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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Sorry if that came across as a bit awkward. It wasn't meant to be. Please ignore that comment. Sorry for that.
  2. I got the icy tank lady to 43, so I roll with my other tank lady. Called her Knightess Templar for this purpose, WP/TW for the record. She has one hell of a templar sword.
  3. Hi @TrixieKixx, I am still looking at several options here... My preferred one being a classic Sword/Shield Scrapper, actually. If we want to stick with the Brute/Tank theme, I have an Ice/Claws Tank, but would need to see if I can get her from 40 to 45 by tomorrow afternoon. If that fails, I can dig out Verdant Valkyrie again, the WP/TW Tank that I brought to the Valhalla theme... Anyway, I will probably be there with SOME toon tomorrow. Now, off to the Cirque de Soleil, which is residing in Munich right now with their show KURIOS! 👏 👏 👏
  4. You know, this sounds like you will need that Brute for those Girl Scouts... 😄
  5. I have to say, that run was a total hoot! Great costumes and a few very nice bios, and a fantastic fit of Theme and Powerset. Been on a few totally ridiculous Penny Yins before, but never it felt like THAT overpowered! Boy, did we(*) chainsaw those Freaks! The amount of lockdown with Holds, Fears and Knockarounds was hilarious! Ok, we did this at rather standard difficulty, I think. But still one of the funnest runs I've had in a long while. Would have been easy mode even at higher diff, I am sure. (*) or rather, you know... our duplicates... but that was the whole point, I guess 🙂
  6. Yep, that should be it
  7. You can find them in the Auction House under Salvage/Special... Heroes & Villains / Rogues & Vigilantes / Lord of Winter are the types. The first AT packs cost 10Mio Inf, the Winter packs 25Mio. You get goodies like Acrchetype / Winter IOs, Super-Inspirations, Brainstorm Ideas, Respecs and Tailor tokens, amongst all kinds of other things. There are 5 items in each pack, 1 of which usually would be an IO. But no guarantee, the drops are random. It was a mechanism introduced to monetize the game when it went Free2play, I think...
  8. I had set Mirrors on mine too, so let's try and roll all with that. It will be quite a sight, I guess 🙂
  9. Just a little thought here... Wouldn't it be a blast if all the Phantom Armies will be mirrored and not the generic ones? Or vice versa, everybody bring the standard phantoms... What do you think?
  10. @TrixieKixx I will be showing up with Mister Mindbender (Ill/Kin Controller)
  11. They are pretty much stand-alone enhancements that can be slotted in any slot of a power that Takes an askpect of that enhancement. You can mix hamis and d-syncs (or the synthetic versions, or any other type of enhancement) in the same power, they just need to go into different slots of course. Using those enhancements is all about slotting efficiency. So if you have powers that you don't want to spend a lot of slots on or not put any IO sets into, you get a bigger bang for your buck on single slots with these because of the higher enhance values on more aspects of a power. That really is what its all about, as far as I am concerned....
  12. Oh thank good! Another 1000 Charakter slots! I was beginning to run dry... 😇
  13. I am soooo looking forward to see what you guys are bringing this week! Sign me up with Verdant Valkyrie (WP/TW Tank). As... well, a Valkyrie.
  14. I just second that statement... EDIT: I just zoomed in on that picture... that is a freaking RUBBER DUCK HEAD on top of that armoured suit?!?! 🤯🤣
  15. Page 135! Man, we are a crazy bunch! 🥳
  16. I plan to bring a Stone/Fire Tank I named Yttrium Flare for this. The name will probably not stay once I move on, but it's good enough for now 🙂
  17. There are also various phosphates that come in all kinds of shiny crystals. Those should qualify too, if you like...
  18. A little less conversation, a little more action please! Thank you so much, @Midnyte! That is brilliant! 🤩 I wonder, can you emote the Phantom Army to dance like you can with the MM pets?
  19. Check the latest Announcement from the HC team... Quite some way to start the year!
  20. I have readied another Controller for this one, Elvish Impersonator (Ill/Dark). Also, again not sure if I will be able to make it thios week. I keep you posted. Need to think if we are a bit Controller heavy for Tinpex here, though... EDIT: I can make him an Energy/Time Corruptor if needs be.
  21. Won't be able to join today. Out with friends for a Weißwurst Frühstück. And you can't eat Weißwurst without a Weißbier. And where there is one Weißbier, there usually are more, if I know anything about these particular friends of mine ... Good hunting and have a happy New Year!
  22. Aaaaaaand... Merry Christmas, dear Themer Friends! Hope you all have some peace- and joyful holidays with friends, family and the people you hold dear! It hast been an honor to have served with you! 🫡
  23. Nothimg wrong with that. I Just usually like to see what the pure Base values are that you can achieve. Accolades and other buff powers then just go on top for added superhumanness. I actually like Geode and kept it for that inevitable moment when you run dry 🙂 It geht's you back into business in no time. Don't think that Hasten is a necessary power on this build if you can get some decent recharge from your Lucks and set bonuses. Lots of action already with the powers that are available. I specced into Ice Mastery instead of dark, because of the AoE Immob and the massive Hold. Initially I also had Snow Storm in this build, but opted out again heavy heartedly because of the Endurance drain... It is a power that puts some SERIOUS SloMo on things!
  24. I think I will be hanging out tomorrow as well. Put my Goblin into appropriate christmas attire and will hopefully get some XP and new badges on him...
  25. I was toying around with this build and was quite happy with it. And then I discovered all the Accolades and Inherents that were toggled on! As I usually don't aim for all of them (besides the TFC) I just went back to the drawing board... 😄 A classic, just like when you have specced into Evasive Maneuvers.
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