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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Dear Theme Team and Friends, after missing out on my recap from the Def/Cor Double-Header the week before, I have a few findings to share with you again this week. Here we go with what I have - most deftly, as usual - named the "Cute Claws of Fury" run: - Cats are apparently more popular than dogs in this neck of teh woods. Or just easier to costumate 🙂 - For all the massive clawy meelee we had going on, I was glad to see some vines and spores in between here and there - Don't remember what was the setting, +0... +1...? We basically ripped and shredded our way through the corridors in no time! - Glam Hairstyle for the win! A few more pics from the Bananarchive: Prepping the models! This looks like a girl group from the 90ies... Can we call them "Kitty Power"? There is no more fun than smashing gears! Taking aim at the sewer... Doc Vazi never knew what hit him. And as a bonus pic there could only be ONE CHOICE this time: Enjoy your holiday weekend, fellas!
  2. That's an amazing array of pics, @Midnyte! Some really great ones with characters in sync, like those best! Thank you!
  3. @TrixieKixx If nobody else needs the AT, I will come with Dark Anaesthetist Mind/Emp Controller, for this one. Shiny new Roman/Greek costume and Incarnate powers on. My 1st ever lvl50 since... well... ever. Never managed to get anything going beyond the 30ies when I still played on live. Guess why .... 😇
  4. Sounds like "all the good ones" are already in the mix. But hey, @Midnyte: Come with whatever you want! It was nowhere said that they all needed to be different. Heck, make a Poison Ivy / Catwoman Crossover! 🙂 Don't know if the CC has the tools to make it work, however... it would be a challenge, I think...
  5. @TrixieKixx put me down for Wonder Catwoman, Savage/Willpower Scrapper and - as the name implies - a Wonder / Cat Woman Crossover. I think somebody else also prepared a WW toon, but I decided to just go with it. Can't have enough Wonder Women! 🙂
  6. The Server outage yesterday has put me a little bit behind schedule for saturday. I think I can get Amber to 25+ okay, but I may need to fast track Divine Wind in some way. Still hovering at lvl7 now...
  7. Oh great, did OVH burn down ANOTHER Server facility...? It's a riddle to me how a company can operate like this...
  8. Great new themes, @TrixieKixx! I already have ideas... Many ideas... Schedule is also looking good. Only the 3rd is questionable, as there is a 1/4 final game at exactly that time. But there are many IFs in that game, so no worries for now!
  9. That was good fun! Thx for taking me along and for the effort to come visit Reunion! Appreciated! I will mark 7/19 on my schedule, hope to be there again and Tank more... Really like my Ice/Claws! But I have a few/many others in my abundant list of promising alts.
  10. Great, thank you! I will give it a try now in MIDS and see if I can peel out something workable, when I find some time to dig into this.
  11. Familiar faces there, I see. What's that location? That's hilariously cool!
  12. I am really sorry that I missed this, but the timing this time just didn't work out. It was all for a good cause, though! Straight highlight from this weeks Theme Team are those Bios! They are plain fantastic! I wouldn't even have thought to make one especially for this. But the ideas are creative and great. 👏 And oh boy, this is soooo tempting to just call it "The Grumpy Grannies" Theme Team! 😇😁 I would have had one more to add: That must be some VERY robust bone china cup in her hands right there! 😉
  13. That would actually suit me fine. If I can make it in time to join Manti, I'll be happy to go. Otherwise, I will just either hop in the missions team (If it is running) or wait for you to finish the TF and join in whatever happens afterwards.
  14. How timely is this supposed to be getting off? Just asking, as I may be tied up in some other activity before, and don't know if I can make it spot on time on saturday. Might be I am 15-20mins late... Don't know if that would be okay for the Teams to assemble and then wait a few minutes...
  15. Thanks a lot for your assessment. I have completely forgotten about hasten, will be substituting that in for something. Hoping you can still come up with a proposal of how to slot this. 👏
  16. Hi @TrixieKixx, I will be conditional this saturday. If I manage to be there, it will be only for an hour before I need to move on. Don't know if that will be enough for Reichsmann, but I will just drop out when the clock runs out and we are not done yet... Put me down with Demolishia (SS/Rad Brute). This Theme was a challenge, but I think I have found something that would work. Still looking forward!
