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Posts posted by RikOz


    I was thinking it might be that one (strangely enough, I could identify the hairstyle in the original screenshot), but I couldn't remember her arm position. Alas, I didn't get a chance to go check in-game.


    2 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

    Came across a rooftop picnic area in King's Row, I wish these were more prevalent.


    I stumbled across that a while back. Pretty cool! Though the pollution in KR might explain why there's nobody eating up there :D

  2. Well, I came from WoW, so I just went back to WoW. I had started playing WoW in 2008, because that was when I finally had a computer capable of running it. Because I was a Mac user, I didn't even bother looking at other MMOs because, up to that point in my experience, Blizzard was the only game company that could be bothered to release Mac versions of their games simultaneously with the Windows versions (I had previously played Diablo 2 and the WarCraft RTS games). So, late 2008, I got in not long after the launch of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. I took forever to get to max level because there was so much world to explore. I just wanted to take my time and see everything. I did pretty much everything except PvP (I just don't have the right mindset for that) and endgame raiding (I had an extremely unpredictable work schedule, so couldn't commit to a guild raiding schedule). But I loved every minute of the game. Then the Cataclysm expansion came out, and while I liked the changes to the "old world" and the Cata leveling experience, once I got to max level there wasn't much to do. The game had done one of its "raid or die" pendulum swings, so there wasn't a lot to do at max level if you didn't raid. So I got bored.


    So I mentioned on another forum, in late 2011, that I wished there was another MMO that would run on a Mac, and somebody pointed me at CoH. I fell in love with this game instantly! This was shortly after Freedom, but I chose to go ahead and pay the sub fee for a VIP membership. I actually kept up both my CoH and WoW subs for about six months, but eventually realized I was barely logging into WoW, so I canceled that one. Alas, I came to CoH too late. I only got to play for a little more than a year before the sunset. WAAAAH!


    By that time I had acquired a Windows laptop, so I tried out a bunch of other MMOs. RIFT, Aion, LotRO, D&DO, EverQuest, CO, STO, and maybe a couple others I can't remember. I discovered quickly that I really hated gaming on a laptop, and in any case none of those games grabbed me.


    So, as luck would have it, the CoH sunset coincided roughly with the release of WoW's Mists of Pandaria expansion, and I went back to playing WoW on my Mac. And, fortunately, I utterly adored that expansion. Then I was "meh" about Warlords of Draenor, but really loved Legion a whole bunch. Legion was the best ever WoW expansion for altoholics, and I finally got up a full slate of max level toons of every class. Blizzard announced that they were finally discontinuing support for OpenGL with the next expansion, Battle for Azeroth, so I was forced to finally get a new computer. I'd been playing on the same 2008 iMac for ten years at that point, steadily lowering my graphics settings with every expansion to keep the game playable. So Blizzard forced my hand, and I ditched the Mac for a proper Windows gaming machine.


    So now that I had a decent Windows machine, I headed into the Battle for Azeroth expansion, and also decided to try my hand at SW:ToR and  FFXIV, but didn't get far with the last two, and decided to just stick with WoW.


    And then I got the word: CoH was back! I found Homecoming, made an account, and within three days I had once again cancelled my WoW sub. CoH was the only game that had successfully made me quit WoW, and now it had done it twice.


    I'll confess that I did take a break from CoH for a bit in 2020. It was during the pandemic lockdowns, and I was stuck at home, and even CoH got old playing it 12+ hours a day. I was a bit burned out, so I jumped back over to WoW for a bit to finish out the BfA expansion and see the ending, and then try out the new Shadowlands expansion. That expansion finally, officially, permanently killed off any love I had for WoW, and I've been back here ever since. I haven't even been tempted to try Dragonflight, the current WoW expansion.

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  3. On 12/8/2023 at 2:41 PM, Frostbiter said:

    You're sweeping the two ships in the port for carnies, right? I couldn't imagine trying to do it any other way in PI. Plus, there's two of the "Hunt 20 Carnival" missions from the same contact.

    Harvey Maylor's Carnie hunts are for 50 !!


    Carnies spawn elsewhere than the ships, there's often a group of them next to the building to your right as you're facing Harvey. They're also frequently around the skyscraper just north of the docks, and they're sometimes lurking around the bases of power line towers.


