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  1. this is probably my fav blaster I've made so far.....I can easily solo +4/8...extremely fun to play. set up a couple macros for Oil Slick and Rain of Arrows and your golden Blaster - Archery - Tactical Arrow.mxd
  2. There Shall be only one Battering-Ram
  3. this is the macro I use for my distortion field and it makes using it way easier /macro_image, TimeManipulation_DistortionField.Texture "Distortion Field""Powexec_location me Distortion Field$$powexec_location target Distortion Field" this will add a macro button to your tray with the same icon as Distortion field.....if you do not have a target it will place Distortion Field at your feet....... if you do it will cast it on your target. this same macro setup can be used for all click and drop powers. (just change power set and power you want to macro) this has made my life 1000 time easier
  4. this is my Fire Spine build, Its a bit on the end heavy side but with ageless it doesn't matter. also went with Pyre mastery to take advantage of Fiery Embrace + fireball and melt armor helps me kill things faster. the forced feedback in ripper procs all the time. Burn->fireball->Ripper->Throw spines and cross punch if your FF fails to proc and ageless is down Softcapped S&L Defense hardcapped Melee defense this build can solo the ITF.....my fastest time +2/8 30min (take oranges with you for the 2nd mish) Spine_Fire-_Firebane_loki Optimized.mxd
  5. I recently built a Fire/time and went with Soul Mastery instead of Dark …..I know the base recharge on Soul Drain is a lot higher but I like relying more on Power boost over clarion .... I managed to get it to only an 18 -24second down time when ageless is active. and I flip flop RoP and Melee core Embodiment to maintain a high lvl of resist. mids_build.mxd
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