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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. This is what got me hooked when I stumbled into the Market forum accidentally. Been doing this for the last 2...2,5 years yielded me something around.... checks his notes... 30 Billion or so in cash money. Around 2/3 of which got turned into higher end builds for my ever growing stable of 50ies, which then contribute their own slow income from the occasional gametime not spent on new toons. It is all for the greater good, making money and spending it, to keep the wheels turning! I still owe Yomo his due share for taking the effort of explaining. If only he still would be interested in earning more money... 😉 Found that winning costume contests was not a viable nor sustainable source of income. Which is a pure shame...
  2. Ok, you asked for it! This is an eternal Meme here in Germany: That him singing "Looking for Freedom" to the people from The East had a vital part in taking down the Berlin Wall in 1987! He was hugely popular at that time in Germany (both parts), ruling the charts with his songs for weeks. Although nobody of the young people actually liked his music, as it all was so incredibly cheesy (and looking at the above, you know what I am talking about, right?)! You gotta give it to him, tho! He is such an absolute Dude when it comes to this! The questions shown are in german only, but you get what it's about from just listening to his answers. And if that isn't a hilarious story, I don't know what is!!! Enjoy! EDIT: And just for reference: here is what this is all about:
  3. I think this is a good time for Barbarella, my Peacebringer from the 41st Century. I am happy to lead the ⬛🟥🟨 Theme for October. Obviously. We did The Oktoberfest theme last year, so this is a nice change of pace as well I think. Our national holiday is in commemoration the fall of the Berlin Wall and Reunification of the 2 german states. Which may also give you some ideas for costumes (David Hasselhoff anybody? 😉) ...
  4. Was busy on a long Synapse myself, figured you would all be gone hunting already anyway... Catch ya next time again!
  5. If there is a TT today, I may drop in a little bit later probably. But maybe its next week anyway?
  6. I was actually thinking of building a Bio around it, as I find it kinda very clever myself 😄 I built this toon about 4 years ago and it was a great opportunity to dig it out again. And I have to say I am having a total blast(!) with Energy right now! Was on a team with a 2nd FF/NRG Defender, a Storm2 Defender and another NRG Blaster running Posi1 yesterday! And that was a total steamroll if I ever have seen one!!! It may have been advantageous for the team spirit that we didn't have a Tank on the team, actually. But we for sure also weren't missing one. 😇 Foes flying around in every direction all the time... We absolutely need to have that as a Theme some day!
  7. Let me see what to do about this... I missed that single AT part. EDIT: I have found another toon that fits well here. Prepare to meet Faraday Automaton, Force Fields / Energy Blast Defender. ... he may be a bit of a Pinball Wizard, so expect some minor heteronomous opponent repositioning every once in a while 🙂
  8. Hi @TrixieKixx, sign me up for Synapse with Guild Navigator, Time/Grav Controller (...or maybe Grav/Time. Don't remember, but probably doesn't matter anyways 😇)
  9. The one with the -t- (which I believe is the original spelling in english?) was already taken, of course. So I went with the closest phonetic variant...😇 That being said, I may have to drop out again this week due to some family affair on saturday. @Jaxman100, hope you can make it again, there should be a safe spot for you this time 👍 I probably will be on later on saturday and see who's still around. Would still love to run TinPex with this toon.
  10. I will bring Rumpelstilskin to the party next week, Ill/Dark Controller.
  11. Trip has been postponed last minute, so all back to normal at the office. Definitely plan to be there again for theme team tomorrow.
  12. Work sends me spontaneously to travel to Seville this week, but I hope to be back by Saturday for Theme Team! @TrixieKixx Sign me up with Silver Breach - Stone / Stone Sentinel. I keep you posted on my schedule to return from the trip.
  13. Sorry guys, have to drop out for today. Got a little instant garden party going... Good hunting!
  14. Handing in the Debrief of the saturday's Strike Force, Sir! Can report the successfull smashing of countless Nazi faces! 6/17 – Barracuda (Level 45-50 – Red Side: Grandville) – Military Costumes - Bring a Defender, Mastermind, Scrapper, or Stalker! Let's try to keep it balanced! Lineup of 4 @TrixieKixx Emerald Dreamz - Psi/IA Stalker @FrauleinMental Project Isabelle - Bots/Rad MM @Burnt Umber Alichino - Demons/Pain MM @Bananiac Flying Nightingale - Emp/DP Defender With the support of our valued guest Atomic Comic, a Stalker bringing the Nuke! The Initial Themers Lineup: Umber with Alichino Fräulein with Project Isabella Trixie with Emerald Dreamz Bananiac with Flying Nightingale (always ready to smash some Nazi faces!) And a big shoutout to Atomic Comic! Your help was greatly appreciated! Bringing the Action: The Final Fight: Reichsmann shows up: Mayhem ensues: More Mayhem ensues: Final Report: We missed @Midnyte, who was struggling to get online while visiting friends, and @Jaxman100, who was called to safe the day at work... again!. Hope to see you both again next saturday. Great fun, really original concepts to admire again! Take care everyone!
