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Everything posted by JusticeBowler

  1. I had not expected to see requests on this scale. I mean, I'm not against the idea that the folks who just turned back on the lights might continue to develop CoH in whatever ways delight them and keep them interested in the project... but it never even occurred to me that they might do something on the scale of a new/rebuilt zone with storylines etc.
  2. I promise I'm not following you around the forums, Redlynne. :) SIGNED/ As a guy who really wanted to make his human form Peacebringer workable with teams, instead of randomly causing tactics issues, yeah. But I'll admit those knockBACKs were nice when I soloed (are you supposed to solo a Peacebringer?) I really, really wish knockBACK was cool outside of solo play and I'm going to revisit this issue in my builds now that CoH is "back." I'm determined to look into the sets that have inherent knockBACK and try to rethink them differently. KnockBACK feels superhero-ish... and farming not so much. (People can farm if they want to, it just isn't my bag.)
  3. What does telekinesis look like without the repel? Just another hold that you pay for per tick? To me, the "push" is the essential element, not the hold. I'd prefer the other way around. Turn Telekinesis into something more like a immobilize w/push that doesn't actually hold the targets. Put that up to 16 max (or whatever the max for immobilize powers are running). Then add the hold back in as a secondary toggle or additional effect/power whatever. Not that I'm being contrary wise, but I thought I'd offer a different way to look at the same problem. I do agree that there is a problem. I just like my solution better. :)
  4. I'm afriad I don't remember exactly, but I thought this was one of the many sets that took it on the chin because of PvP balance issues (where single target advantages reign supreme). One of the challenges with PvP on every MMO, is that you cannot have specialization and game balance. By definition making some powers different enough to be distinguished will always give folks a hook for abusing that unique feature to grief. If I'm wrong and it wasn't a PvP issue, then of course, nevermind. But I seem to remember that happening with a number of other sets.
  5. I definitely don't like the "people aren't playing the game the way it is supposed to be played" sorts of posts. But, if this powerleveling is wrecking the economy then something needs to be done to address the economic impact at the very least. We owe so much to Statesman, but on the boards in the early years his "I'm a controlling dungeon master who demands you play his game the way he wants you to play it" was a major problem. The thing is, sometimes States was right (Purple Patch) sometimes he was wrong (Enhancement "Diversification"). It's the attitude that I'm talking about here. If people want to powerlevel a dozen characters to 50 in the course of a month (or even a week, I guess) I think they are foolishly wasting their time and not enjoying the game. Let them powerlevel... but don't let them ruin the economy. Let everyone play they way they want (even if it is stupid), but protect us from griefers!
  6. I might as well put my own thing down here. Svenjuk here, Ice/Axe tank outperforming a nerfed set since Issue 2... Some of you might remember my other characters, Formerly Alice, EM Riptide, Empty Man, Silver Mouse, and the rest. Or you may not (after all, I don't even remember them all).
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