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Posts posted by Bananiac

  1. I have built a couple of Sentinels that have made it to lvl50 and that come up in my rotation every once in a while. 


    Water Blast / Regen is very effective, but I love Water Blast basically on any toon.

    Dual Pistols / Super Reflex is fun, but pistols are fun basically on any toon. SR is a very good DEF set on Sentinels, I hear...

    Seismic/Stone is thematically a very good pair. Meteor is one of the most satisfying T9s when it finally hits the ground 🙂 I launch it on a mob and follow up directly with an AoE Immob (I think I used Ice Mastery for that), so they stay all nicely put at ground zero until the ball strikes. @Jaxman100: You wouldn't happen to have a build for this combo?

    I have a few Archery Sentinels at various stages of their life cycle. Archery is another set that I just like, no matter which AT. 


    All that being said, my best experience on Sentinels is definitely with an Elec/Elec/Elec Build. Beats anything else you can do with Electricity on any other toon, imo! When I fire my AoE drain attack chain, it feels like every mob is exhausted within 10-12 secs. Prepare to be in the middle of things, though. Otherwise this doesn't make any sense 🙂 



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  2. Speaking of future themes... I have a few new ones to fill the pipeline:


    “Viva Las Vegas” – Costume only. Don’t think this needs any explanation. Btw: That new Sphere Thing there… mind blowing!

    “The Circus comes to town!” – Clowns. Acrobats. Beasts. Beast Tamers. Strongmen. Magicians. Circus Directors. Musicians. Freaks. Maybe make it more specific with a “golden age of circus” type of look, a la turn-of-the century Greatest Showman, if you know what I mean?

    “(Rare) Earth Force” – Any Stone/Earth powerset. To give it a new twist, chose a costume to represent one of the Rare Earth Elements.

    “Welcome to Valhalla” – Chose one from the Nordic Pantheon & Mythology, with appropriate powersets (Mace/Elec/Strom anybody? 😉)

    “Heart and Soul of Africa” – A long-dead pharao from ancient Egypt? A proud tribal warrior? A mystic medicine man or woman? A high-tech Wakandan Guardian?

    “I'd like to be/Under the sea/In an octopus' garden/In the shade” – Underwater theme. Water blast powers come to mind, but we just had that. So no specific preferences here for powersets, I guess…

    “Carnival in Venice” – I think this one, too, doesn’t need any explanation.

    “The Knights Templar” – All-Tanker Team (could allow for Brutes as well if that helps). Let’s see how big a crowd we can herd together! Order of Knight Templar costumes. We may all end up looking very similar, but I don’t think that is a bad thing in this case 😊

    And here is an idea for the next time we run a Citadel or any other TF/SF heavy on Council or 5th Column: Let’s do a “1st Avenger” kind of team, WW2 Heroes fighting the Nazis!


    @TrixieKixx feel free to pick from the list. And if you have any further ideas on how to expand on it or modify it, be my guest 🙂 


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  3. On 12/2/2023 at 7:32 PM, TrixieKixx said:

    12/9 - Numina (Level 35-40 - Blue Side: Founders Falls) - Any AT / Dress like your favorite Movie Hero(ine)!

    12/16 - Barracuda (Level 45-50 - Red Side - Grandville) - Mutants and Monsters - Mutant Origin / Monster costumes!

    12/23 - Holiday Events for those around! - Any AT / Festive costumes!

    12/30 - Posi 1 & 2 (Level 8-15 and Level 11-16 – Blue Side - Steel Canyon) - All Illusion Team (Controller or Dominator…correct me if I'm wrong and another AT has this Power Set!) / Magician costumes




    Hi @TrixieKixx, for Numina count me in with Gun Fu Nun (Dual Pistols / Martial Combat Blaster). I will probably rename her to Element V for the day. 🙂 


    Looking at the schedule, I absolutely LOVE the idea of the All-Illusion-Team, paired with the Magician outfits. Just want to remark that with this week being the Posi TFs, we will all be locked out of our Phantom Armies, which only becomes available at lvl18 for both Controllers and Dominators. And that would be a crying shame in my opinion! Maybe reschedule this to a week where we can run lvl20+ TFs/SFs? 2 weeks later for example we could run either Synapse or Silver Mantis at that level range...



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  4. On 12/2/2023 at 7:32 PM, TrixieKixx said:

    12/9 - Numina (Level 35-40 - Blue Side: Founders Falls) - Any AT / Dress like your favorite Movie Hero(ine)!



