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Without_Pause last won the day on November 11 2024

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2042 Excellent

About Without_Pause

  • Birthday 04/04/1972

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  1. Energy is lacking and it doesn't really gain an advantage with either AT. Ice and Elec are solid sets. I still prefer Ice. I will say if I ever did another Def or Corr using Time and Ice is at the top of the list.
  2. I don't think AE still grants full XP. I went from hitting Level 21 in a single run through and then hitting Level 17 post XP change. YMMV for how you want to power level these days. Farming might still be one of if not the most effective ways for power leveling, It's just not what I do as I care about fun.
  3. As someone who has gotten temp banned elsewhere, my rage didn't last. He'll either walk away or come back to posting. Odds are he'll check out for updates even if just for that which will keep him around. Are we really going to put odds on him resurrecting his posting? The dude who's persona is a vampire? At some point you have to accept going to a forum everyday to only not post isn't really a hill worth dying on. You either come back posting or you walk.
  4. IIRC, WP doesn't offer protection from -Recharge. Outside of the possible display issue, I would change tactics to where those debuffs aren't coming in at a slower rate.
  5. Solo controller = Ill/dark.
  6. I just checked his profile. He was on the forums 34 minutes ago.
  7. Which would be odd since I never mentioned not using them. Sure, going from 300% to 80% Recharge while removing them and Hasten is a massive difference, but at no point did I say to remove both. The build would be at 280% Recharge without Hasten. Those procs are going to fire off well enough. 280% Recharge is way more than what Claws needs. You are looking for that kind of Recharge only for Bio.
  8. Build currently lists 300% Recharge. That's way more than enough for Claws. As I said, it is more for Bio as it is click based.
  9. One slot Strike and take Slash. You can easily add it in as Confront is a wasted picked. I prefer the SS set in FU. You are better off using D/R in purple sets than just damage. Some of your set bonuses end at +End which I feel is a bit odd. I'm not really sure Hasten is needed, but that's more for Bio than Claws.
  10. Confirmation bias is hell of a drug. 30 seconds in a PC game is a LONG time. Unless there is actual video of it, there's no real way to confirm what is happening. Note, build and mobs have been asked about but none given. It's just feelings from one user when roughly 1k users are logging into one server on a daily basis. I can not fathom two minions dropping a character's end to 0 and the forums not being lit up. Even the worst -Recharge goes away after maybe 10 seconds. It is really rare I have a mob to where I have to rethink how I approach things, but usually a quick rethink gets me through the situation. There's one mob where the LTs do -Recharge and -End in I believe Mr. G's arc Red side. That at +3x8 was fun. I seem to recall doing that arc deathless.
  11. It also helps to know what you are playing.
  12. Disintegrate is there for the AVs and such.
  13. I scanned the thread in question, and I'm having rather difficult time seeing what the problem was. I have elsewhere had my run-ins with mods and took intentional or not breaks just to step away and let things take their course.
  14. I even replied in one of their threads. Now I remember it. Still, I think the majority of their characters don't hit the 40s. See how it had been awhile since they had hit 50.
  15. January is an infamous dumping place for movies. Add in being a TV movie as well.
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