentially "another %damage" that bypasses damage (buff) caps, but I'm starting to wonder if the larger AoE are offering more opportunities to keep the Hybrid Core stacked at +5.


    I consider %Energy to still be a pretty nice %damage proc, for many Tanker secondaries.

  4. 5 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    Honestly, I was hoping somebody would create a server that took this game back to its roots and start fresh. I mean all the way back...to issue 1. Maybe keep current powers, maps  and missions, but drop the aggro limit, drop the target limit for holds/damage, and get rid of ED and Travel Power Suppression...and most of all (of course everything I said everyone will hate, but they will hate this one even more...) get rid of those damned IO's/Sets. And for the love of God, bring back the original Regen and all the ambush mobs that have been removed from the game. That is just a fraction of changes that would be needed to bring this game back to its roots. This game has been one nerf/power creep issue after issue since then.


    When will the nerfing of Brutes end??!?!?!!

    • Haha 3
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  5. I agree with everything in the quoted post, and offer my congratulations on it, yet I think the OP has a wee bit of wiggle room to offer a very specific complaint about Issue 27 page 5 and "power creep".


    4 hours ago, Luminara said:

    Most of what people refer to as power creep is, in actuality, more accurately summarized as the ease of set IO acquisition. 


    I don't think the OP specifically identifies the single straw that has caused his pro-fun(?) back injury, but I do think it is fair to identify the Quality-of-Life changes specific to level ability of powers as a form of 'power creep'. Personally: I don't know what would motivate this as a complaint (assuming the complainer isn't an in-game NPC enemy). Nor do I think this is a bad change at all... as a player from Live (from the era when you had to take the Fitness pool, yeesh!), even when the level cap was raised I never like the waiting, then cramming, of marquee powers into a relatively tight span of levels. Of course, like much in Homecoming: no one is obligated to take powers per the new availability structure.

  6. On 12/21/2022 at 12:52 AM, twozerofoxtrot said:

    A: Musc Core

    I: Reactive or Degen Radial

    J: User Pref; Pyro Core is my top pick.

    D; Incan, either side

    L: Banished Pantheon Core

    H: Assault Radial


    I have a question about the Hybrid recommendation:  Assault Radial is the %double hit (Energy), which is a more obvious recommendation when the Tanker Damage Scales were Melee=0.8 and Range=0.5. Is it still the obvious choice when the Tanker Damage Scales were increased to Melee=0.95 and Range=0.8 in Issue 26 page 4?

  7. I went Shield Defense/Battle Axe to do "pretty much" what you ask. I did not want to sacrifice completely on survivability, but there are slots that could be pulled (some Impervium Armor Psi Resists, possibly a Healing IO from True Grit, I know others don't mind skimping on Taunt slotting)  without compromising too much on Endurance or Recharge bonuses (necessary to keep up the AoE attacks, including Shield Charge). For MAXIMUM DAMAGE, those slots should go into Build Up (to improve recharge... I don't think anything boosts a solo Tanker's Damage output as much as always using Build Up) This build does not include Hasten, nor does it include Epic/Patron pools.


    If the intent is only to play end-game content, I suppose some compromises (alternative choices) could be made on low-level attack slotting, but I think it would be necessary to sacrifice multiple powers and slots to leverage into more AoE attacks (such as from Leviathan Mastery). I briefly looked into Epic resistance debuffs but I didn't see anything that I felt would be up quickly enough to increase damage dealt. For me, I like having almost all my offense available for the the Penny Yin TF


    My current build:


    Primary Power Set: Shield Defense
    Secondary Power Set: Battle Axe
    Power Pool: Force of Will
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Power Pool: Teleportation
    Power Pool: Concealment
    Level 1:        Deflection    
     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50
     (*) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP: Level 50
     (*) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance: Level 50
     (*) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance: Level 50
     (*) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance: Level 40


