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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Yeah, not a fan of Repel either. And don't see the point in Inertial Reduction really. The 2 powers that are skipped. I took Soul Drain and Dark Consumption from Dark, but found that I actually don't use them very often because kin is already keeping me busy with the basics. Dark Embrace is a nice Resist Shield, but those can be had somewhere else too. In general for protection, Scorpion Shield would imply to build more towards Defense than Resists? Kin & BR don't offer much in terms of your own inherent protect powers, so looking at Fighting and Leadership Pools is probably unavoidable... Any suggestions for building the BR part here? I understand that Damage will never be the forte of a Defender, but BR got some nice secondary effects.
  2. Bloody hell, I have been doing it all wrong then 😄 Well, obviously not totally, as I always stayed close enough. But never went completely in all the way. I see that BR is not an ideal pairing in that case, but dont mind that as I just went for it for the looks. And I never played BR on any other toon to the end yet. Thanks for the advice, will look into the specifics when I am back at home. Please keep them tips coming, and would greatly appreciate a sample build that I could use as reference.
  3. Hi Everybody, I played this defender to 50 now and really enjoyed the ride. As usual, my power choices are mostly driven by thematic and conceptual needs, so I don't care much about min-maxing stuff. But when I like a toon, I am willing to spend on her and provide a decent endgame build. I have failed to find something I could use for reference here, so looking for a starting point on power slotting and sets. Main intentions: - Kinetics. Obviously a Team Buff/Foe Debuff playstyle on defenders. So uptime of the mainstay powers is the game. - BR and Kin kinda allow me to stay at range, not needing to jump into tough spots. So aiming for Ranged Def and then the usual Res boosts. - BR attacks: do these profit a lot from procs in certain powers? I can see the AoE Nuke being an obvious choice... - Both Kin and the blast set would probably profit from a high global ToHit and Accuracy boost - I think I went for Dark Mastery, but I don't have preferences on that. Anything that supports the build is fine here. Anybody here able to provide some insights? Or - ideally - an example build? Thanks!
  4. Hi @TrixieKixx, I have a toon that I would like to bring, but she's not /Dark. Asking for an exemption for Double Gun Nun, my faithful Dual Pistols/Sonic Manipulation Blaster.
  5. Yeah... I was trying to look a bit more feisty around the waist 😇, but the CC only lets you go so far thinking you are a superhero 😄
  6. Midnyte for sure takes the win on this one. To find that look resembling her dress must have been quite a challenge 😄
  7. Looks like I will be going on Leave again this week. Got family on board on the weekend and probably out for dinner on saturday. Which is a shame, because I really like running Katie, and it got some nice rewards. Should there be any change of plans, I have someone ready to jump in: Wyldebeast Witch - Beasts/Dark MM.
  8. Quite impressive Murderblob we got going there yesterday. Thanks for the pics and commentary, @FrauleinMental! 😄
  9. Good to see someone is bringing their Bots MM to this! 🏆 Looks like a nice, diverse line-up! Can't wait to see them all!
  10. Heart-shaped sunglasses for the win! 🙂💝 Enjoy the cruise!
  11. I am going with Deft Funk - Symphonic / Fire Dominator. Let's see if I can get him to 50 on this roll.
  12. I will be out this weekend, so no Sutter At The Beach for me this time...
  13. Yeah, good luck, man! Sounds important, so wishing you well! Punchy Clown looks faboulous! We will find some other action for him some day for sure!
  14. I am gonna roll with Dr Doomsday, Energy Blast / Time Corruptor. Gonna blow them Skyraiders out of the air! Also: thanks @Midnyte for the great shots again!
