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Everything posted by Gavlam

  1. Yes ^ - also through ouro
  2. I’m just going to leave this post here, for your review: Ston Min/Max Here’s some other notes: “Brutes/Tankers use as many procs as possible. For most builds, this was 6 damage/utility procs per attack. This is the best way to get the most damage out of these ATs since they can't get as much average base damage as Scrapper/Stalkers.” I don’t think Ston mentions even using the scrapper ATO and it still outperforms with massive help from procs to brutes and tanks. Even if the ATO is being used, are most tanks/brutes proccing this hard in normal content? No. Scrappers are in an incredible place, just some people don’t like to play them, which is fine! I also agree, this thread is weird lol.
  3. Merp - i was part of this. Lots of AOE auras and taunts going on unfortunately. I think probably should’ve really been stressed not to do it. Even after it was said multiple times to not, I was still getting taunted a lot. it’s a hard trial so I didn’t mind honestly, I actually enjoy failing things in the game lol
  4. I wouldn’t disagree with anything above. Every primary has strengths and weaknesses. I have found myself with a few +600 badged tankers that are well built and have seen a lot. When I’m not teaming and taking on monsters prior to a Hami, Invuln suffers. Shield suffers when you get hit (dark is a good secondary to mitigate no heal if going true tanker). My main, and elec primary, falls apart when I get looked at by toxic. I love defense because it prevents me from getting hit, obviously, but I’ve found it easier to have a resist based set and slot bonuses for defense to make up for the hole than vice verse. Just my 2 cents
  5. I wouldn't necessarily disagree with anything above, Invuln/Stone/Shield are very strong endgame and while leveling. What I will say is that they lack a heal with a quick cooldown. Again, this can be mitigated by your team and buffs just like any other tanker primary, however, I'd argue that for +50 content, you'll find more strength in Rad/Bio/Elec/Fire. Everyone has their own opinions, that's just what I've found. Out of those, I'd prefer Invuln personally.
  6. It’s still upper tier, if not top 3/4. At that point it’s all just personal preference. Invuln is a good pairing.
  7. I know this might seem off topic, but I’m not sure where else to put it. I’ve been really hoping that every Battle Axe adjacent set (broad sword, war mace, etc) gets a literal copy and paste of Axe Cyclone. Every time I want to roll something other than Battle Axe, it seems really underwhelming and legitimately a copy and paste of Axe into those powers would be immensely beneficial to the sets. That’s all.
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