    Level 1:        Chop    
     (A) Hecatomb - Damage/Recharge: Level 50
     (*) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
     (*) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
     (*) Hecatomb - Damage/Endurance: Level 50+5
     (*) Hecatomb - Chance of Damage (Negative): Level 50
     (*) Hecatomb - Damage: Level 50+5


    Level 2:        Battle Agility    
     (A) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage: Level 50


    Level 4:        Gash    
     (A) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50
     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Superior Gauntleted Fist - RechargeTime/+Absorb: Level 50


    Level 6:        Mighty Leap    
    (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5

    Level 8:        Weaken Resolve    
     (A) HamiO:Lysosome Exposure (Accuracy, Defense Debuff, ToHit Debuff): Level 53
     (*) Shield Breaker - Chance for Lethal Damage: Level 30
     (*) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage: Level 50


    Level 10:    Active Defense    
     (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
     (*) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 12:    Phalanx Fighting    
     (A) Kismet - Accuracy +6%: Level 30
     (*) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 14:    Against All Odds    
     (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 16:    Taunt    
     (A) Mocking Beratement - Taunt: Level 50
     (*) Mocking Beratement - Taunt/Recharge: Level 50
     (*) Mocking Beratement - Taunt/Recharge/Range: Level 50
     (*) Mocking Beratement - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
     (*) Mocking Beratement - Taunt/Range: Level 50
     (*) Mocking Beratement - Recharge: Level 50


    Level 18:    True Grit    
     (A) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance: Level 50+5
     (*) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All): Level 50
     (*) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 50
     (*) Panacea - Heal: Level 50+5
     (*) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%: Level 30
     (*) Healing IO: Level 50+5


    Level 20:    Pendulum    
     (A) Multi-Strike - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 50+5
     (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30
     (*) Armageddon - Chance for Fire Damage: Level 50
     (*) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage: Level 50
     (*) Superior Might of the Tanker - Recharge/Chance for +Res(All): Level 50
     (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20

    Level 22:    Wall of Force    
     (A) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Javelin Volley - Chance of Damage (Lethal): Level 50
     (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20
     (*) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage (Energy): Level 50
     (*) Bombardment - Chance of Damage (Fire): Level 50


    Level 24:    Shield Charge    
     (A) Mocking Beratement - Recharge: Level 50
     (*) Mocking Beratement - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
     (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30
     (*) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage: Level 50
     (*) Scirocco's Dervish - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50
    (*) Force Feedback - Chance of Global Recharge: Level 50


    Level 26:    Grant Cover    
     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 50
     (*) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50


    Level 28:    Axe Cyclone    
     (A) Fury of the Gladiator - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Fury of the Gladiator - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 50
     (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30
     (*) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage: Level 50
     (*) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50
     (*) Explosive Strike - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 20


    Level 30:    Cleave    
     (A) Armageddon - Damage: Level 50+5
     (*) Armageddon - Damage/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Armageddon - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Armageddon - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Armageddon - Damage/Endurance: Level 50+5


    Level 32:    Build Up    
     (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up: Level 50
     (A)Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50+5


    Level 35:    Combat Teleport    
     (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Range / Endurance: Level 50+5


    Level 38:    Infiltration    
     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 41:    Unleash Potential    
     (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 50


    Level 44:    One with the Shield    
    (A) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance: Level 30


    Level 47:    Maneuvers    
     (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed: Level 50


    Level 49:    Stealth    
     (*) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All): Level 50


    Level 1:    Brawl    
     (A) HO Nucleolus (Accuracy/Damage) Level 53

    Level 1:    Gauntlet    

    Level 1:        Sprint    
     (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5

    Level 2:        Rest    
     (A) Interrupt Reduction IO: Level 50+5

    Level 4 :    Athletic Run    


    Level 2:        Swift    
     (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5


    Level 2:        Health    
     (A) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 40
     (*) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 50
     (*) Numina's Convalesence - Heal: Level 50


    Level 2:        Hurdle    
     (A) Jumping IO: Level 50+5


    Level 2:    Stamina    
     (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 50
     (*) Performance Shifter - EndMod: Level 50
     (*) Power Transfer - %Heal: Level 50





    EDIT: I should remark, my attempts to "do as much damage as possible" should be interpreted (for this Tanker) as "fewest button mashes to defeat as many mobs as possible".

