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  1. It appears I have ZIPs of most if not all of the mods that CoHModder could install from 8/27/22. If someone wants to host/convert them for this new tool would like them, and can provide a landing space, feel free to contact me.
  2. I think it's because there is no widely-agreed upon term as we've seen from this thread. Personally I've only ever heard it really used in a context of a quick snap judgement prior to actually meeting, interacting, and getting to know someone. (Note my own avatar totally qualifies, and saying this costume is an homage to her patron Ghost Widow doesn't help her case!) It's an initial impression that is probably totally off the mark, especially, for roleplayers. If that snap-judgement is all that there is to a character though, then perhaps it's fitting.
  3. Pretty much what @Optimum_Man says in an RP context. I first heard the term applied in Warframe in reference to a frame that was primarily black with red highlights, causing it to be evocative of a 90's anti-hero outfit. Usually that was accompanied with talk of the use of a meta-build and weapons. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but did have some slight negative connotations until we could see them in action. But then my group also wasn't all that concerned if you even attempted to shoot the enemies, it was just a way to prepare ourselves to need to do a carry.
  4. I've never read the Elric stuff, only encountered him through copy-cats. They were all much worse than Arthas, and my opinion of his story isn't very high. If the source isn't edgy then it's just more evidence that it is all about presentation.
  5. Congrats on finding them all!
  6. Aw 📸 times ten! Sounds fun, even if I have nothing else to tag.
  7. That EB logo is fantastic!
  8. Oh wow, that is even more amazing than I expected! Thank you so much!
  9. 1) Ignorance - They just don't realize the vendor would give them more 2) Convenience - One can do /ah outside any mission map or base while the vendor is waaaay over there 3) Apathy - Some of us have hundreds of millions or billions of influence so it's a drop in the bucket When (2) and (3) outweigh (1) it's real easy. The plus side is that makes for some cheap buys for bargain hunters to make their wealth.
  10. I'm pretty sure (1) and (2) are the primary factors. While the others could play a role, I'd wager half my funds they are an order of magnitude less and a blip in the grand scheme of things. For every one of us that likes to play in the market, there are dozens that just want to buy an IO and get on with punching things.
  11. I love how you're doing these in different fonts. These all look amazing!
  12. I would go with a decrease in demand. There are still a ton of people playing, and of course we still make alts, but both are going to decline over time now that we're past the "OMG CoH is back!!!" period. That's not to say activity is light since we see product moving all the time, just probably not at its peak, so people aren't buying the expensive IOs, then having to buy the super expensive IOs, then moving on to the I'm mortgaging the SG base level of expensive IOs because that's all that's available.
  13. Thank you for this! It was unexpected.
  14. Doctored Wounds is another good one at 41. While these don't generally go for as much as resist or defense sets, they're still a solid money maker if you're looking to diversify your recipes.
  15. The lowest effort that I can think of that will easily net you that amount is put in 4 million bids on the purple snipe set. Convert those to another PvP set (Health, Defense or Armor are guaranteed sellers). Sell for 7 million if you want near instant profit. Sell for 8 million if you can wait a day. Do two of those a week and done. There are a ton of ways, but this requires nothing but the initial investment in the IO, a few converters, and the inf to post it on the market. You could bid lower if you don't mind waiting, or even pick some of the other PvP sets for diversity. And sell higher for the same. But I do this on pretty much all characters so when I log into them I have a guaranteed profit waiting my return. It's not my primary money maker, but it certainly adds up, and takes just a few minutes when I do log into the neglected characters.
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