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About RichVR

  • Birthday 01/01/1004
  1. Weeelllll... No. He probably will not let you.
  2. Consider Bio Armor. I have a SJ/Bio brute at 25. He is an unstoppable force of nature.
  3. Logitech G502.
  4. I have several characters that utilize weapons. Sword, staff, dual sword, etc. While it's not game breaking, I'd like to see their weapon even when they are not holding it. Of course that might mean that they end up holding the weapon and still having it on their back, simply due to not adding additional code that is essentially a costume change. Any thoughts?
  5. My fire/ice mage hates running through sewers in his expensive suit. His dry cleaning bills are huge.
  6. RichVR

    Prove me wrong

    Fire/ ice mage disagrees.
  7. No science love? Luddites! All of you!
  8. Claws/Regen.
  9. Especially in the single digit levels. Glass cannon.
  10. My first toon was a fire/ice mage. I recreated him here. There is nothing like dropping ice patch and rain of fire right on myself and watching mobs slip, slide and panic. Good times. 8)
  11. This has always annoyed me. I'm nose to nose with a guy, hidden. I strike and miss. I do not believe that an AS from hide should ever miss. Thoughts?
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