  15. Hello everybody, I have been busy making more toons. And when I have not been busy making new toons, I have been busy making variations on costumes for toons I already have. And I have also been playing a little bit, when I have not been busy making new toons or remaking old ones. And I have also seen a lot of fantatsic other toons across the different servers I am busy on. Many of them here in these circles, coincidentally. But I digress. What I really wanted to say is this: I have come up with a couple of ideas for new themes I want to pitch here... "In love with a Preacher(wo)man" Clergy-themed costumes, e.g. Priests, Nuns, Buddhist or Zen-Monks, whatever works for you in terms of religiously inspiring or related stuff. We may run it in 2 versions as well, like using light outfits and "positive" powersets for the "holy" side, and then the dark and "unholy" version the other time... "It's raining Cats and Dogs" Costume needs to have wolf/cat/feral pieces and theme, powersets should be the usual suspects: claws, savage, beasts MM, maybe spines or staff. And something ranged that I am not sure about...? "A Night at The Arcade" Your favorite, iconic video game character from any other pc/console/arcade game, from of your childhood or other game you play today. Actually not quite sure if we may have had that one already...? "E=mc²" Take a hsitoric scientist and their discovery as a theme for a toon (costume and powers). E.g. Albert Einstein - Gravity / Time Controller. Or a Cyborg with Stephen Hawkings head/brain-in-a-jar. You get the idea... "Dias De La Muerta" This may stretch the Costume Creator here a bit, but I just like the very special look of this festival. Maybe give it a try? "Sentinels of the Galaxy" All-Sentinel Team. Did an ITF like that, and it was amazingly steamrolling! Could give it some kind of "Guardians-Inspired" look to go with it 😉 I think since the revamp Sentinels have become a much more feasible AT. "Drain it like a Pro!" One power needs to be electric, ideally specced to drain enemy endurance. Electric-themed costumes to go with it? Can do really nice things here... "World Domination" I don't think we have ever tried an All-Domiator team yet, have we? Make them look like one of the evil genius masterminds (not the AT) from the movies... "Black-Red-Gold" 3rd of October is National Holliday here in Germany. Discussed that at length 😄 (PSA: Not to be mistaken with "World Domination" above...😉) That being said, and this is kind of a touchy issue for germans for historic reasons, but in my mind nothing says EVIL better then Black-White-Red colored costumes. Most of my toons villain-side end up with such a colorscheme at some point in time. And many of the red-side versions of my blue-side toons usually are just that: change to those colors, maybe a different face and a detail here or there... voila! Evil! So maybe that would be a thing for World Domination above. And here is another one, this may be tricky: "It's Water, but it's not!" All-Waterblast Team. Water is a fantastically versatile set when it comes to power customization! So make it look like it's not (plain) water. Kind of what @FrauleinMental did with Coffee Ring, or my Magmatronic Man. Declare your Choice, every one shall be different! If I sit here any longer I would probably come up with other crazy ideas, but I leave it for now and get back to trying out new toons instead. Looking forward to hear your takes on these!
  16. Great piece of forensic evidence, @Midnyte! 👍 I think I may have also taken a shot or two from our 2nd run. Will check when I get home. EDIT: I actually only took 1 shot, and that wasn't very intersting... so skipping it.
  17. Looking forward to the pics from last saturday. Sorry I couldn't make it. This week looks better, so I intend to be there with Cyclonica (Storm Blast/Kinetics Corruptor).
  18. I hope its on leisure, not work!
  19. I will roll with Gin Toxic (Poison / Psi Defender) then. Allthough I have to admit, Gin Tonic is a treat not neccessarily limited to summer for me 😇 But he got ice! Not sure I will be able to make it, though, as we have friends over at our house for the day, and can't say yet when they are planning to leave again...
  20. What exactly is meant by "Summer Treat", btw? I am a bit at a loss to interpret that, need a few examples maybe?
  21. I am enjoying it nicely so far. But it has needed a bit of getting used to how to operate Fold Space. I kinda was expecting that you just target a mob and port them to your location, but it is actually a PBAoE effect, thus a bit more tricky from the positioning. I was totally confused at the beginning when I started to try it out 🙂 Now I got a bit better grip on it, it is a really nice change of pace to my countless other Controller stereotypes. And makes the massive lockdowns and debuffs from Rad and Earth even more lethal. Just stay close to the Tank 😎
  22. Dear Sir: I have been requested by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company has recently concluded a large number of contracts for oil exploration in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately produced moneys equaling US$40,000,000. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company is desirous of oil exploration in other parts of the world, however, because of certain regulations of the Nigerian Government, it is unable to move these funds to another region. You assistance is requested as a non-Nigerian citizen to assist the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, and also the Central Bank of Nigeria, in moving these funds out of Nigeria. If the funds can be transferred to your name, in your United States account, then you can forward the funds as directed by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company. In exchange for your accommodating services, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company would agree to allow you to retain 10%, or US$4 million of this amount. However, to be a legitimate transferee of these moneys according to Nigerian law, you must presently be a depositor of at least US$100,000 in a Nigerian bank which is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria. If it will be possible for you to assist us, we would be most grateful. We suggest that you meet with us in person in Lagos, and that during your visit I introduce you to the representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, as well as with certain officials of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Please call me at your earliest convenience at 18-467-4975. Time is of the essence in this matter; very quickly the Nigerian Government will realize that the Central Bank is maintaining this amount on deposit, and attempt to levy certain depository taxes on it. Yours truly, Prince Alyusi Islassis
  23. I seem to remember that these phase shift powers deactivate any other powers that can affect teammates or enemies outside of the bubble? Only self-affecting powers can be used (as long as you stay alone inside the bubble, of course).
  24. Ah, too late for my Miami Vice themed Sentinel then 😎 But no issue, I roll with Sgt. Debbie Callahan, AR/Devices Blaster of Police Academy fame!
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