  8. I suppose I can offer my own approaches (for level 50+ builds, not considering Incarnates). I will admit that I am not specifically min-maxing the total numbers (Accuracy in a power considering both slotting of that power, global Accuracy/ToHit boosts, toggle effects from other powers (Tactics, Invincibility, Link Minds, Mind Link, etc.). I mention this caveat because (1) My approach will lead to mathematically greater than 95% final ToHit for a lot of content, (2) I try to approach each "attack" in isolation mostly because I enjoy running low-level content with PUGmates at increased enemy difficulties.


    I should note: Some specific builds for some AT can make compromises on Accuracy slotting depending on playstyle and power choices. Thinking about my own roster: an Invulnerability/Energy Melee Tanker with ToHit slotting in Invincibility (e.g. a boosted 53 Hami-O: Cytoskeleton) who can keep itself surrounded with enemies may not have to worry too much about accuracy slotting for melee AoE. I do recommend having Build Up for those solo fights!


    I typically try to have a minimum of 125% 'accuracy' in the "%proctastic attacks". Most of this is typically coming from 50+ enhancement set slotting bonuses, most enhancement sets I slot include accuracy components, so they will typically have much higher than 125% at 50%. The purple sets I like often include a 15% global accuracy boost with 4 pieces. 


    I will (almost) always have (boosted) Accuracy as the first choice of enhancement in a %damage proctastic AoE "attack", what I combine it with afterwards, "depends"...

    • For melee, if the AT has a damage scale 1 or above, I generally use (boosted) Accuracy/Damage
    • For melee, if the AT has a damage scale below 1, I generally use (boosted) Accuracy/Endurance (all praise to Rularuu for Multi-Strike Accuracy/Endurance existing!)
    • For ranged cones, I start with (boosted) Accuracy/Range... unless the range of the cone would be wildly longer than other ranged powers. Special Note: many of my characters get a boosted Hami-O Accuracy/Range and a boosted D-Sync Damage/Range in their cones.
    • If it is an AoE absorb type power, I try to use the Accuracy/Absorb... but those stay attuned because of set bonuses.
    • If it otherwise doesn't matter and there is no benefit from Accuracy/recharge, I just use a common Invention Accuracy piece.

    In proctastic AoE "attacks" (quotes used because of powers like DNA Siphon) I generally find myself using a PVP set to get a secondary enhancement, as Purple sets generally don't offer Accuracy/Endurance combination. High-damage scale AT just lean into strait (not %proc) Damage Enhancement via Purple sets, except for ranged cones on Stalkers/Scrappers.



    17 minutes ago, Doomguide2005 said:

    Monitor your last hit chance.  If it's consistently below 95% then you need more.  Doubly true if you're already using Kismet and Tactics/Focused Accuracy in the build.


    Also there is an option to monitor ToHit bonus; i am usually monitoring that stat for debuffs.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, Major_Decoy said:

    They actually fixed Kismet to say to-hit in either page 4 or 5


    I was going to use the Kismet piece as an example of misbranding/false (in-game) advertising in a recent "copyright infringement" thread, but because that Enhancement's title had been fixed it had to go onto the pile of never-to-be-used (counter) examples. I guess I'm stuck complaining that Icon won't outfit my characters with a "clanket".


    Seriously, can the city hall rep give me a clanket mission?

    • Haha 1
  10. 40 minutes ago, Nyghtmaire said:

    Photon Grenade can slot the Annihilation proc.  The others no, sadly. Pulse Rifle Burst can slot KB sets though. Otherwise you’re right on the money.