  17. Good job on that. I like the Jarhead very much and there are some fun things you can do with it, I think!
  18. Hi Team, That was great fun again! 🙂 Thx again for the pics, @Midnyte & @FrauleinMental It remains one of my favorite things to do this every week with you guys! Now here comes this weeks completely subjective recap of the "Icing on a Cakewalk" Theme Team: It was surprisingly colorful for an Icy theme, I fully expected to see all shades of whites, greys and blues. But Trix and Midnyte added some variety 👍 You can't dance when swimming in water. But you CAN play the drum! For a team without any Archers, there was a lot of talk about arrows afterwards 😉 Apologies felt a little half-hearted when so much fun could be had while Confused and just keeping to hit people 🙂 "Icing Water Bags" may become a new Theme Team Meme for handling mobs... And now, By The Powers of the External Image Host, I am again adding pics from my own collection here! "Dammit Jim!" 😄 We had some photobombers again Thanks for the heads up, Jaxx! Whatever the Tsoo were using THIS thing for, I was ready to handle it! Me, on sentry guard duty at the door, faithfully preventing any further intrusion from outside while you guys were masterfully handling the ambush! ... or... not? 😆 Bonus pic is more like a Bonus Clip this time: "What's cooler than being cool? Ice Cold!" See you all next week...
  19. Does anybody have a Build he's willing to share for a damage / proc heavy DP on a Defender? I am trying to figure out how to set up my Emp/DP...
  20. That's what I have it at, 12pm Eastern. That's why I am so confused about the time it is showing... I will just set it back 1h and see what it comes out at.
  21. So, I have been playing around trying to set the timezone and starting time to anything remotely resembling to when we play. I have no idea how to make this work, it just looks like totally wrong to me... it now shows me 7pm, but I have no idea which timezone that should be, as my time should be 6pm CET here... ...based on setting it to 12pm Eastern, that is
  22. Hi folks, I am asking the professionals here for a little help with making the New Love Of My Life be a little bit more robust and self-sustainable. She is already greatly entertaining and a pleasure to watch, but I have come to a point (and aquired the funds) where I'd like to take a bit more systematic approach. And I am hopelessly in over my head with trying to piece it together. I created a framework of what I would like to be using in terms of powers/powersets. And some boundary conditions regarding my playstyle and what I like and don't: Main Take: I am playing now mostly in kinda Repeat Offender style, applying pistols more heavily than empathy (which I guess is not unusual late game for anything EMP). But I still also like to function as a serious Buff Machine, throwing in a heal or rez where needed. This build is mainly intended for late/end game content ~lvl40+ and incarnate. No solo requirements, I like to be in teams. Plan to do something able to level down nicely with a 2nd build. And maybe then something with pure solo focus on a 3rd. But that is for the future. I read that EMP benefits greatly from (global) recharge, and Pistols are proccable nicely (intention to boost dmg output?). I am not sure how well that gets along with requirements for Def/Res/End optimization... but I am probably not able to go full soft/hardcaps anyway in the short run Here is my intended setup: This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn https://github.com/Reborn-Team/MidsReborn Click this DataLink to open the build! Flying Nightingale (unslotted): Level 49 Mutation Defender Primary Power Set: Empathy Secondary Power Set: Dual Pistols Power Pool: Flight Power Pool: Teleportation Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Psychic Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Healing Aura -- Empty(A) Level 1: Pistols -- Empty(A) Level 2: Heal Other -- Empty(A) Level 4: Empty Clips -- Empty(A) Level 6: Fly -- Empty(A) Level 8: Hover -- Empty(A) Level 10: Clear Mind -- Empty(A) Level 12: Dual Wield -- Empty(A) Level 14: Fortitude -- Empty(A) Level 16: Swap Ammo Level 18: Recovery Aura -- Empty(A) Level 20: Resurrect -- Empty(A) Level 22: Bullet Rain -- Empty(A) Level 24: Teleport Target -- Empty(A) Level 26: Kick -- Empty(A) Level 28: Tough -- Empty(A) Level 30: Weave -- Empty(A) Level 32: Suppressive Fire -- Empty(A) Level 35: Dominate -- Empty(A) Level 38: Hail of Bullets -- Empty(A) Level 41: Mind Over Body -- Empty(A) Level 44: Executioner's Shot -- Empty(A) Level 47: Maneuvers -- Empty(A) Level 49: Adrenalin Boost -- Empty(A) Level 1: Vigilance Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A) Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A) Level 2: Health -- Empty(A) Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 16: Chemical Ammunition Level 16: Cryo Ammunition Level 16: Incendiary Ammunition ------------ Some more points to consider: Hover/Fly and Teleport Target is non-negotiable b/c Theme. I like the 2 Psychic Mastery powers, so I'd like to keep that I will have a hard time to part with any more of the DP powers (*sob*... Piercing Rounds...), but I understand that Dual Wield could be on the kill list to make room for let's say Regen Aura or Maneuvers... I use Recov Aura basically as a self-buff (one of the few powers that work on yourself), as I am frequently troubled with endurance. Other means can maybe mitigate this? I can muster about 500mil for this. Not enough for a full-blown all-star Purples and PVPs build, but should be good for SOMETHING... Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Looking forward to you guys going wild! Thx! Bananiac
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