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Pixel Mayhem

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About Pixel Mayhem

  • Birthday 03/18/1972

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  1. And here I thought every day was video game day 😋
  2. I came across this one....
  3. That is in the base editor as well though I forget which menu its under, think its Landscaping though I may be wrong.
  4. Hmmm, things that annoy my character.... Stuns and Knock backs would be top of the list me thinks ;)
  5. Speaking of the panda thing in WoW, I read somewhere though I can't recall where that that a Panda class was posted on some message board for a future update as an April fools joke. However so many people liked it Blizzard decided to make it a real thing in game. Go figure... :o
  6. Wow, hello old people. I'm right up there with you, 47 and still kicking ;D
  7. I'm one of the few who never played CoH back in the day so I thought I would share how I eventually ended up here. My first MMO was Dungeons & Dragons Online, being quite the fan of the table top game it was the natural choice for me. However I soon found myself bored with it. My time zone made getting a party together to run a dungeon was a tad difficult, and there were a lot of group dungeons at the beginning of that game. This will be an ongoing theme for me, the troubles of living in Australia. However, I would hop back in every now and then, when I was bored, and they have made most if not all those dungeons solo-able since. Still couldn't bring myself to play it again for long however. Still I had found what I was looking for when Neverwinter Nights by Bioware came out as I had found a persistent world on the online multiplayer part of that game. It was like a mini MMO and though the player base was small, no bigger than 90 at peak, I still played on that server for a very long time. Even when Gamespy went caput the creators of the persistent world moved to their own private server, kind like what's happening here albiet on a much smaller scale. My next big MMO was EVE Online, it looked interesting and so I thought I would try it... And I swear I gave it a good go but it was soooo complicated I could never really make head or tails of it, even after playing it for a few months. Still, that the game was, and still is, very much heavy on the PvP, and after getting ganked a few times I had decided to stop playing. This experience would turn me off of PvP all together as when you died in that game you pretty much lost everything and had to start over, unless you had the foresight to keep a backup ship. I've heard some players send you a new ship when they kill you if you're a newbie, but I wasn't considered one as I had been playing for a while at that point. Either way, I've never liked PvP since then. My next foray into the MMO space was when Lord of the Rings Online went free to play. I really liked this game and ended up playing it for a few years. Made a lot friends there, I would say the majority of the player base is comparable to here, well, minus the WoW trolls that would often log in and start claiming WoW was the first MMO. Like they always said that, it was like they had no imagination for real trolling ;D Anyway I stayed with LOTRO untill a new game came out... And that MMO was called Rift, I really liked this game too. Its dynamic event system was new to me and a lot of fun. However, some time after the launch the server purge began and the one I was on was deleted and so I had to transfer but when I did I lost my character name and this... Well it <Bleep!> me off and so I quit that game as I was upset about it and didn't play it for two years, some would say I get too attached to my character names. However, curiosity would eventually drag me back again. I was playing LOTRO again during that time. When I did come back to Rift I started over and created a new character named Mupi on the Faeblight server and became somewhat famous, or infamous depending on your take because I would constantly be totally silly in chat, emoting letting off glitter bombs will do that. :P I would try many other smaller MMO's at this time, (only noteable one here would be STO) but didn't play any of them for longer than a month at the most to as little as a week. Most of these were Asian MMO's of some type but I would eventually go back to Rift. It was during this time when I met someone in Rift whom I shall not name who would lament about CoH often. They had talked it up so much that my interest was piqued, not that I could do anything about it back then though. Still I did occasionally do a search on YouTube and see if a could gleen what the game was like way back when. Found one Youtuber who did a lot stuff on CoH so I subbed to him, (shout out to Positive Gamer!). Any way, it was through him I learned of Paragon Chat, as this was the best thing that could be done at that point so I checked it out, but as the name does indicate it was just a online chat client, if but a really fancy one. ;D But of course it wasn't long before the private servers went up and that brings me to today. So... I did take quite the long journey to get here but I am happy I did, still... That is my MMO history :o TL:DR? I tried a lot of other MMO's before coming here ;D
  8. Say what? There are other servers? :o
  9. This one had me in stitches.... Pure genius ;D
  10. Oh well, in that case once they have all been reborn as it were maybe you should try find others who have written amazing bio's for their characters. Just a thought ;)
  11. I write Bio's for my characters, though I do not think they are very good. Well, nobody has sent me tell or message saying that they are so yeah ???
  12. I guess Echo Atlas Park is different to regular normal Atlas Park cause none of those Badges are where they are supposed to be in Regular Atlas Park :o
  13. I'd like Beast Mastery to switch out those lions for a something like Worgs, still would be wolf like to keep the theme. Cause you know how dogs and cats do not like each other :P
  14. Own your Dad jokes, yes it might be lame and groan worthy but take pride in the fact that you make the world a much more fun place to be ;D
  15. So are you creating these Villains Yipp? Or are you finding them in game?
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