    Some of the hunts that particularly annoy me are "no XP" hunts. Like, there's a high-30s mission in Bricks or Founders that sends you to "interrogate" 20 Sky Raiders, a 20s-range enemy group.

  4. 22 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I hate NPCs that are PC dependent.  I therefore hate MMs and due to WoWs lopsided reliance on pets to level their game nearly all WoW classes.

    The reason I haven't ever played a MM is that I hated the Necromancer class in Diablo II. Having a crowd of skeletons constantly skittering around me drove me nuts (I suspect it's because I'm a bit claustrophobic). In WoW, I had a lot of the vanity pets, but I almost never summoned them because I couldn't stand the the sounds most of them made following me around. For some reason, though, I had no problem playing a hunter with a pet.


    As for NPC "helpers" getting themselves killed, I only recently discovered (after more than four years) that the Vitalize accolade power works on NPC allies. Until I figured that out, I never even bothered with the power because I never team up, and I assumed that "allies" only meant other players. But now I've acquired it on all of my alts.

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  5. On 11/20/2023 at 6:14 PM, Jimpy2 said:

    I always kill everything before talking to No Mind. In fact if the blinkies turned on without talking to him, I wouldn’t.

    Every time I've done that mission, No Mind (and his assailants) are encountered at a chokepoint, making it impossible to go around him without aggroing things. Are you saying I can simply not interact with him after defeating the mobs standing over him?


    In any case, I've somehow kept him alive the last 2-3 times I've run that mission.

  6. On 1/7/2022 at 4:30 AM, Placta said:


    The example I cited in the OP was the mission that set me off, but I meant it to apply to any mission where the NPC combat buddy thinks the best approach to the mission is to aggro everything in their ridiculously huge range. Whether it fails the mission or not, I hate it when they die (although the trio in the cited mission... maybe not so much because it means I don't have to deal with them anymore), and I really hate it when their recklessness nearly drags me down with them.


    (And yes, it's an old issue, probably dating back before I joined the game.)


    Overdrive is my bugaboo. She is the reason I wish NPC flight would be disabled for (at least) indoor missions. I've lost count of the number of times I've entered a multi-level room with Overdrive, and she instantly zips up or down to attack enemies that I haven't even seen yet. It doesn't help that she's typically behind me (because she's following me), so when she flies up or down a level, I can't even see where she went. If I don't know where the hell she went, I can't exactly come to her aid.


    There's also something utterly baffling in the AI programming where Overdrive's aggro range can put her far enough away from me to trigger the "lost" behavior. I have literally watched her fly at high speed to attack enemies on the opposite side of a huge warehouse space, only to immediately yell, "You're too fast for me! I can't keep up!"


    Then there's her target-selection AI. I'll see her go after a certain mob in a spawn, so I select a different target. Only to watch as she just punches her target one time, then abandons it in order to run over and use a KB attack to send my target flying out of my attack range.

  7. 21 hours ago, plymster said:

    I've loved viewing the costumes in this thread for some time now, so I thought I should finally add a few of my own:



    Love the bio. I assume he's a time/ice defender? I like the idea that he uses his time control to create ice. It's a similar idea to the one behind my kinetic melee/super reflexes scrapper. Technically speaking, her only super power is "super speed". Her "kinetic melee" is actually her using super speed to compress the air around herself into small "balls", which she then slams against her opponents.

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  8. In Brickstown:


    Juicer Freak: If all else fails we could just blow stuff up. I'm okay with that.



    In Grandville:


    Crab Spider Slicer: Safety, soldier! Safety! Safety! Safety! Use it!



    Peter Stemitz in FF:


    How is it with you, fellow righter of wrongs? Seen any babes today?



    In the ToT mission that sends you to Praetoria:


    Nerva Spectral Daemon: They said Praetoria was shades of gray. This looks awfully blue to me.


    Earth Thorn Caster: I'm going to let them kill you.

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  9. "Rescue the magicians from the Circle of Thorns"


    This is that mission that requires you to rescue 21 magicians from the CoT. On multiple occasions, I've had to autocomplete this mission, because I simply can't find that last hostage anywhere.


    I think I've found the problem.


    20 of the hostages are like typical hostages - being guarded by two minions in a corner somewhere.


    The 21st hostage, however, is being used in a ritual.


    And that hostage in the ritual isn't being counted when you rescue them.