    Makes me think, who is my favorite Movie Hero actuallly? There are quite a few that come to mind...


    • Haha 1
  5. On 11/25/2023 at 9:26 PM, TrixieKixx said:

    12/2 - Operative Renault (Level 25-30 – Red Side: Sharkhead Isle) - All Radiation AT's (blast/manipulation/emission/melee/armor) / Radiation-effect costumes (What would you look like after being exposed to major radiation?)



    Ok, so this is pretty much the mission statement of my Signature Character. Count me in with Bananiac then - Plant / Rad Controller 🍌☢️


    Just came home from a busy, busy week that took me to Oslo on monday and Seville on thursday. With an ISO9001 Audit in the office in between. Boy, am I glad to be back home now!


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  6. 14 hours ago, Burnt Umber said:

    So whiskey talk: normally, I'm a Scotch drinker when I can splurge on it - either Macallan or, as a serious treat, Aberlour.  Here and there, I've tried to get into drinking bourbon but have yet to find one that I like.  I thought Bullet and Buffalo Trace were a bit too antiseptic for my taste.  Any suggestions for ones to try? 


    So Whiskey talk: I am not able to drink any of this stuff anymore since falling into a kettle of too cheap bourbon at a young age.

    • Haha 1
  7. On 11/15/2023 at 4:12 PM, Bananiac said:


    @TrixieKixx Sign me up with Major Hydra - Mind/Dark Dominator. 1st time in a while that I created a brand new toon for Theme Team. Wasn't expecting such a lot of Mind Domination showing up this week  🤯🙂 



    I am gonna miss Theme Team today. Have to head out in about 30min in some family matters.


    Good hunting to you all!

    • Sad 2
  8. On 11/11/2023 at 7:38 PM, Midnyte said:


    Winner of most giggle-worthy chat of the day, bio brute 'Shrooms by @Bananiac
    "With so few words, he said so much."


    Hey Midnyte, fantastic write up again! Thank you so much. 

    You just missed my elaborate and well thought out bio which took me the weekend to prepare for 'Shrooms, so I don't want to withhold that here 😇






    • Haha 1
  9. On 11/11/2023 at 8:03 PM, TrixieKixx said:

    11/4 - Mairenn MacGregor (Level 38-50 – Blue Side – Atlas Park) - "A Night at The Arcade" Your favorite, iconic video game character from any other pc/console/arcade game from your childhood or other game you play today - Any AT

    11/11 - Virgil Tarikoss (Level 15-20 - Red Side: Cap au Diable) - "Fatal Flowers" - Plant / Nature / Flowers / Bio costumes and powers

    11/18 - Ernesto Hess (Level 25-30 – Blue Side: Striga Isle) - "World Domination" All Dominator team; Costume to look like one of the evil genius masterminds from the movies...Black-White-Red colored costumes

    11/25 - Thanksgiving Break *unless peeps will be around! If so, let me know and I'll change it.


    @TrixieKixx Whispered Rumors - Mind Control/Savage Assault Dominator

    @Midnyte Glacial Harmony - Symphony/Icy Dominator

    @Burnt Umber Baroness Abigail Masham - Plant/Psi Dominator

    @FrauleinMental Whiskey River - Mind/Psi Dominator



    @TrixieKixx Sign me up with Major Hydra - Mind/Dark Dominator. 1st time in a while that I created a brand new toon for Theme Team. Wasn't expecting such a lot of Mind Domination showing up this week  🤯🙂 


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  10. On 11/6/2023 at 11:17 PM, TrixieKixx said:

    11/11 - Virgil Tarikoss (Level 15-20 - Red Side: Cap au Diable) - "Fatal Flowers" - Plant / Nature / Flowers / Bio costumes and powers



    Choices, choices... I have actually quite a few toons that would fit here nicely...


    As we already have 2 Controllers, I think I will come with another Brute: 'Shrooms - Spines/Bio Armor



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  11. 15 hours ago, Midnyte said:

    Abandoned Sewers Trial - Video Game Characters - Any AT

    Saturday, 11/4/2023


    Four players signed up



    We recruited two more (then one had to leave before starting)  ---> me <--- 



    Potato Dumpling, cutie-pie tanker dressed as Princess Zelda....
    and a big welcome back to our hostess with the mostest, @TrixieKixx



    Cosmique, dazzling peacebringer by @FrauleinMental dressed as SHODAN
    (Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network) from System Shock



    @Burnt Umber created dominator, Queen of the Blades, representing
    Sarah Kerrigan/Queen of Blades from StarCraft



    @Midnyte's Cloudy Mountain, corruptor, in homage to all the little 2D dragons
    battled in Advanced D&D: Cloudy Mountain on Intellivision II console






    I am so glad you got enough people together to run this successfully! Still sorry to miss it, although we had great family fun at a local gaming convention!