    Ah, I was thinking of Mace Beam Volley. I should mention: I have KB->KD (via Overwhelming Force or Sudden Acceleration) in Pulse Rifle Blast, Photon Grenade, and Mace Beam Volley. My particular pre-page 5 build had (and used) each of these attacks to support the henchmen, the only change I made with those three powers (for Page 5) is to take them earlier in the build. They are still supporting the henchmen, just now the support is more necessary against AVs and GMs.

  11. On 1/14/2023 at 7:58 AM, Meknomancer said:

    Page 5 does seem to have caused some end issues in prolonged fights if the secondary doesnt provide extra endurance.


    I can't speak to the /time portion, but a big part of the current Homecoming Robotics primary changes is that the -regen is now in the MM attacks and not in the Robots. If a Robotics MM isn't using their attacks, the fights will last longer. IIRC, each of the MM attacks can be slotted with some sort of %-res as well, which will also speed up (most) fights.


    EDIT: Fights against enemies with LOTS of HP will go on longer. You may not notice with scrubs.

  12. @Troo Perhaps I imagined it (or more likely misremembered), but I am currently under the impression that the %damage (and %mezz) procs have some sort of reliance on Accuracy independent of base ToHit chance of the power cast at them (in addition to the %proc chance)... this is (from my memory) part of the reason was so a  %damage proc in an "autohit power" would not be guaranteed to "hit" (beside factoring in the %proc rate).


    My Whirling Hands (tanker) slotting is much like your second choice. I like your choice of %-Restance, but I actually have the Superior Gauntleted Fist %Absorb in place of the %-Res (Invuln Tanker)

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  13. Interface is probably the Incarnate Slot that I craft the most different abilities for (on any given character), but I have to admit I don't really pay enough attention to what I'm doing.


    Even though I am a fan of adding -Res whenever possible, the "Resistance resists resistable resistance debuffs" always confuses me. I usually have Reactive on characters with AoE that don't have (easily) boostable damage, just to try to speed up defeats of scrubs.


    For characters that I take against GMs and AVs, I usually have Degenerative slotted for the MaxHP debuff.  I could be wrong, but I have a vague memory that the -MaxHP is better (solo) against big sacks of HP than the -Regen from Diamagnetic. Maybe I leaned into it because teammates were typically using the other?


    After those, I usually just fool around with the other ones. Since interface is "always on", I usually craft more of those.


  14. 1 hour ago, tidge said:

    EDIT: I think this is an example of a tu quoque logical fallacy, I'll defer to those with degrees from Google University and those with post-graduate experience at Wikipedia to pass judgement.


    1 hour ago, Excraft said:

    IP infringement is IP infringement.  I'd say it's probably a good idea to address these and all of these groups should be renamed or removed.  Can't be too careful and better to be safe than sorry.  Rules are rules and need to be applied fairly to everyone.


     I appreciate the confirmation that the logical fallacy this current line of argument rests on is tu quoque.

  15. I think folks ignore the analysis offered by @Krimson at their peril. I am generally seeing people back into comfortable(?) corners that are, from my PoV, indistinguishable from "somebody is doing something better than me, something needs to be done about that!"


    Even ignoring the variability from choices of primaries and secondaries, and the variability of power picks from those, and the variability of enhancement slotting options, the game offers beaucoup different types of "pummel AI-controlled spawns into pixels". I get the sense that folks are focused on some specific types of content while not considering all the other types of content the game offers, across a wide-variety of player levels. I appreciate that @Krimson explicitly called out fighting GMs with a Tanker, and all the extra effort that has to go into such an activity for a Tanker.  Folks complaining about Tanker AoEs are essentially complaining about Tankers defeating minion-level scrubs. Is there more to the complaints than this?

    • Thumbs Up 3
  16. I'm not sure that SG names are the obvious place to look for IP infringements (see also "character bios" or "SG bases"), but hey... if you want the Team to look at those as well, I say let them have at it. These feels like complaining that drivers are speeding on another road so their shouldn't be enforcement on this road.