  15. @TrixieKixx I am bringing Hooded Bow, Archery / Dark Sentinel. And for those that still are looking for inspiration, I found this here very helpful: Merry Men - Wikipedia
  16. I have decided I want to give Fold Space a try and built it in. Sacrificed quite some recharge and a bit of def/res to accomodate the 3 Teleport powers required, so this is gonna be the fun build, not the untouchable one 😎 For reference, here is what I came up with. Thanks for this interesting conversation! This will definitely be a new experience. And if it doesn't work for me somehow, I will set him up with a 2nd, more conventional build. Or simply respec.
  17. We don't seem to have many military scrappers or stalkers, and shockingly enough I have to admit I don't have one, either! And as I don't think that I will be able to create a new one and powerlevel to 45 this week, I will just stick with my Old Faithfull and bring Flying Nightingale, my Emp / DP Defendress, in her in her original WAAF uniform. Additional note to myself: I need to start preparing for the Robin Hood theme... no idea yet what I am gonna do about that, but very much looking forward to it! Also, Archery became one of my 1st loves after returning to this game. There was a weekly all-archer team on Reunion that always was such a blast to run with!
  18. At the airport now, getting ready to board the plane back home! Great trip, great meet-up! Lots of memories were made to talk about for years to come. But also glad to be heading home now. See ya all next week at the usual place and time, folks!
  19. And we were very happy to be back on solid ground! But was a worthwhile trip, seeing the whales and the sea lions hunting (skulls?) together! 🙂
  20. No active theme teaming for me right now, besides hanging out in Real Life with Midnyte and Trixie over here in California. I will return on saturday 10th from the US, so my next participation is probably gonna be saturday 17th. You guys keep hunting! 👍
  21. Pitching a few that I had in the back of my head for quite a while now: Tales of the Arabian Nights - could be narrowed down to "Build your own Djinn", maybe coupled with the All-Storms-Allstar Power Theme... "Call the Police" - Police Officers, Detectives, Undercover Agents, Miami Vice, Beverly Hills Cop, CSI Los Angeles, you name it... 🙂 "Pinball Wizards" - All-Knockback Powersets ("We don't do no friggin' KB-to-KD here!") Favorite Sports - Curling is Your Thing? Do It! Chess is a sport! Nordic Walking too! Brothers Grimm / Fairy Tales - doesn't need any further explanation, I guess... "Fatal Flowers" - Plant / Nature / Flowers / Bio costumes and powers... Seconding here what Umber said above And I mentioned that before maybe, what about some popular pop culture franchises, like Game Of Thrones, Star Wars, Dune*, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Hunger Games...? *Would love to do that one some time! I already have a Sardaukar, a Reverrend Mother, a Fedaykin, and a Guild Navigator character lying around somewhere. Because... you know, Alts...
  22. @TrixieKixx I have just dressed up my main, Bananiac (Plant/Rad Controller), in what may or may not have been a JP Gaulthier look.
  23. I noticed that PVP recipies are continuously selling at very high prices compared to the level I was accustomed to a few months ago... Like in the upwards of 2...3Mil range. Also, supply seems to be a bit scarce recently. Which is a shame really, for obvious reasons... Anybody meddling with this? Is this a knock-on effect of the farming changes? Or what is going on here? If you need to buy a "cheap" PVP at 3Mil, spend another 1Mil or so on salvage and a few converters, and deduct the AH fees for listing at break even price, then you are down to <40...45% margin for the usual sell-wells. At this point the uncommon-to-rare-train becomes much more attractive again, I think...
  24. Sorry I couldn't make it this week, but it surely looks like you were having fun! Smashing costumes, I must say! Definitely plan to be there again this saturday, just don't know yet which toon I would like to go...
  25. I think I will bring my Dominator Disco Infernale again, Symphony/Fire, in his regular funky groovy disco outfit. A good opportunity to take him through the final stretch to 50. Which will make him my 1st Dominator to ever get this far. I think I have 2 or 3 other Doms idling around at lvl 6 or so... On the condition that I will be able to game next saturday, that is.
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