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Everything posted by Teh_Artic

  1. Black come back we miss you, ALL of us
  2. Who doesnt play the game and has medical issues due to having a stroke and is known that sometimes says things he doesn't mean?
  3. /no sign thank you for ur wise words Hot The changes are good, the devs actually did the right thing P.S.: Im not suprised how many of the specific people in responses want it back lmfao
  4. Does this mean crey pistol is now fixed as well?
  5. What server are you on, I have a semi large guild on Stormbluff isle, but if u wana ever play u can guest or we can guest over to you
  6. THANK YOU! This for sure makes sense. I truly appreciate it
  7. Just wondering but is that a mod just to make the game look nicer or run smoother on ur OS of ur PCs? also tyvm tyvm i am curious what else if anything would it do for COH? High refresh rate/plus high fps. Would it cuz more awareness of incoming dmg from NPCs / Players or would u see the NPCs/Players slightly faster if ur coming around i corner or down a hallway. I know its not like CSGO for example but i am just curious is all. I wish this game was more popular becuz i really love seeing all this kinda stuff flushed out on videos showing actual tests and what not you know?
  8. This is a very curious thing in my mind recently as im getting a new monitor ( 360hz ) and i plan to use it with other games that i play Val/CSGO etc and i was curious. Does COH have a fps cap and if so say if the cap is 200 ( for example ) and ur able to get 200 fps constantly would u actually see / feel the difference of that vs a 30hz or 60hz like in other games, or is COH just so old it does not work that way or its capped at something super low like 30 fps or something? Im just really curious how / if it would affect this game Anyone know for sure? Admins help? thank you in advance
  9. Nah All Saints' Day
  10. Thats NOT what i was exactly referring too but thats on the table too. Theres alot you dont know, and i will not say here but ask your captain if u wana know more.
  11. His a nice guy he just writes alot. You will get use to it if u keep coming back to this thread.
  12. Lol if u only knew
  13. First and foremost: Thank you silent and mac for being civil or at least trying to be in ur replies of what the OP posted Second: I dont think u quite understand. In my team literally 9/11 players from it do not like the idea of using the crey pistol at all and it for sure not using it would handicap teams vs using them, take what eva said for example during the meeting after our practice night which max /silent /eva / spec were present for, she does not even wana think about NOT using it becuz she does not wana use healing aura get stuck in a 2 sec animation and miss the range needed to use heal other or AB on the person getting attacked and watch them die. she probably has NOT used it since last year which is super sad to me becuz this just highlights how much OTHER people use it on ANY AT but especially on healers. i use weaken alot its a long animation and i NEVER use animation cancel. Its super risk for using a power like that like any long animation but we do it still knowing the risks and we make it work. same with my healers, same when we use nukes on buff gathers, same with ANY power we have used, were still able to survive spike off the skill of just learning how and sure we still pull wins all the time. Take this example used against the number 1 team rare, look at us beating 7 rare members plus max the other day as prime example and we didnt even really attack max and he was a blaster. You can say what you will about lineups or max or whatever but the point is its NOT impossible to still do good WITHOUT USING animation cancels AT ALL. Now lets go into another example. One of my members has been using a program silent gave me few months ago and has been using it every practice since then when he used silents program that night and EVERY SINGLE match against rare ( for example ) last tuesday they collectively used crey pistol over 500 times each round as a whole group. and in a 10min match of ANY team using the animation cancel ways of any kind vs a team not using it yes they could still lose but they have SO many more chances of varing different scenarios to either get in range for next spike quicker, get in range for next heal quicker, get in range of the healer quicker, get out of range of the attacks from enemy team quicker, use a power they need to use to move away from enemies that are telegraphing, use a power they would like to use on the spike and break off of it incase they miss read the telegraph and thinking they were the target when it really was not, etc etc and that is where my team does not like that at all. Now we DO NOT interact with other groups aside from a extremely select few becuz we simply enjoy ourselves and our own more then others so we did not realize to the extent that animation cancelling was being used, by basically almost everyone outside of our own team at this point. RARE admitted to us during our own meeting with them following our practice night with them as all of the members use crey pistol and other animation cancels now all the time, ( as example ) and heres yet another example that spec had told me a very large percent of his own team Renegades uses it ( im sure its closer to all as well ). Let me use some other examples now During our meeting with rare, I offered rare to ban doms and blasters ( two AT WHOLE CLASSES ) in exchange for only wanting ALL animation cancelling of any emotes/power intended to do it like crey pistol and they said NO even though they claimed that crey pistol is so minimal they would rather play against blasters and doms ( which they HATE ) vs giving up something they think is " minimal " it for sure is NOT minimal but rather VERY important if the PERFECT deal is denied to protect ONE thing. Heres another example, when i offered to NOT allow ANY crey pistol or emotes vs you guys ( Renegades ) ur team ALSO DECLINED with HUGE hesitation before Eva spoke over spec saying no way, which then allowed spec to speak after her saying NO officially. so its is SUPER important to all other teams except us becuz we do not use it at all and have not thru entire YEAR. we have learned to simply play thru ALL our animations of any AT we play on the field and now that we know all teams of almost every player using it NINE of my 11 players in Incursion main feel disgusted at the way the game is but more so that people would refuse to give up on it and simply play thru the animations. That is were we stand on it. An before ANYONE tries to say why not just use it, think of asking yourself would you be truly willing to play against ANY team for the rest of ur life playing this game using it while you and the rest of your team DOES NOT use it at ALL, and would you feel handicapped at that point. I for sure would. Third: Barrier, that was not Gun. Im not going to reply to you the way i want as ill get banned on the fourms if i do but i will say the way this is going is i TRULY HOPE u like playing this game in pvp for team arena, i really really really do, becuz im 50% sure it wont be for much longer i can tell u that. Your not smart enough to understand what i mean by this now, but you will start to see what im referring too in the coming weeks as you slowly watch it all fade away. Four: stfu db
  14. Rosters updated 07.28.20
  15. Incursion Community is now recruiting for 1606s players ( Corrs, Doms, Controllers, Defs )! Specifically looking for: -Natures -Shockers aka EA -Kins -Emps IF you are not such type of a player but want to learn that can be arranged as well. Please contact me thru direct messages here on the fourms OR thru ingame PMs @Teh Artic tyvm!