    I happened to notice it this time because I was down to only 2 hostages remaining. I rescued the hostage from the ritual at this point, and noticed that the counter remained at "2".


    I rescued the last hostage, and the counter changed to "Rescue the last magician", but there were no more to be found. This particular instance of the mission didn't use a particularly complex map, so there weren't many places to hide, and I didn't find any more hostages or enemies after going over the map again.

  10. I've wondered the same thing. I'm absolutely positive I got an ambush the first couple of times - they came over the wall between the Icon and the building to its left/West. And on at least one occasion, I got ambushed as I arrived at the tram station after getting tired of waiting outside of Icon. But otherwise, nada (and I have 39 characters who are of a level to have gotten the mission).


    I kinda wonder if they're spawning and then getting lost/stuck on their way to me. Kind of the way the panicking civilians in some missions tend to get trapped in certain rooms.

  11. Asa Castrelli (DB/WP brute)


    Asa Castrelli's father, Marco, was a mid-level figure in The Family. When he was murdered by rivals within the organization, Asa swore to herself to get revenge, and cripple all organized crime while she was at it.


    I had her start out as a hero, but then decided to take her redside as a rogue.





    DTF Dany (Ice Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster)


     Dany is Determined To Freeze crime! (What did you think it meant, you pervert?!)




    The really fun thing about playing Dany is the fact that she has a grand total of five holds available. Freeze Ray and Bitter Freeze Ray from Ice Blast, Positron Cell and Radioactive Cloud from Atomic Manipulation, and the Chance for Hold proc from Devastation IO set (though that set is being replaced by Apocalypse now that she's 50). So she just runs in (she's my only non-weapons ranged character without Hover), locks everybody down, then takes them all out.

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  12. My understanding is that, in the early days of MMOs, there was some concern that players would just sit there for days playing the game, and that would be unhealthy. "Rested XP" (or "Patrol XP" as we call it here) was originally meant as an incentive for players to turn off the game and "go outside and play". Rested XP would be a reward for taking a break.


    Alas, while well-intentioned, it appears that early MMO developers didn't foresee the idea of "alts".

  13. I've been working on some minor "projects". One project, started earlier this year, is to stop flitting from one alt to the next, playing whichever strikes my fancy on a particular day. Given that I have over 100 alts, that meant that, after four years, I only had ten level 50s and then 100+ alts in various stages of leveling. It also meant that alts with certain power sets that I find less appealing (*ahem* Dual Pistols *cough* Beam Rifle) were getting clustered together, languishing in the same level ranges where I more or less lost interest. I've consistently made a habit of keeping all of my alts sorted by level, moving each one up in the list as it leveled up. I stopped hopping from one alt to the next, and instead, once I had my first page of the character select screen all at level 50, I just moved to the second page and worked on getting the next ten to 50, whichever characters those happened to be. Currently I'm working on my third page, nearly finished with that one (seven 50s, one 49, two 48s).


    Another "project" is to roll more redside alts. The majority of my current roster is blueside, by a large margin. So I'm trying to narrow that gap a bit. Part of my reason for this is, what with getting all of these alts to 50, I'm starting to get a bit burned out on the Brickstown/Founders'/Peregrine circuit. (In fact I might, instead of starting on the next "page" of alts when I finish leveling the current page, I may bounce down to a page of alts in the 10-30 range. Been quite a while since I've tangled with the Sky Raiders...)


    My final "project" is striking more balance in my ATs. I play entirely solo, so I focus on "damage" ATs: blasters, brutes, scrappers, sentinels, and stalkers, and among those, the last two are under-represented compared to the first three. Particularly stalkers. So I'm reminding myself to roll more sentinels and stalkers. (A "sub-project" of this balance-seeking involves rolling more male alts, since my female alts quite outnumber the males.)


    So here's my latest male, redside, sentinel alt (I can't stop having new ideas, after all, and I need to roll these alts before I forget the name idea):


    Noise Ordnance (Sonic/Bio)




    (He's Tech origin - his sonic blasts come from the device on his back, rather than his mouth.)

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  14. Since I'm old, I thought I'd try to get hep with the kids' lingo for some character names ;P


    So here's a pair of villains: 6'8" Swoleo (SS/WP brute), and his little brother/partner in crime, 4'10" Smoleo (MA/SR scrapper):




    Get it? One's "swole" and the other is "smol". Hard to tell in these shots, but they do have different faces.

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