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Everything posted by Warboss
Fun times, I was on a great team. More new faces and players showing up to the event. Welcome to all the newcomers. I also managed to get my Stone/Icer up to 50, so "Yay" new 50 Tank! I'm thinking it's time for an all Shield ITF next month (here on Torch (unless something else comes up)).
A bit late to the dance, but I'd say try a Rad/Fire Tank.
Visually Shield Charge + Fire Sword Circle is hard to beat (then Combustion, maybe a ST, and FSC is up again, so "Wall of Fire"), another ST (maybe two) and Combustion, then FSC, then Shield Charge! Yeah, an thing of beauty...
The lack of any AoE until level 16 (Hand Clap - needs about 3 slot to proc) with SS is kinda' annoying. But, SS is good at pumping out the damage. Fire though is pretty fast and provides fun animations ( AND ....it's FIRE!). With procs you can add mitigation or other affects depending on what you want to do. I tend to like Avalanche's KD proc in FSC (although at least a couple of current builds are using Armageddon's instead) , and slotting at least one Kin Combat KD in an ST attack. You can AoE proc out Combustion for some more fun (haven't tried Cupid's proc in there yet, does it affect more than one target?). If you Take Hasten and get LoG's +Global Recharge going you can get FSC down to about 5-6 seconds = MOAR Fire! Glad to have an Fiery Meleer out there. Enjoy your Tank!
Fiery Melee!! Do it! But I'm bias... or so they say...
Welcome back, join the TankHQ channel to get in on the silliness.
The only comment I have is that the build is light on lower level attacks, which would be an issue if you exemp or plan on running lower level TFs and such.
Of note the Kronos Titan tried to hide in tree so we couldn't get him (pic to follow and it didn't work). I was on MsA's team and we ran Katie and had so much fun taking out Red Caps that we stayed in the last mission clearing them. Then on to PI for another zombie invasions (we had one going just as we exited the Katie TF), and radios. We had several new Tankers joining the event and a few from the Live who were able to join us again. So overall a good times, fun, and many level dings, AND we got to meet some new folks and welcome some returning Tanks to the event. Warboss (Rad/Spines version) is now level 42 (leveled only through TT events)! Kahn? Paging @wittylibrarian to team lead duty...
Everyone is welcome, the only requirement is to be a Tank. All, levels, power sets, etc... just be a Tank. Everlasting is the 3rd Tuesday of each month (see sig - all over this thread). We're on all the servers although Reunion and Victory were added a bit later so we visit them on Saturdays. You're also allowed 5 server transfers a week, so you can move Tanks around as you see fit (note: naming could be an issue as will any SG associations). Tonight is Excel. Hope to see you there! Also send one of us a tell for an invite to TankHQ our Tanker chat channel. TankHQ is a public channel so you can join it using /chan_join TankHQ,
Pretty fun and overall effective, many levels (I think mine ended up at 24). We did both the Posi's, for some reason my team from last month didn't get credit/badge for running Posi 1 last time. No biggie (a bit of a pain), but we got both 1 & 2 done last night. Which should put us in line for Synapse/Yin next month.
Thanks, I had a Dark/Elect on Live and I have one here (mid 30s(?)). It's a fun combo if not a bit of pain getting decent KB in place. Not really sure why Dark and Fire Armors haven't been updated to grant KB resist in the sets. With the buffing of Invuln and Stone, I don't see what major advantage/game breaking mechanic either of them applies over the resilience of most of the other sets.
Thanks, I'll mess around with the base.
Actually I was hoping for your Electric/* base build. Once you're used to the set Shield is pretty easy to build for. Thanks for sharing the Shield builds, more input and visuals are always helpful.
Good thing the lens cap was on, I was getting bounced by the damned "Freeem" all night long. I don't think it's any secret that I hate that effect... Other than that, I thought it was a good run with some great teammates. We were few but MIGHTY! Looking forward to Posi 2 with the Stone/Weapons Tanks.
Any chance you can share a build or base build guidelines?
Don't forget to pick up Mu Mastery for Electric Fences for an Immob, and Ball Lightning with Overwhelming Force's change for KD! ;)
Correctly slotted it takes about two applications and if you slot one End Mod in the Lightning Field you can keep most things drained.
For me I think that's true. I used to run a lot a Electric Tanks when the set first came out. I haven't really figured it out here. Maybe some will post a build for you. For me though, Elect seems to drop pretty quickly once stuck into the main combat (unless you do a sapping build).
Shield/DM might edge them out a bit at higher levels as it adds a combat heal to high Defense and stacking DDR (ends up around ~%86 when stacked). My guess is that it would be fairly close but: SD/DM - hard to hit, combat heal, potential for several AoEs. No real downsides. Dark/Elect - Edge over Elect being faster higher effect AoE Heal that can recover End as well and be slotted for damage. Con, you do have to build for KB Resist. Other - Can build for Def (Melee), but no DDR, so once the hits start no more Def. Elect/Dark - Good KB resist and Resists overall coming out of the gate (but uneven ground/sloping maps issue). Can sap enemies End. Con, slow main Heal, need to fast cycle combat heal. Very vulnerable to Toxic (which makes no sense...). Probably a few other things I've forgotten to mention that I'm sure others will bring up.
Dark/Elect = Thunder and Lightning, what's not to love? Fast strong heal, teleport "Boom", OG, grab an immob on your epic/patron (at 35 if you can), you're good to go. Of course you do need to add some KB protection... because Tanks can't have nice things... but....
I may be a bit biased... but Fiery Melee! There are multiple options for slotting that adds additional functionality to the DoT. Example: slot either the KD proc from Overwhelming Force or Avalanche into FSC and Combustion for additional mitigation, and/or add KD proc from Kin Combat into one of your ST attacks... there are other tricks as well...
Storming the wedding was pretty fun. I think if we had another Tank (only seven of us) we might have done better. We also may need to look at builds which include debuffing in the epics/patron powers.
Thanks for leading the league @Ronin_Around. It was a good time for sure. Lots of fun when you start new Tanks and level en masse'. We pulled many, many, many mass herds in Frostfire and my Stone/Axer went from 1 to 17, so next time on Indom we'll be running Posi 1 and 2.
No, sigh, I'm time traveling again. We'll be on Everlasting tonight. I'll fix the post. So... to correct myself: Tonight, Everlasting. 1/28/25, Indom with the new Tanker Challenge. Thanks for the catch!
Hey all, Correcting my post/mistake. We'll be on Everlasting as normal. Just a reminder, we're starting the "challenge set" on Indom tonight Stone/*Weapon. Secondaries to choose from would be: Battle Axe Broad Sword Dual Blades Katana Staff Titan Weapons War Mace