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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. I can't promise to make it next saturday. But just in case, this will be with Forlorne, Fire/Fire Blaster. I hope I have her at 45 by the weekend. She still got 3 1/2 lvls to go...
  2. I may be a little afraid of the "Ass Rifle" that you plan on bringing... ðŸ˜ģ Will it at least be a "Bad Ass Rifle"?
  3. Ouhh... Yes! That's from the All-Archer ITF on Reunion, right! I totally forgot that I took a few pics on that as well! ðŸĪĢðŸĪŠðŸ˜† Of course something like that would never have happened on an All-Pro Theme Team! 😇
  4. I was going with cell shaded look for this week. I think it turned out nicely on this one.
  5. Picked a few more shots from last weeks All-Arrow ITF. This again was an instant classic. Arrows are some of my absolute favorite powers. And that's all varieties, including Trick and Tactical. Great choice for ITF!
  6. @TrixieKixxI am planning to bring JET ACE, an AR / SR Sentinel. He got referred by Flying Nightingale, heard there is good times to be had. 😎 Thx for the heads up on the planning for the coming weeks. I will prepare accordingly! Good hunting today. The team was glorious, and all those arrows made the enemies look like hedgehog after a few salvos! 😁
  7. @FrauleinMental The official Color-Themed one? I did the ITF on wednesday with the TWANG All-Archer Team on Reunion. Boy, did I get blown out of the water by these ambushes! 🙂 I really need to get out of blasterlock when my healthbar starts to show hits...
  8. Archers... Never leave home without 'em! One of the most fun powers for me.
  9. @TrixieKixx Registering Droidica MK2 (again😇) as a Lvl40ish All Arrows Blaster If we find we got too much blastpower and may need a little more support, I can also offer Mistress Of The Mists as a lvl36 Defender (Poison/Archery) ITF will be a blast with all the arrowing. We do run regular All-Archer teams on Reunion and the landscape looks like full of hedgehogs afterwards 😎
  10. I'll be there, let's see how it works out.
  11. By the way, don't remember. Do I need to be a pure villain, or is it enough going rogue for this SF?
  12. Good Luck, Trixie! I just made it to 20 with my new Pirate, so I am ready for some air mayhem tomorrow!
  13. @TrixieKixx So here I go: Sign me up with The Electric Air Raider, an Elec/Elec Sentinel. Again a very distinctive steampunky flavour to this one. But the theme had it coming! Gotta get busy this week to bring him into his 20ies.
  14. @TrixieKixx Count me in here with a TBD for now. Shouldn't be a problem this time. Now, on to the drawing board! I will let you know what I come up with for this...
  15. Oh man, I am really sorry I missed it. I would definitely be up for this TF, if it is ever run again! And Droidica would have loved the Badges and Merits! Smashing selection of costumes as well! 👏 Thanks for sharing the pics.
  16. Sorry for this, but I think I will have to sit out this week. I will have 1h max on saturday before I would have to leave. I hope you can get a team assembled. Have fun, and catch you all next week. P.S.: Washington D.C. WTF?!?
  17. Not quite sure if i will be able to make it next saturday. I keep you posted. For now, I plan to bring DROIDICA MK2, an All Arrows Blaster at lvl41.
  18. Great Pics! It's so much fun to revisit afterwards! My Highlight this time: "I'm not a Tank?" ðŸĪĢ Thanks guys for the fun, as usual! Will also file a couple more shots from my library later. But the best ones are already up there...
  19. I got both ready and parked in Steel. Can decide ad hoc which one to use.
  20. I see we are fielding quite a few corruptors here, so for the sake of variety I may be sending GIN TOXIC, a Poison / Psy Blast Defender. And as I still don't have enough Alts yet, I made another one that would fit in nicely, but that I won't be playing much: Tequila Sunrise Boy - Bio / Spines Tank Just had to show him around before he goes into storage 🙂
  21. And here, in special memory of the kind of chatter that comes with this, a few every-day-live-facts about Emmy: 😘 I find it funny, because there is actually a german word "Humbug", which literally means "nonsense". But maybe you had to be there... 😇ðŸĪ“😋
  22. OK, I have a few pics to add this time from the - as I am now officially calling it - "The Dangler Run" Here are my best shots in high resolution: P.S.: Upload limit is a bitch!
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