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Without_Pause last won the day on November 11 2024

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2051 Excellent

About Without_Pause

  • Birthday 04/04/1972

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  1. I liked 300. I'm not sure what else of his I have seen, but I also really don't care to watch anything else at this point.
  2. I haven't done the Scrapper version. I'm just saying going from Point A to Point B can be faster on that build than various Scrappers. Now add in a Tanker being far safer.
  3. I like Claws on a Scrapper due to Spin having a shorter recharge and the crits help out Claws being Lethal damage at times. There's not enough alcohol for using Claws on a Tanker against a +4 boss of certain mobs types.
  4. The issue I have is the Tanker version exist. That build doesn't retire Brutes. It can retire Scrappers. Dark cakewalks being the least resisted. The counter-point is its DPS isn't that great. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1arWBGWuwGCWqSrkLgnWK26xNTrILUO_QNKn8034A3L0/htmlview#gid=0
  5. The worrisome aspect is it is that low of a score, and it isn't even out yet.
  6. My namesake here is Claws/wp. WP is simply their own willpower, and she uses the fingerless gloves, but the Claws look attached to them, so it is not the same as Wolverine. Batman can be super due to how much of a tactician he is so that can be considered natural.
  7. Someone loves Fantastic 4 so much they have four fingers.
  8. I don't think it will be that radical of a change as it is within the same AT. If you were going from Scrapper to Brute, you could play around where the ATOs go as you care less about procs triggering. As mentioned above, you might tweak a set bonus here and there, but that's essentially it. The -Res and KB/KD procs are going in the same places.
  9. Things to note, EM can do a truck load of damage which means you can overkill in terms of damage. Also, Em is going to be less resisted than Claws so there will be times EM is simply outputting more damage depending on the target.
  10. I went and looked at a Claws build I have without Hasten. Global Recharge is 102.5% While yes, that is informative to know about the procs, it really don't change my stance.
  11. Energy is lacking and it doesn't really gain an advantage with either AT. Ice and Elec are solid sets. I still prefer Ice. I will say if I ever did another Def or Corr using Time and Ice is at the top of the list.
  12. I don't think AE still grants full XP. I went from hitting Level 21 in a single run through and then hitting Level 17 post XP change. YMMV for how you want to power level these days. Farming might still be one of if not the most effective ways for power leveling, It's just not what I do as I care about fun.
  13. As someone who has gotten temp banned elsewhere, my rage didn't last. He'll either walk away or come back to posting. Odds are he'll check out for updates even if just for that which will keep him around. Are we really going to put odds on him resurrecting his posting? The dude who's persona is a vampire? At some point you have to accept going to a forum everyday to only not post isn't really a hill worth dying on. You either come back posting or you walk.
  14. IIRC, WP doesn't offer protection from -Recharge. Outside of the possible display issue, I would change tactics to where those debuffs aren't coming in at a slower rate.
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