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Everything posted by ZaranBlack

  1. I’m not implying that salvage names be removed. I am just saying that recipes could be built by any salvage of similar rarity and not require specific ones. There is no great backstory to the fact that recipe needs an ancient bone. So why not just say it requires 3 common salvage? This would save a lot of space in our inventories and bases and would be so much easier to complete specific recipes without trips to the auction house or looking up which foes drop those specific items.
  2. I really have no idea. I do know that salvage in the market is priced about the same. whether this new system will make those prices change? Who knows? But I am also not sure that in the grand scheme if it really matters as market buyers will adjust to it and move on.
  3. So one of the coolest things about City of Heroes is that It is not equipment based. Or at least it was not until the invention system. But now we have this incredibly complex system of salvage and recipes and frankly it is incredibly bloated and complex. What I suggest is pretty simple: Instead of recipes requiring specific salvage to complete, why not change it so for common recipes just make it require a certain number of common salvage. For Uncommon recipes, they require uncommon salvage. And of course for Rare Recipes, they require rare salvage. But please lets get rid of this need to collect certain salvage! Its a dinosaur of game design. While I would suggest that it be one for one with our current system. Like a rare recipe would require 1 rare, 1 uncommon, and 2 common salvage of any kind, this can be tweaked for game balance or simplicity. Like a rare recipe might need 3 rare salvage. Or if it's a purple 5 rare salvage. I dont know the intention of how rare certain recipes are meant to be so I would leave that up to devs who have access to that sort of thing. It could require a few updates or testing to see how it effects the game economy as a whole. But I know that for the most part salvage is salvage on /ah and they are pretty much worth the same influence in given categories. The reasons why I want to change this system are that trying to organize a salvage system in my super group base is a freaking nightmare and how incredibly difficult it is to show new players how to use this system. It should NOT require youtube videos and googling or constant diving into /ah to be able to use this otherwise fun and rewarding invention system.
  4. So awhile back (maybe 2 years?!) there were pictures of female Warriors being worked on. Is that still happening? I'd like to see more feminine bad guys throughout the game.
  5. What’s the reason for reverting the spawn changes?
  6. Stealth encompasses more abilities than the term invisibility. Batman doesn’t turn invisible but he is hard to see.
  7. Yep. I am happy for this. I just want the game to also direct low level toons to other content besides twinshot and the skulls arc. new players do not know about the Hollows nor do they know of radio missions or that they have to physically go to meet contacts because most do not allow us to call them right away. The LFG window seems like a good way to direct us to all that content.
  8. Please add more Story Arcs to the LFG. The low levels need some love and the game is made to direct low level toons to the same missions over and over. I speak to so many new players who have no idea that there other missions out there!
  9. Yes, I do not want to remove any road to leveling for people. I just would like to show people that there are other things to do at low levels. And really this applies to higher levels as well. There are contacts that are just getting ignored because of the ease of other avenues. If those old story arc contacts were given the same emphasis then at least a new player has more choice in how they progress their hero.
  10. Really appreciate the feedback. I agree the find contacts button could be the answer. I do agree that those old missions have some bad ones. But at least they are different. I wouldn’t be upset if they got some overhauling though.
  11. I’m a big alter and I also love helping other low level heroes in the game. But I have noticed that the original mission arcs are no longer chosen by folks. And I have come to realize it’s because we always get the same contact phone numbers that they set up during the free to play days. The twinshot and Velez arcs are thrust forward to any lowbie character while arcs like the Hollows or even the standard origin contacts get overlooked because we have to physically go find the contact. My suggestion is to either give out the cell number as soon as we get the contact (this is the 21st century after all). Or to take away the free cell phone of those contacts we get when we get to certain levels. Or maybe attach those contacts to specific origins like the original contacts. Either way a lot of content is being overlooked because of these changes that happened when the developers were trying to make an easy button and in my opinion it has reduced the diversity of the game to those unknowing. thanks.
  12. I want to see female Warriors
  13. So to the faultline zone badge you won’t need the echo badges?
  14. Since exploration badges are now more important can you move the faultline badges from the echo to the live version?
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