Confirmation bias is hell of a drug. 30 seconds in a PC game is a LONG time. Unless there is actual video of it, there's no real way to confirm what is happening. Note, build and mobs have been asked about but none given. It's just feelings from one user when roughly 1k users are logging into one server on a daily basis. I can not fathom two minions dropping a character's end to 0 and the forums not being lit up.
Even the worst -Recharge goes away after maybe 10 seconds. It is really rare I have a mob to where I have to rethink how I approach things, but usually a quick rethink gets me through the situation. There's one mob where the LTs do -Recharge and -End in I believe Mr. G's arc Red side. That at +3x8 was fun. I seem to recall doing that arc deathless.