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About ValkyrieLummi

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Rest well dear. Will miss seeing you in game.
  2. FINALLY I got to donate before it closed. huzzah! EDIT: 😧 Oh god, Paypal fees?! Should I have donated with my card to not get you guys fees?!
  3. Thank you! That clears up a lot of confusion! ❤️
  4. Ok, I am completely confused. Invisibility is gone, so what power now fully hides you? Say you want to run through a mission to get to the end, do I use stealth now? Will that keep me hidden like Invis did? Or do I have to use Invis's replacement power?
  5. I have this issue too. If it's my graphics settings, I would love to know!
  6. In game they said about 30 mins downtime.
  7. May I ask, is it normal for the file geobin_czt.pigg to take over 20 mins to download? (It's not even close to being at 25%) I've checked my internet connection and all is running fine, so I am not sure if the file is huge or there's a connection issue between me and the server. Edit: Nevermind, Tequila crashed and when I restarted it zipped through. Technology... a bloody nightmare at times, hah.
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