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Everything posted by Bardweiser

  1. Marvel was concerned at first, they even brought a lawsuit against NCSoft. The suit was dropped once it was revealed that the Marvel-looking and Marvel-named characters in CoH they were using as examples were created by Marvel staff. So if they dropped it then and it's going on strong and heavy in a game like DCUO then why is Homecoming "skeered"? In all likelihood such a case against Homecoming (or even DCUO/Daybreak/Warner Bros for that matter) would probably end up with a ruling that the company has no responsibility for policing IP issues since they are not making money specifically off of the ability to create/name a Marvel-like character. Ruling otherwise opens the door to a complete clampdown on things from video clips to just having your own drawing of Deadpool as your forum avatar. But wait... that only reinforces the "why are they scared" question, right? Nope. Because all of that is done against the backdrop that such a lawsuit costs a lot of money just to defend against. Disney/Marvel could easily bring the lawsuit and quickly leave a small group like the Homecoming crew drowning in legal fees before even going before a judge whereas a Daybreak (and their parent company) has their own legal team and would probably have access to that of Warner Bros as well so they could afford to play that game until an actual ruling came out.
  2. I did this but I no new/extra window is showing up. Any thoughts?
  3. I have to admit I agree my fellow soloist, Eldriyth. But even with out exp bonuses I am out levelling content. Would you maybe look at going the other way around. Ie. +25 Inf bonus for -25% exp, then +50% inf for -50%exp. I don't see dropping exp more then that for the pay off. A thought for you masters of the universe to ponder. I'm a big solo-er as well but hit a bit of a wall at 32. I got to a couple of missions with Elite Bosses that were simply too difficult at 32 so I had to do radios until I hit 33.
  4. From what you've said it looks like it's either your router or the bridged modem. I recently replaced my Cox equipment for a Netgear C6250 and that fixed some connection issues I had been having. You can try updating your firmware (if you haven't already) but if that doesn't work then try picking up a new modem/router (ie: take the your ISP's machine out of the equipment even though it's in bridge mode). If swapping out routers does not work then take the new router back to the store then contact your ISP (many have email addy's for customers like yourself who work off-hours from their support).
  5. As in... "villains"?
  6. The reason Marvel did not win is because CoH's lawyer proved that they players that had created Marvel IP and play in game were Marvel employees. CoH had a reporting process in place and players were very proactive in self-policing because they did not want to see a repeat. The lawyer, by the way got a standing ovation at HeroCon. As for the current Overlords, I don't think they've said anything, but just because this is not an authorized server doesn't mean Marvel/DC/etc won't swing a hammer. Personally, I think it best to err on the side of caution and avoid characters that outright copy someone's IP. I remember the case and that Marvel lost, did not know the players making the Marvel characters were Marvel employees. There's no better lulz than a self-defeating lulz. I've always preferred making my own characters rather than re-making those of others, but I understand it. You can't swing a dead cat in DC Universe Online without seeing a Captain America, Hulk, Deadpool or Jean Grey/Phoenix clone, it wasn't much different back in the early days of CoH. Here's just a few examples from DCUO: From what I understand they are considered homages by fans (like an animated fan art) and thus get around the IP issue. As long as money isn't being made specifically off of their likenesses I don't see this going to court again.
  7. Thanks for all the replies. Looking back I realized I should have mentioned I also have my internal fan blowing on high to reach those temps. I've dropped my graphics settings down to the minimum and saw some small improvement (average around 60).
  8. Laptop (MSI GE73 Raider RGB 8RE) specs: CPU: i7 8705H (Coffee Lake) RAM: 16GB (DDR4 2667) Video: GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB VRAM) OS: Windows 10 Enterprise I can run DCUO (DC Universe Online) or ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) with no heating issues. However if I run CoH, even with graphics set to mid-range I see my temps jump higher than those other games. Running just Windows on a cooling pad I see temps ranging from 36-41. Running CoH I see 66-70. Anyone have any idea what could be going on?
  9. This is what happens when you don't start with the basics. lol! Thanks, that did the trick! Avast didn't give me an alert about it but I found it within Protection -> Virus chest. I approved it and now everything is working once again. :)
  10. I am at my relatives' and their bandwidth is about a max of 1.5M down. I mention that because it's the only thing that's changed. I run Tequila and it goes through the process of "Downloading score.exe", then once the progress bar finishes, Tequila just shuts down (I never get the Play option). Manifest is still set to http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml Thoughts?
  11. I live in the Deep South (US) and also only see latency issues when the servers are packed. Other than that it's smooth as silk.
  12. An off-topic board is a great idea.
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