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Posts posted by Zep

  1. Let me just say.....


    You have not lived until your laughing so hard your going to **** yourself watching some Warhulks bouncing back and forth between two bonfires trying to stand up.


    OK..... I'm easily amused get over it.


    Cant do that with the KB to KD IO.

  2. FS has 3 area of affect circles.


    #1 Debuff radius around target. Each target gets a moderate debuff (I forget if there is a to-hit) and the total targets is counted.


    #2 BUFF in same area as #1 debuff a stacking buff based on the total number of targets debuffed.


    #3 BUFF in a radius around the caster. Otherwise same as #2.


    *IF* you are close enough to the target to overlap the two buff zones they stack. I used to do this on LIVE with Fire Imps and they would get really mean.


    I really need to level up my replacement Fire/Kin. Well past level 4 that is.


    So many characters.... So little time...

  3. You are awesome.....


    Find many for _Zep_ ? Just curious :) **NO RUSH**


    I am a slow leveler and have a lot of alts, be a while before I can use any of my old builds anyways -- prob need to do some adapting to newer conditions anyways.


    I am hoping to find one or more of my origin stories more so than builds - again no rush. :)


    I truly appreciate the time and work you are putting into this. I tried going through the Wayback Machine and found a total of (1) of my old posts before giving up.




    You should get merits for this - HINT HINT HINT to the Dev's.

  4. The idea still would have to be agreed upon before any work could be done on it.
    No, it doesn't.


    Please remember, origin-oriented mission content is just one suggestion.


    It is a suggestion that involves quintupling the workload for all new content generated under the paradigm, made by people who do not expect to have to do any of that work. Your excuses do not change the work required nor do they broaden the audience for it. Either you plan to do the work yourself or your suggestion is bad.


    Are you the one that would be doing said work?


    How do you know it would cause 5x the work anyways?


    The Secret World (original not legends) had three versions of all the faction arcs -- some story different view point. Same Assets, Same Location -- doesnt have to take 5x or even 3x the work.

  5. I see stuff like your Tsoo every once in a while.


    On my PB I'll see various bolts make a right/left turn to catch up with a moving target. Seems to happen more often on him then other sets.


    On my Stalker it gives mobs the chance to retaliate for assassins strike or other out of stealth attacks. I walk up AS the mob falls to the ground and then shoots me. Not every time.

  6. The only true issue with the blue caves (IMO) is that a small portion of the player base has trouble with those colors.


    The ideal solution would be to build chroma filtering into the game. I know a very long list of add requests with a really small dev team.


    The only time I have had issues is when I try to super speed though it all - or even fly once I am high enough level to go at a decent speed. Even then it is my behavior that is causing the problem.

  7. I've always liked making some origin specific flavor to the game.


    Origin specific power pools and/or make the travel pools have a different look/feel based on origin with characters able to select 'normal' or their origin. This would make it opt in.


    With many powers they can be customized to 'cast' which fits magic. It would take a lot of work and be awesome if there were more options that could be used to give origin flavor - gadgets for Tech, a set of different gestures for mutant, etc. Maybe enhance 'cast' and make it look/sound more spell like.


    There are ways to make origins relevant.


    PB/WS get their own intro quest lines. Lets add the same for each origin, more so then what city hall does as anyone can grab any of them.

  8. I have a Fire/Storm I rather like.


    Fire Blasters have a well deserved rep as debt magnets. They do big fat AOE that burns and stings and pisses off mobs.


    With my Corrupter I still piss things off, however, I have tools for protecting myself solo or team.


    Rain of Fire+Freezing Rain+Scourge is utter devastation. Add snow storm with some +slow (and/or +slow in freezing rain) and the mobs have a lot of trouble getting out of the ROF, stay grouped up enough to be hit with Fire Ball, Fire Breath, or whatever.


    Hurricane can be slotted for additional accuracy debuff and procs with other debuffs.


    Still having trouble with those pesky bad guys hitting on you? Toss out a tornado or two along with a pair of Lightning Storms.


    Storm has a pretty neat mixed bag of tricks -- a lot of 'soft' control, strong defenses, debuffs (Snow Storm, Freezing Rain, Hurricane, Tornado - you know tornado debuffs defense and stacks with FR, right?) and lastly some solid damage if you want (Tornado and Lightning Storm).


    It doesnt stack the way other sets do but IMO there is synergy of a sort gained by survivability, +damage from debuffs, and +damage from it's outright damage powers.


    Storm is a late bloomer and if your going to team you need to learn when and how to use abilities in a way that does not piss off team mates. Solo however you will be the mighty master of the battle field.


    Of course this is just one mans thoughts and oppinions :) 

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