  16. Introducing....!!!!! Incursion Community -Head Coach: Artic - @Teh Artic -Assistant Head Coach: Gunrock - @T Mart -Special Teams Coach: Ciro - @Ciro, @Intizero -Quarterback: Peanut - @Peanut Team: Fiend - @-FIEND Ulty - @Ultima,@Ultima2,@Ultima3 Eclipse - @Teh Eclipse, @E c l i p s e, @Eclipse3, @Eclipse 4 Black - @BlackHearted, @BlackHeated Jicco - @Jicco, @no16, @no17, @no18 Reib - @Reib Mini - @-Mini Vert - @Vertigo Blue Kool - @KoolVirus, @Kool Virus Spacey - @spaceygirl1,@spaceygirl2,@spaceygirl3,@spaceygirl4,@testsubject -Standby: Spines - @DevoGreen, @DevoBlue, @DevoFarm Omen - @Omen, @Omen2, @Omen3, @Omen4 Nappy - @RageusQuitus, @Nappy2, @Nappy3, @Nappy4 Billy - @Vile Bill Travis - @Darkir Incursion Community is a team comprised of all new PvPers and is designed to teach new players how to do Arena 8v8 PvP. This is a subdivision of Incursion and thus controlled by it directly. Incursion community is not looking for any practice partners at this time unless ur a sidechick or a team from excelsior or torchbearer. Please contact the Head Coach for any further details. Thank You Currently holding practices every Sunday and Saturday night @ 9pm est / 6pm pst Special Thanks to the International Bank of Travis and Incursions very own Chief of Engineering Vile Bile for helping get this project off the ground!
  17. Hello all! As many of you know with lockdowns happening around the world some areas in it are becoming open soon once again ( while some are not ) with that being said one of my SG mates is a very nice elderly man who has NEVER done a hami raid in his coh life even being played since i2 due to his work life and being on an EU server (lol) with that also being said his lockdown ends in a few days where he lives and he will be forced to go back to work, his asked me to help him get a hami raid going so he can do one before his lockdown ends, im hosting one with Peanut and Alouu and several others today in 2 hours from now Thursday May 14th @ ( 10am pst usa / 12pm central usa / 1pm est usa / 7pm central eastern germany ). Id like if ANYONE of u can lend ur support and show up to help out i would be grateful. Were going to be hosting it on Indom in the Hive so that way incase we mess up we do not hurt the Abyss ran hami raids for much later on in the day
  18. Hello all! As many of you know with lockdowns happening around the world some areas in it are becoming open soon once again ( while some are not ) with that being said one of my SG mates is a very nice elderly man who has NEVER done a hami raid in his coh life even being played since i2 due to his work life and being on an EU server (lol) with that also being said his lockdown ends in a few days where he lives and he will be forced to go back to work, his asked me to help him get a hami raid going so he can do one before his lockdown ends, im hosting one with Peanut and Alouu and several others today in 2 hours from now Thursday May 14th @ ( 10am pst usa / 12pm central usa / 1pm est usa / 7pm central eastern germany ). Id like if ANYONE of u can lend ur support and show up to help out i would be grateful. Were going to be hosting it on Indom in the Hive so that way incase we mess up we do not hurt the Abyss ran hami raids for much later on in the day
  19. The leader of Scotts Heroes is @I Kill Stuff and @I Kill Stuff Too on homecoming his on Torch, if u wanted to reconnect with him
  20. Just message me ingame @Teh Artic or tell me ur global and I can add ur toon(s) to the SG. You can also recieve ur own villa in Omega Hall
  21. Ty Myrmidon, and its good to see another champion player
  22. I believe i was there as well it was run by Jaded SG right? IF were thinking of the samething
  23. This is super old but if u havent tried it alrdy GM Smol hosts Smol KBs and its actually a fun time. Go there at least once if u have not tried it yet
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