    EDIT: I think this is an example of a tu quoque logical fallacy, I'll defer to those with degrees from Google University and those with post-graduate experience at Wikipedia to pass judgement.



  17. On 1/10/2023 at 5:04 PM, Scientist said:

    I actually suspect some of the odd common and uncommon salvage price surges and drops are because someone found out about the revival of CoH on Homecoming, came back to the game, and tried to make money the way they used to, say by flipping Luck Charms.  It was not at all obvious to me when I first started playing on Homecoming that salvage is now automagically interconverted on the market, making it essentially impossible to pursue this strategy.  


    I can almost believe this, but for the December 2022 level of activity, this hypothetical person had to have a some (but by no measure extreme) amount of inf (roughly 15 MInf by my estimate) to sink into this effort. To have gotten to the point where a homecoming player had enough inf (and auction house slots!) to try to buy 20K worth of common salvage seems to have really high levels of ignorance about how the Homecoming system works. It's not impossible, but it would take a LOT of tunnel vision, stubbornness, and ignorance to get to such a point, IMO.

  18. A repeated reminder about certain zone events: It is necessary to defeat the event spawns or the next event will not have a chance of spawning (until the zone resets, usually during a server reset... but enough players can force a new instance of the zone). In the case of the Croatoa zone, until you see the global "Monster Activity has returned to normal levels" message, there is still at least one spawned mob(ile) that needs to be defeated. Brickstown has the burn-down list near the zig (or in the police station).


    The no-level clocks in Kings Row are more painful, as they will chase players (such as ones that end up at the hospital) and so will end up far from their typical routes used from spawn-points to the High Park gathering zone.  Use /optionset showvillainname 1 to spot the even-level mobs.


    I have also observed what I think is an event-lock that will prevent Jurassik from spawning in Crey's Folly: If the Rubble (or grand-Rubble) that come from defeating Jurassik are not destroyed, I think Jurassik will not respawn. This is based on a long weekend of no Jurassik spawns, so I spent time scouring the zone... after defeating some lonely grand-Rubbles, Jurassik respawned the next hour. Those spawns will con at zone-level (grey for 50s), so are not easy to find. As near as I can tell, Jurassik and the Kraken have a chance to spawn based on Player entries into the respective zone. Hazard zones aren't that popular (although enough different contacts send players to Perez Park and Crey's Folly to make them well-visited) such that I commonly get the "____ has appeared in..." message right after I zone in to one of them (on a GM hunt, usually).


    Red-side, things are generally better, with the most annoying GM being Caleb. I typically buy a SG perception boost to try to find that guy (who may be spawned and no one knows!)

    • Like 1
  19. On 1/10/2023 at 10:01 PM, biostem said:

    Unfortunately, a company could name themselves "Untainted Organic Blood" and put that on their label, even if none of it was true...


    On 1/11/2023 at 6:44 AM, tidge said:


    That would run afoul of Pharma/Biologic regulations in the USA and Europe.


    15 hours ago, biostem said:

    Yes, you're right in that specific example.  My larger point was that a company could call themselves something that implies the source or quality of their product, without said adjectives actually applying to the product in question...


    Your example is about misbranding, and has nothing at all to do with issues of copyright/intellectual property.

    • Like 1
  20. 21 hours ago, Erratic1 said:

    I just successfully manage to fill the last recipe slot on my veteran level 24 sentinel with a non-basic, crafted recipe. He has not run Market Crash. The routine has been to clear out basic recipes whenever his 80 slots were filled. Mind you, I have not actually kept every non-basic recipe. I tend to go through the recipes and sell the ones which low sell prices and which I know I have no build across my hundred or so characters would use. How many cheapie, non-basic recipes has he sold? No idea. I would guess probably no more than 40.


    This may be obvious, and it may or may not apply: make sure you actually have room on the character's recipe inventory to hold a drop, should you get one.

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