    I absolutely love what you came up with in costumes here (kind of as usual, but I am so impressed how this theme turned out specifically)! I usually don't comment a lot on individual costumes, but this time I have to.


    @Burnt Umber Nice to see what you made with Sarah, I like your version even better! Power combo is great fun as well, I will go run mine a bit more, don't have enough Domis yet anyway 🙂 


    ZELDA needs no explanation, you immediately recognize her! 


    SHODAN is spot on as well! 


    And great look on that little dragon lady from one of the I may say more "obscure" game systems! I love to see that this worked for you, and AD&D is shining through here easily.


    That being said, let me add my contribution here, just because I think it would have fit in nicely:


    Lady Bayonetta, Dual Pistols/Ninjitsu Blaster - she is one hell of a 1-Woman-Army!





    That being said, we need a new powerset with Single Pistol + Blade powers!!!


    Hope to see ya next week again, looking forward to see what you do with that next theme already!




    • Like 4
  12. Yeah, feel free to use it to your liking. You are right about the pieces, should be pretty straightforward to do.


    Looks like I will miss Theme Team tomorrow, though. Hope you have fun, I hate missing Sewer Trial, it's one of my favorites.

    • Sad 3
  13. I did a quick study on her:


    My reference:



    My result:



    I am actually quite impressed with how well this turned out.

    @Burnt UmberLet me know if you wanna use this, I can send you the costume file for quick reference. If you don't like it, I think I am gonna keep her 🙂 





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  14. 20 hours ago, Burnt Umber said:


    Hmm, I'm a a bit of a loss for this theme.  Oddly enough, I mostly play RTS/Grand Strategy or Explorer/Puzzler games, so I'm not really familiar with arcade game characters.  I have a Kin./Energy Stalker that could get dressed as a fighting game character but I'd need a suggestion/guidance for the costume.  I also have a Storm/Elec. Blaster, a Sym./Thermal Controller, or a Plant/Psi. Dom. I could bring, but again, I'd need help on figuring a costume out for any of them.


    Played Starcraft? Sarah Kerrigan would be a nice fit for your Plant/Psi Dom. That's what I would do. I can send you a proposal, if you like 🙂


    But don't get hung up on powersets. This is a costume party, and it is not about Arcade, but about gaming in general. 

    Feel free to pick from any. It doesn't have to be immediately recognizable...


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  15. Welcome back, Trixie! Hope you had a wonderful time in France and the UK!

    And I fully expect you to show up here in Germany, next time you guys make it across the pond!


     I'd like to register Lady Bayonetta (DP/Ninjitsu Blaster) for The Sewer Trial. Cannot promise to be there this saturday, though.



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  16. 21 hours ago, tidge said:


    Penetrating Ray TAs a snipe, there are some good slotting options. I would go for a set bonus to do damage.




    Overcharge is well worth %damage, provided you have Accuracy/ToHit and Recharge.



    What du you mean here with TA? Is that somehow related to Penetrating Ray?


    And I assume for Overcharge you mean global Acc, ToHit and Recharge, right?


    I also heard that you want to avoid slotting of +Recharge into a procced-out power as much as possible, because that would somehow impact the %proc adversely... (although I don't quite get it how that works really...)


  17. 35 minutes ago, Without_Pause said:

    I was scrolling down and saw I had missed replies to this.


    I would argue that the proc in Transfusion isn't that great because it will be off of a single target, and additional end shouldn't be that much an issue for a Kin. Even if you switched to the other set, the damage proc is only hitting one target. I would at least go 4 slots on it without a proc because the heal really is just that big. 


    Thanks for the tip. When it comes to procs, I am really only going by gut feel, I have no useful understanding of the dos & donts here. So I appreciate these kinds of explanations. 

    Will adjust it in the build and just go all-out heals on the power. 



  18. 12 hours ago, Milrop said:

    Cece has a Water Blaster she would like to bring.  Celestial Valkyrja.


    I have a Storm/Ice Blaster.  Ice is frozen water, correct?  Otherwise I can try to get a Water one made and levelled in time.


    No issue, make what works for you guys. This is about variety.


    What is Cece's secondary, if you know?

    And what is your toon's name?


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